Whats this on my head and how do I fix it?

Whats this on my head and how do I fix it?

Nigger aids

You can’t. It’s too late.

You hit it on anything?

Nah I didn't. I might of scratched it while sleeping but just noticed it


Top notch work guys

Wash with barsoap and water. Keep dry and clean. Your body will do the rest. Faggot.

Wash my hair with a bar of soap?

probably a pilar cyst. you make a shallow incision across the entire top if it's near the top (should be a pearly white bulb) you can squeeze it out gently by pushing down and inwards on both sides of the cut and slice it off. If it's deeper you have to pull it out from underneath after widening the cut (both with tweezers). Also if it its deep like that you're obviously gonna need a wider and deeper cut, so knowing how to do your own sutures is nice. If you're not comfy with this stuff just get a doctor.

Good news OP

Looks nothing like a pilar cyst

cancer. You should probably go to the ER asap
>med fag here

Whats the ER going to do for cancer?

Use razor to fix

Radiation poisoning, Sorry user, It's over for you.

you look like a hella greasy dude

looks like you scratched it raw

Hella greasy? That bit of 'grease' is from the saw


does it itch? looks like RING WORM. Shower, dry thoroughly and apply anti fungus. Be sure to dry it off completely. don't want that spreading.

Its a bit itchy but I'm not touching it

Extra-terrestrial alien mind probe implant.

Normally, these leave no externally visible signs. However, since the extensive implementation of a joint GCHQ / NSA probed-mind EM-wave thought-hacking protocol, many bugged skulls have lesions, due to localised over-heating.

The lesions usually respond well to a tin-foil mind shield, worn for around sixteen hours per day. No need to wear it whilst asleep, because your dreams & nightmares are of no interest to GCHQ or NSA, and the aliens only stream them on their equivalent of nETflix.

See a doctor.


That's a fucking cats butthole

Soak it with aid-kit alcohol.

That looks like impetigo, a bacterial skin infection
You need antibiotics
Go see a doctor

Yes. Soap typically goes on the whole body first, then shampoo/bodywash..

Seborrheic dermatitis--it itches like crazy doesn't it?

Don't listen to all the advices and self cure things
It's impetigo and you need to go to a doctor
He will probably give you antibiotic cream
Now it's still small, it will cure pretty quick
If you wait it will grow bigger
Bigger spots take longer to cure and result in scar tissue


1 Stapler
1 a4 sheet of paper
1 Printer colour
1 computer

Print the image supplied
Staple the image to the top of head show people cured/

Yeah it gets pretty itchy

So use shampoo or a bar of soap?

Don't listen to that bullshit
Go to a doctor

Fuck the doctor, smear some over the counter triple antibiotic (neosporin) on it for 3 or 4 days. It should clear up.

If you can get antibiotic cream yourself that fine too
But i doctor probably knows what antibiotic work best and are locally available
I would suggest a cream containing mupirocin, fusidin or chlorhexidine
Extra advice: don't scratch. It's contagious

Put neosporin on it, don’t itch at it, and take cold/lukewarm showers for a bit. Should clear up, if not see a doctor

Nigger go to the doctor.

Just to add to this; don’t use an aggressive shampoo like head and shoulders.


Animal asshole. Get some head and shoulders.

op is fag asking Sup Forums for medical advice kek

Lol, I thought that pic was of a dogs asshole and tried to look away because I had already fapped.

Then I read your post lmao