You guys know that Trump cant win right? He started his whole campaign by bad mouthing mexicans and essentially handing the election to Hillary on a silver platter. You cant win a national election in this day and age with only the majority of the white male vote. Hillary will win with women and every minority group, there is no hope. A country that just elected Obama twice and legalized gay marriage isnt going to immediately turn around and elect some "republican" like Trump who represents everything that Democrats hate
You guys know that Trump cant win right...
All the left has is their lies.
But donald trump isn't just some "republican"
Are you a Jew and do you like Donald Trump?
Says the canacuck
jumps to 32%? Why are you ignoring the 68% that will vote against him?
yeah you totally aren't baiting.
Go find more firefighters Justin
because these latinos always vote for democrats because they are poor and want more money from the government
exactly, er go the Democrats will win the white house yet again
If you guys lose this election, you will never see another non-democrat in the white house again.
The demographics will change too much.
You will be Brazil, permanently.
Trump will win.
Hillary will lose.
You will cry.
The inevitably sticky celebration thread will be chock full of liberals dumping max-character rage posts that amount to "REEEEEEEE" while people post smug anime jpgs in response.
It's going to happen and you know it.
they won't, there is currently 16 battleground states according to 270towin.
Mexicans deserve it. That's what they get for letting their disgusting children clog up the schools with their dirty etiquette and gross language. I remember in high school that there were some mexicans (mostly ones that weren't born here) would always stay seated for the Pledge. Now while this isn't a super bad thing, the way they usually went about doing it fucking made me rage. They always needed to add their snarky comments about how "eyy mexico is our home country, fuck the pledge!" shit. Absolute disgust. I never saw a single black person do it either. Which thinking about it now, is fucking surprising.
>tfw the entire Black vote still believes in the "Democrats care about you" meme
>le Hispanic sleeping giant meme is still alive
The only Hispanics that matter this election are the Cubans in Florida, and if Trump is indeed up to ~32% with Hispanics overall, that's essentially unheard of.
I wish I lived in your Bizarro world, but unfortunately Hillary will win. The people who elected Obama by in large will still end up voting for Hillary again because she has basically the same platform as Obama
But it isn't token black man vs Sloppy Romney..
It's God Emperor vs Crook
> Sloppy Romney
>Forgot Pic related
>implying the people who voted for Obama voted bc of policy
Black, Young, Charasmatic
Three things Hillary is not. You'll get the people who voted for him for ideological reasons, but that was a small proportion of his voter base.
Hello there Correct The Record
Its only a matter of time before people get fed up with leftist shit. You honestly think if one party took over they would be able to keep everybody happy forever? Not a chance. If anything Hillary winning would only make the eventual swing back to the right that much more severe. She is incredibly unlikeable and will have republicans and fox news demonizing her every move. All it will take is one major fuck up from her while shes in control.
it doesnt matter whos right about the issues, it doesnt matter if Democrats dont actually help poor people or minorities, it doesnt matter that illegal immigrants shouldnt be here. All that does matter is all these groups overwhelmingly vote democrat so Hillary wins. My vote counts the same as a 19 year old illegal mexican girl with 5 kids does
>bad mouthing mexicans
So you admit you're all useless illegals?
>I don't understand electoral politics: the Post
>My vote counts the same as a 19 year old illegal mexican girl with 5 kids does
This fucking pisses me off.
>I dont like minorities so their vote doesnt count: the post
>I still don't understand electoral politics, the double post
>I have no actual arguments
Latinos that are legally allowed to vote vote against letting other Latinos getting a get out of Mexico free card.
>Shit posting, the triple post
>I need to believe that minorities are one person so they'll actually turn out to vote for Shillary in any significant numbers
Hillary win would mean a path to legalization for over 10 million illegals.
Hillary has stated that she wants to push immigration even harder than Obama, especially when it comes to Syrian refugees.
Look at your EV map. many states are won with 1-4%, just a tiny shift in pop size in few key states would end any chance for a Republican to win the WH.
The chances for a Republican to win are slim already due to demographics.
I'm not even accounting for the natural increase in Black, Hispanic and Arab populations through higher birthrates.
In 8 years it would be impossible for a Republican to win. At least a Republican that doesn't support mass immigration, open borders and amnesty.
Because of liberals preventing stricter voter ID laws, illegal immigrants vote all the time
My wife and her son are both voting for Trump.
>people voted for Obama based on his platform
Okay, we'll see.
>The people who elected Obama by in large will still end up voting for Hillary again because she has basically the same platform as Obama
Look, people are retarded now. If emotions are all that matter in politics anymore were all fucked regardless of who wins
>Americans are so stupid and I totally get them and their stupidity
Our votes do count. Hence why I voted for trump.
>we're all fucked regardless of who wins
bro ur insight I swear to god
This is why democracy does not work. In the end, all men were NOT created equal. We need one strong leader. One Führer.
>she has basically the same platform as Obama
Why am I as an Israeli know more about Clinton's and Obama's policies than you illiterate @( ??
No they don't have similar platforms. And that's Clinton's downfall.
Obama was against NAFTA at the time, he was a champion of the working class whites, he wont Reagan Democrats convincingly.
He was also running strictly on a non interventionist platform (no matter what he actually did later). Clinton cannot do so, bot just because of her support of the Iraq war, Afghanistan war, Libya war and drone program, but also because Trump has forced her away from that corner by out doing her.
She is now criticizing him for his non interventionist platform, putting herself in the opposite corner.
They share some policy points, I agree but no as much really.
Moreover, this election, gay rights, abortions and such are out of the picture, allowing moderates who support these to side with the R.
shill thread. move along.
>were all fucked regardless of who wins
>liberals preventing stricter voter ID laws
So voting does matter
Beaners in FL love Trump. Cuban bitch teaching my daughter's class is all for Trump. Figured her commie ass would of loved Bernie.
>Western Europe constantly getting more Liberal
>The US constantly getting more liberal
But no, none of that matters because my internet meme Donald Trump will ignore all logic and win in a landslide
Obama was the only viable choice between two political evils.
Trump is the only choice. He's not a politician. He's a business leader. America needs a business leader right now to fix the economy, not a politician to swoon us over with lies.
Bernie is a Jew politician, and Hilary is a lying bitch politician.
because the rest can't vote
>bad mouthing mexicans
He said that illegal Mexicans are more likely to committ crimes, which is true.
Why do the Mexicans need to be coddled like little babies? Are they so weak-willed that insulting their illegals makes them all get super triggered and chimpout? Do they have no interest in improving their image by restricting the negative influences from Mexico?
This whole shit about Trump being "racist" is pure horseshit concocted by leftist media and Democrat higher-ups who know full well the reality of the situation; but choose to use the race card anyway because it gets them votes. I fucking hate them all.
[citation needed]
wow, really make u think
>The left is collapsing across Europe and the US but my fairytale world says Clinton will win so it doesn't matter
>Why do the Mexicans need to be coddled like little babies?
So they vote for democrats. This is how the democratic party works now: you promise the poor, the weak, the dumb and the non-white help from the big old government to essentially buy their votes
>He started his whole campaign by bad mouthing mexicans
No he didn't; stopped reading.
Even David French a #NeverTrump Renegade supports him. He will win.
The left is collapsing western Europe, but theyre still running it. Where exactly in Europe are they electing conservative leaders?
This, tbqh.
the boston globe reported today that his favorability among hispanics is like 16%
>the boston globe reported today that his favorability among hispanics is like 16%
I have not seen such low numbers in any poll.
>Western Europe constantly getting more liberal
Actually, there's been a huge spike in nationalist parties.
Front National
Swedish Democrats
True Finns
Danish Peoples' Party
Law and Justice
"more liberal" is just a degenerate Murrican meme, because we don't have much culture to form nationalist parties, and our borders are wider-open than ur mom's snatch.
If they are smarter, then they are a threat to be disposed of
If not they are mere deceivers
Regardless, they all deserve to be ground into pig food
>I have not seen such low numbers in any poll.
And this if FOX NEWS for crying out load.
Clinton leads Trump among Hispanics by 47 points in the new poll, a 3-point bump from Obama’s 2012 exit poll showing. She leads among African-American voters by 89 points, just 3 points more than Obama.
>Actually, there's been a huge spike in nationalist parties.
Lost Austria faggot.
>Dat OP Pic.
For once Sup Forums I agree with you.
You assume much. We've already started to see a paradigm shift with Trump, as Business Democrats and Rust Belters have begun to defect, realizing that the DNC doesn't represent them anymore. Given how awful of a candidate Hillary is, I'm honestly more inclined to believe that we're looking at the end of the Democrats as we know them, rather than their final victory.
By like 2%, and it was likely due to EU kikes rigging the votes.
They will increase in popularity as they have more and more Muslim chimpouts over there; and people get more redpilled on the EU's inefficient oligarchy; as the many documentaries about the Brexit are pointing-out.
My god you are a stupid.
It's not FOX it's:
>A new poll from Quinnipiac University
Furthermore 47% lead means about 26.5%-73.5%
That's completely reasonable. Learn to read numbers.
Which Trump can't win with. That's horrible fucking numbers for someone who wants to win the presidency.
That shift entails 65% of the whites voting for the Republicans. This is practically unprecedented.
And that's your only hope to win.
If Hillary takes it, immigration, amnesty and birthrates in mind, you'll need something close to 70% of the White vote to win in 8 years.
It could be done, but it's highly unlikely.
It's worse as Hispanics concentrate in specific states like FL and TX.
California voted for Reagan. California voted for H.W. Bush. But thanks to illegal immigration, California is now a permanent blue state, it will never again go red in your lifetime. Texas is quickly becoming a purple state, once Texas flips it's lights out.
You're wrong. Trump can with with even as low as 22-23% of the Hispanics if he keeps pulling the amounts of white votes that he does.
Furthermore, you're still to show me a source for this claim:
>the boston globe reported today that his favorability among hispanics is like 16%
were you lying?
>you'll need something close to 70% of the White vote to win in 8 years
Romney won more white voters as a percentage than Regan and lost in a landslide.
And Trump is doing even worse among all groups, even WHITE people.
>And Trump is doing even worse among all groups, even WHITE people.
Again you're lying. Trump is doing better than Romney with white people. significantly so even.
Still waiting for a source for your previous lie:
>the boston globe reported today that his favorability among hispanics is like 16%
>we're looking at the end of the Democrats as we know them, rather than their final victory
Are you twelve?
Permanent majorities and meteoric shifts in the party are the prediction of every election cycle.
>b-b-but this one's different, this time!
It's not. Democrats were in for 8 years. Republicans will be in for 8 years. Business as usual will ensue.
>Trump can with with even as low as 22-23% of the Hispanics if he keeps pulling the amounts of white votes that he does.
This is exit polling among Romney in 2012 election. He won 27% of Latinos. you are saying Trump can win 22% and still win. Pls explain to me how in any way he will make up for that couple of percentage points he would lose by?
>rump is doing better than Romney with white people.
>My vote counts the same as a 19 year old illegal mexican girl with 5 kids does
No. Your vote counts more since the 19 year old illegal mexican girl CAN'T VOTE.
Latinos are concentrated in few states, most of them are not swing states. So their vote as a whole is not really important, unlike black votes that reside in key states.
Exceptions exists, especially FL, luckily the Hispanics there are mostly Cubans who lean Republican much more than Mexicans and others.
Trump is also pulling much higher % of the White vote than Romney did. In a fringe scenario he could win with as little as 22% of the Hispanic vote, but more likely he would need more than that.
As I said, it's a fringe scenario.
For example in the last ABC poll Trump pulled 62.2% of the decided White voters. If he can stretch that to 64-65% he could win with under 22% Hispanic support.
>Latinos are concentrated in few states,
We've seen massive Latino growth in swing states idiot. Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Nevada.
It's now impossible for Trump to win those states expect NC.
Whether he can or cannot win is irrelevant. What should really be surprising to the sane people in this board is how easily people are manipulated into playing the little politics game. I mean, even on Sup Forums, where you would imagine people to be a bit more rational, you get 80% of the board perpetuating the train of thought that pretty much everyone else in history has followed. "Omg the left is so retarded, only the right knows what their doing!" and so forth.
Most of the people here would like to think they are superior to the normies you see on tumblr, but the fact is that once again you've played right into the hands of the political system by voting. Remember kids, if voting mattered, they wouldn't let us do it!
Just checked the race break down in todays PPP national poll, pic related
I... this is insane.
Watch and cry motherfucker!
Do you have any idea how much voter fraud there is? an illegal immigrant can easily vote
If you think 70% of whites will vote for Trump you are the biggest retarded faggot Jew I've ever seen.
>Do you have any idea how much voter fraud there is?
Yeah: none.
Yes I said with few exceptions. I do not expect Trump to win NV and VA though.
He seems to be leading NC.
Can you please show proof of this?
I am an illegal and would be delighted If I was allowed to vote.
If he couldn't win, someone wouldn't be paying you to recite this drivel, endlessly.
That's a PPP poll, usually leaning democrat.
The result is shocking, probably outlier, but even 62-63% can bring him a win. 64% and up makes it in the bag.
You asked for a source and I've provided, see I'm not a liar... unlike some liberals.
voting for Trump because if our nation is truly doomed (and it is) then i want to see it go down with my eyes open
pls go back
>$0.02 has been deposited into your account.
lol this is awesome.
>I do not expect Trump to win NV and VA though.
And Florida, which means he can't win.
61% unfavorable among minorities is a good thing?
>Every minority group
Notice how the Israeli is pushing for Trump.
I expect Trump to win Florida, I'd say he's favorable there, but that's just my opinion. I'm more worried about pulling Ohio and PA.