STUMPED: Former Trump University Workers Call the School a ‘Lie’ and a ‘Scheme’ in Testimony®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0

>In blunt testimony revealed on Tuesday, former managers of Trump University, the for-profit school started by Donald J. Trump, portray it as an unscrupulous business that relied on high-pressure sales tactics, employed unqualified instructors, made deceptive claims and exploited vulnerable students willing to pay tens of thousands for Mr. Trump’s insights.

>“I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme,” Mr. Schnackenberg wrote in his testimony, “and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money.”

>The most striking documents were written testimony from former employees of Trump University who said they had become disenchanted with the university’s tactics and culture. Corrine Sommer, an event manager, recounted how colleagues encouraged students to open up as many credit cards as possible to pay for classes that many of them could not afford.

Trump is a fucking scumbag. STUMPED!

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>Mr. Schnackenberg

Why can't he just admit he was wrong and pay people back?


>Mr. Schnackenburg

>Mr. Schnackenberg

>Mr. Schnackenberg

>Mr. Schnackenberg

>Mr. Schnackenberg

I'm so proud of you Sup Forums.
Never change lads.

>Mr. Schnackenberg

Not an argument.



>Someone is dumb enough to fall for the for profit school scam
>Hurr it isn't my fault they are evil
Anyone who went to a for profit college should be surgically sterilized.



This cant be real

So is the argument that he is faking testimony to facilitate a Jewish agenda?

> Mr. Schnackenberg

Oy vey.

Reminder this guy went to work for Glenn Beck after he worked for Trump. Totally unbiased guy tho



The NYT comments section presents far more compelling arguments than any of you in this thread.





The jewiest sandwich shop owner in town

>scamming people is OK because it's their fault if they fall for it
Fantastic logic

This is going to be the Left's fake outrage-that-never-completely-goes-away for the next five months, right? Like the e-mail thing will be for the Right.


jesus christ they aren't even trying anymore


That's because there's no argument to make.

Donald is scam artist. A really clever one, but a scam artist nonetheless.

No one is putting forth any arguments because there's nothing that can be said to contest this notion. So what else to do but to try to avert cognitive dissonance with distractions?

Oh, P.S.

>Mr. Schnackenberg



>Mr. Schnackenberg

>Trump opens school of business
>Turns out business is just about high-pressure sales tactics
>Hurrr I'm too poor to afford it, it's a scam
Nice try Mr. Schnackenberg


You have to go back

Why is his name Schnackenberg? it sounds like a joke name


you can't make this shit up

>Snake Mountain

oh god mister coinbergblattgoldsmansteinstein is right i'm a #johnsonmissilenow

Wtf, I'm now #Cruzmissile


>A university preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money
I'm sorry I don't see the difference here.

hello Schnackenberg, how does it feel getting jewed by a FUCKING WHITE MALE

They don't want their money back. The girl who put forth the case against him was previously on video raving how much she enjoyed Trump U. She was removed from the case as a character witness because her story is so weak.

This is clearly kikes trying to run him through the dirt in the courts. Proof - Schnackenberg

Case is already fucked. Once again you anti-Trump faggots blew yourselves the fuck out.


>well known scammer magically changes all his political positions before running for president

Yet you still support him. So you must be as dumb as them.

Anyone who reads the documents can see what a scumbag Trump is for themselves. Ripping off the financially weak just so he can add their money to his pile of billions. Who even cares if it was "legal", he's still a disgusting piece of shit for doing it.

>but hillury bad durrrr

Save it already no one cares

Well no fucking shit Chaim, all universities are for-profit. Typical scummy biased kike trying to make it seem worse than it is.

Stop goyim he's going to make América great again and México will pay for it.

>Mr. Schnackenberg
Every time.

Stop being right Sup Forums, pls.

>>but hillury bad durrrr
are you fucking shilling me?

>financially weak
>has enough finances to take classes at Trump U

Yeah no

Why do i want to dick?

>They don't want their money back.
Who are you to say?


There is one person and they were on video saying they liked the courses they took, then she was removed from the case. It's pretty clear retardo

Hey I feel my old university was taking advantage of me for profit. Guess I should get a refund too

>The most striking documents were written testimony from former employees of Trump University who said they had become disenchanted with the university’s tactics and culture.
Basically, liberals lying because they're upset that Trump is running.

>>Mr. Schnackenberg

>Hey I feel my old university was taking advantage of me for profit. Guess I should get a refund too
If you feel like you have a case, then go for it.

NY times is not a valid source, it's an opinion paper.

It's a tabloid.

Because you're too young to know this, I'll let you in on a secret. The prevailing wisdom at the time was there was no ceiling to the economy, and to leverage every bit of debt you can to get ahead. Because you could pay it off on the back end. It was the Steve Forbes model.


This. My university fleeced me as well. Where's my refund? Fuck these scumbags. They're gonna get what they have coming.

This. Especially when it came to real estate. The prevailing theory was that property values were perpetually on the rise. Why the fuck do you think jobless niggers were getting approved for six figure mortgages?

It's a jewloid
>Sulzberger Jr

Here's how class action lawsuits work:

Go sign up for whatever product or service you used in the time frames indicated. In 3-5 years you'll get your settlement check for $4.98.

When they say there's a class action lawsuit of 5000 indicviduals, it's next to meaningless unless it involves some environmental disaster that made your kid a downy.

I'm saying there is no case. You are not obligated a refund after you take the course. That's like eating a candy bar and saying you're not satisfied afterwards.


Except nobody was physically forced to give away their money. A trade is a trade even a bad trade. In a free market persuasion is allowed and in B2B in many cases the only way to get through a sale.

>Leftists want to take tax money from people at gunpoint and distribute it to single mothers and other degenerates.
This is totally okay tough.

>Had to recuse the very woman who started the case because if she had given testimony the case would have been thrown out immediately
>The left is still trying to push this case
I really hope Trump just kills them all, it would be so much easier


Dayum son, that is pretty god penetration from a hack slam job published by a yellow rag...

The author could probably write his own cheque at buzzfeed.


Not an argument.

trump is a goddam scammer

next scam is gonna be this country


Lawyers in Trump U case are big money Clinton donors.

The judge tried to reseal the documents.

>he posts more tabloids

Do you have a point, you sheep fucking faggot?

dumb Schnackenbergposter



As if the brainwashing they do at ivy league schools are any better

Not just in realestate. In literally everything. The advice me and my wife got from our bank's financial advisor, was to buy the best you can on credit when you're young because you'll be able to pay it off later. It was only years later I realized how fucking stupid that goddamn advice was.

>if it slams my gay waifu its a tabloid

Well we have a fairly god handle on your understanding of our media and our politics now. Which is to say non-existent.

Do you have an argument except for ad homs or transparent damage control?

The funny thing is you are probably one of those people who thinks real college is a scam, yet excuse donald trump because you want his masculine penis in your boipussy.

Bastards, hang em high Trump

>Mr. Schnackenberg

>One sales manager for Trump University, Ronald Schnackenberg, recounted how he was reprimanded for not pushing a financially struggling couple hard enough to sign up for a $35,000 real estate class, despite his conclusion that it would endanger their economic future. He watched with disgust, he said, as a fellow Trump University salesman persuaded the couple to purchase the class anyway.

Wait so Schnackenberg worked for Trump University, and actually was against Jewing people, and was basically pressured to be as big of a Jew as humanly possible.

It's all a scam. I looked into Trump U years ago. All it was, was seminars teaching you how to flip houses. They were pretty up front about what it was and who would be teaching it. Any wisdom they distilled was available from countless other sources.

Just like Harvard. Before all this open university posting old lectures online, before online, you could go to the library and pull up their course catalog, call the department head for a class you wanted, have them mail you the syllabus for free, and read all the fucking books through inter library loans. They're all a scam.


Fun flash fact: all colleges and universities are for profit.


you saying the testimony is form a man named Schnakenberg?

And if Trump loses just because they used high pressure sales tactics, there's going to be a lot of problems for this country. To say it was a scam, they'll have to prove he was selling vapor ware. Which will never happen.

I actually hold a college degree, so I actually am well aware how worthless college is.

>Mr. Schnackenberg