Give me your thoughts on this album

It's shit.

I don't think listening to this would be worth my time.

How so?

crappy pop made to 19yr tumblr girls to buy "chick vintage" aesthetic, irrelevant and boring, just like E-motion, crappy avant teen rymcore

It's Taylor Swift (A.K.A. fucking garbage).

Ok, well being the only one so far in this thread to have actually listened to the album, it's incredibly catchy. Guilty pleasure type music.

It's half forgettable and half pretty decent


1. Clean
2. This Love
3. Style
4. Wildest Dreams
99999. Bad Blood

I like it, but Red was better.

She had the opportunity to release a 1989 inspired pop album and passed it up.

I like all the PMVs of Shake It Off I've come across.

This guy gets it

Clean might be her best song

imagine thinking Taylor Swift ever made a good song

she has lots of good songs

Pop trash. Not that all pop is trash, but this is fucking trash.

This is her best album, and id still rather listen to anything by Justin Bieber than this. Its like listening to Hannah Montana, but unironically.

solid taste

It's trash. It's the best Tay Tay album, but it's still overly manufactured shit. Emotion is an infinitely better faux-80s album.

I heard her music even gets better if you neck yourself

It's TayTay/10. That means it's perfect.

Listen to it for a month straight and never again/10

when I fap in the shower I picture Taylor Swift in the adjacent bathtub spreading her asshole and telling me to cum for her