Whats bein bisexual like?
Whats bein bisexual like?
It's fucking gay
Pretty gay honestly
like being gay but less so
It's fucking straight too
Hence the word BISEXUAL
Pretty straight too
hence the word BI-sexual
like being straight but less so
These two go well together.
It's like really, really, really bisexual.
Like being one, in fact.
dubs confirms
>you know what would be even better than sleeping with a girl?
>sharing her with some other dude
>also randomly touching his junk
It's just gay dude. If at any point you choose to touch the dude instead of your girl you're gay. No way around it.
Is a girl a lesbian if she licks pussy and can never be a bisexual girl?
It's not just gay. It's literally bisexual, which includes both straight and gay. I'm not sure how you passed basic math.
1+1=2, not just 1
Murdering 1 person makes you a murderer, regardless of how many people you havent killed.
Straight = exclusively heterosexual
Gay = exclusively homosexual
Bisexual = BOTH heterosexual and homosexual
it's two types of attractions instead of just one
Pussy eater makes you a pussy eater, no matter how many dicks you've sucked.
This is all just semantics.
Right, but being a murderer doesn't mean you can't ALSO be a gardener.
Sounds like you're afraid to admit the truth about yourself so you cling as tightly to the socially acceptable aspect of your sexuality as you can as a means of protecting yourself from peer scrutiny and gay bashing.
Yes it does, you'll be in jail.
Being a murderer does not mean you are in jail, retard. Being caught was not part of this analogy.
Even so there are prisons that let the prisoners garden.
The truth about myself is that I am bisexual because I am attracted to females and certain males.
It was a joke, take your meds you're on edge.
So you're a little gay. Say it.
I'm not a little gay, I am just as homosexual as a man who is gay, and I am just as heterosexual as a man who is straight.
Hence the word bisexual.
Feels good, man.
not sure if anyone else is like this, but I feel attracted to males and females in a different way which can only be described with various grunts and sounds
Rando going to interject here
Bisexuality isn't socially accepted to be honest. Gay people are more socially accepted than bisexuals.
The reason why is because most people assume you are a crazy slut who fucks anyone and everyone. Majority of people think that's just plain gross.
I think I get what you mean.
Pretty damn gay OP
My former bi friend told me this the first time I told him I been with a guy
>once a cock sucker always a cock sucker
i dont think that that's how semantics works. (hence 'that that's')
Pretty damn straight as well
or do you not know what BISEXUAL means?
You could just as easily say
>once a pussy eater always a pussy eater
the same logic applies
Twice as many people to fap to, twice as many people to reject you.
Its like the most pleasurable way of being selfish
How is it selfish?
Is it selfish to be attracted to something?
The way you say pussy eater is so strange. This is not something a straight guy would ever have to say. Its like youve been forced to defend your sexuality so many times. Been forced to say "dont worry guys im like you too! Im a pussy eater! Just another one of the guys!". Like its such an alien concept to you that you're desperately trying to grasp as it slips between your fingers and your dick slides deeper and deeper into the brown asshole of a man. You're not just another one of the guys though. You've latched on to the sexuality of genocide. Youve tasted the forbidden fruit. The fruit we are so hardwired as a culture to loathe as the practice in antiquity would spread through a culture and the low birthing rate would threaten our numbers. You're branded with a parasite my friend. I hope people look at you with pity in their hearts.
it's amazing
how vanilla of you
You're thinking with emotion rather than with reason.
The point is that - logically - it's just as valid.
Society's attitudes towards these things is irrelevant. If you were smart enough, you'd understand.
Dude, he clearly munches the puss. Leave the poor guy alone.
>You've latched on to the sexuality of genocide.
in 1990, there were roughly 6 to 7 billion people on this planet. we're going to reach the 9 billion in a few decaded. tell me again how humanity is doomed to die out because of a few open bisexuals and homosexuals.
Ah the age old defense. Attempting to discredit a persons argument by calling their intelligence into question. The sure sign of someone truly unable to defend their views.
I said antiquity. If 1990 is antiquity to you then im afraid youre an infant or dont understand the word. Why do you think we fear homosexuality so much? Its hardwired in our brains, only a fool would think theres not a reason for that. The same reason we fear vampires and things that go bump in the night. Its based on real fears.. fangs, inability to see dangers etc. Obviously at some point in human history homosexuality swept through culture and threatened our birthrate so we fear it. Its common sense.
If we keep encouraging it, it will.
>at some point
Which point?
a) planet is overpopulated so we can afford smaller populations
b) bisexuals can still have kids, duh
sorry meant to reply to
>Its hardwired in our brains
No it isn't you fucking retarded bigot.
you fucking stupid asshole. i bet you are a die-hard Christian. "forbidden fruit" my ass.
read up on the population explosion. not even if western society would be 30% bisexuals and homosexuals would it have any significant impact on the population growth. we are exploding, resources are drained. for all it's worth, reducing the birth rate is a major improvement, you stupid dickhead!
>>Its hardwired in our brains
only some religious, deranged faggot will dare to write such a bunch of bullshit. do you know anything about learning and neuroscience, you dumb fuck?
Whenever it happened. We dont have the capability to look back in time, all we can use are the breadcrumbs left behind. Subtle clues like our innate distaste for homosexual tendencies as a culture.
Very gay.
Very straight, as well.
Hence, *Bi*-sexual
amazing, the whole pond is ready to be fished, not just half of it.
So much salt, its truly hilarious. Unable to cope with a society that hates you, no doubt. Not a Christian at all, not even conservative. Just someone able to think objectively. Curse some more, get angrier, type faster, call me more names. Until you can defend why homosexuality is a good thing i will sit here laughing as your blood pressure rises.
It's a pain in the ass teh he :^)
being straigh isn't worth anything when you're only fapping to 2D
Guess it must've happened after the ancient Romans. They didn't seem to give a fuck.
Imagine one person that orders a steak and wedges, but only eats wedges. Being bi is like eating the entire meal instead of half. So much more to experience.
so homosexuality is the Apex of human culture, kek. maybe thats why africa and the middle east are such shitholes
you are stupid enough to think that it threatens human population. what else do we need to know about you? you are a complete underachiever
> being this butthurt about a superior sexuality
Stay a virgin straightfag
>Unable to cope with a society that hates you
It literally doesn't. Are you living in 2018?
Bisexuals are just so god-damn alpha that they know they deserve alot of sex, either male or female, Manlet beta-straightcucks cant wrap their head around that.
so, give us some good scientific backup why it is "hardwired in our brains" that homosexuality is bad. waiting ….
Majority is larger than the minority.
Clearly all you have at the moment is the minority backing you. So yes, he's right, society (as a majority) hates you.
or Greeks, or Japanese, or Egyptians, or... a lot of others.
societies used to be more liberated in expressing male sexuality when it was more patriarchal
plus, he is afraid of the idea to have homosexual sex. that's why he gets so upset and throws made up, bigot bullshit around. like "it threatens our population, ooooh!"
Sometimes it's gay
as said, homosexuality is just the Apex of human development
but you're the samefag
>innate distaste for homosexual tendencies as a culture
that's not innate, that's called one of the shittiest religions ever invented called Christianity you dumb FUCK
>Clearly all you have at the moment is the minority backing you.
What shit stain country do you live in? Are you a muslim or some shit? Over in the developed world we clearly have the majority support.
cause he knows he too weak to be a top so his ass would be pounded as a basketball in the NBA, to compensate he only seeks with weaker females so he can feel in charge of her.
>tfw bisexual friend told me he wanted to ask me out last year because i'm cute and handsome
>blushed and "Th-thank you"
Holy fuck this felt so good
But i felt sorry for him becasue i'm straight
The problem is that i like girls but girls don't like me
t. eternal virgin
Yes, he, is it really that hard to agree with someone these days?
Fucking retard.
>becasue i'm straight
So is spaghetti until it gets wet. You missed your chance to actually be happy fucktard.
Straya cunt. Where faggots like you a d supporting you get fucked for being faggots.
i want to know why exactly you want to normalize faggotry OP?
>anhiro these faggots need a home. give them /fag/ now
Oh, you mean the country that just voted 60-40 in favor of the homo?
Get rekt fuckwit. Gays win in roo land.
its like seeing your wife get fucked and getting fucked in the ass, so i guess something most rational minded men try to avoid
Yurp, now watch that shit fall through and cunts who go around celebrating get smashed.
I'd say it's kinda gay.
It's already happening you dumbass. The laws have literally already been passed and fags are getting married every day! You lose fuckboi. Australia hates you and your kind.
dunno man I think 90-95% doesn't really give a shit if you're gay, its called ''Minding ones own business'' otherwise you'd be poking your (((nose))) in other people's stuff.
Hardly poking your nose in someone else's business when they're going as public with it as they can.
I had no clue before he told me
He told me after he got his current gf
He really is a sweet person and i enjoy talking about weeb stuff with him but just as good friends
of me?
still is m8, just being in love.
> Sees two gays in public holding hands
Not hard to spot the virgin
I know it's already happening. Maybe if you took all the dick out of your face you would've seen what I was saying will happen in the very near future.
…. and the homophobe fuckwit still hasn't defended his ludicrous claim that it "threatens the population" … --> lmao
>preventing people from marrying each other
Your nose was already in it.
Hahaha what? Same place at the same time as in, in general? Or holding hands? Pick one.
But shit yeah it'll happen. :')
> Implying this will happen
It wont happen. Your a fucking loser in a basement, you couldn't predict when your fat ass needs to let out a McShit.
Bisexuals are the greedy sexual deviants that pass AIDS from the gay community to the straight community.