New ylyl thread
New ylyl thread
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Little chuckle here
Caitlin Jenner voted for Donald Trump surprisingly.
I lost
Surprisingly accurate.
and yet everyone blamed Hitler, just like how everyone blamed Germany after WWI when they had nothing to do with Serbs killing Franz Ferdinand...
>thanks obama.
The victor writes the history book. Everyone knows this, everyone knows the allies lied (including about the sinking of Lusitania), everyone knows the Russians and many more committed war crimes, but only Hitler did bad things and all of those things are listed after the end of the war. Not even to be mentioned by people like Churchill.
Fuck I lost
Hitler got the combo multiplier, that's why.
if you really want to laugh go look at this business's rantings. I'm military and had to go down there for a while, wew lad this guy is nuts.
in and out breakfast biloxi ms
yo, this guy eats a pickle everyday
weirdest fucking youtube channel ever
This combined with this
I lost.
I'm glad I only had to be stationed there for a short time.
kekked at this
Actually lost. Top kek
Not that surprising. He's got a women's body not her brains
Surprised no one mentioned about the shit that Unit 731 did.. guess they didn't kill enough people I guess.
pedophilia will never not be funny
ha both mine, I only save shit i lost to so I'm actually not surprised
Useful information. Besides, the international groups, banks etc. that held Germany weren't in Japan. The Germans were made an example of.
It's not like hitler ruined europe and caused the death of 60 million people or anything.
Hitler didn't cause shit....
He reacted and saved a country balls deep in a depression and became one of the largest commercial countries at the time. It just so happened that a certain race of people happened to be both poisoning the water socially speaking. While also showing a disproportionate amount of wealth to the accepted norm
Nigga... no.
Lost, kek.