Sup Forums is always the last to keep up on the memes
I smell my fingers after I scratch dry poop out of my ass crack.
I have a priest fetish and I wanna fuck you right now
I like to expose my wife on Sup Forums. 1000s of horny guys have seen her naked and getting fucked, and stalked her Facebook by now.
My aunt’s cunt of a dog tried to attack my dog for wanting to play. Next time I went to her house I slipped the mutt baited meat and it died a few hours later. Those are the consequences for hurting my pupper.
Fucked my mom
got your confession right here fatty
that is hawt
your dog sounds like a timid bitch
She’s an alright person, with a good personality, she didn’t raise me so it wasn’t all that weird.
pic? deets?
My wife pegs me more than I fuck her. I don't know how to feel about it.
It’s also a mental illness to enjoy acts of incest in my opinion, I knew what I was doing.
None right now. I’m the future.
Is Sup Forums spiritual at all? Does anyone here acually practice, pray, and believe??
Probably feels bad man.
I love it and I cum harder than when I fuck her, but if anyone found out that I'm submissive to that extent I'd be ridiculed.
I wore clothing stitched with multiple kinds of fiber
>submissive to that extent
what is she doing to you?
I like men
Aside from the pegging, she locks me in chastity regularly, we've experimented with sounding and CBT, she's milked my prostate occasionally, and we've had a few MFF threesomes with a friend of hers.
I'm sick of hearing my MIL complain about her damn dogs so I'm waiting for her to leave on vacation to give them a nice sip of antifreeze so I can get my mornings back. Nothing beats the sound of silence at 8am.
Dos anyone anywhere ACTUALLY believe
Which part?
Austisic Battle CRY!
I just posted girlfriend online for the first time and while it gave me a rush I immediately regretted it. Lots of nonnudes but thankfully jo nudes so I should be fine
Quit being such a faggot. Be more like me:
Trips checked
Demons are cool
Well I don't think I actually want to expose her. People are threatening but I don't think Ibposted any identifying info for them to get her, it would completely ruin/end our relationship
Just say you got hacked or something
Well I'm hoping it never gets back to her in the first place
I fucked a dog in the ass
Odds are it wouldn't, but you have a plausible excuse if it does
Yeah but I'd rather not even bring up the possibility in the first place. She would suspect something. And she's a really good girl, does not deserve that kind of worry
I spent an hour trying to masturbate with no luck, so I put a latex glove on and stuck a finger in my butt. I came really fast. Now I’m sitting down in the shower feeling ashamed.
Don't be ashamed mate, you got yourself a kinky wife and a healthy sex life. Don't worry about what people think of you - everyone fucks funny to someone.
Lil bump
I wish I was that dog.
im about to masturbate
I'll lil bump your taint
Cum on my face senpai.
I keep fucking dudes w girlfriends and don't even feel bad about it but then I cry bc I feel alone all the time. (I'm a girl)
Stop being a whore
Cap'd a post from a few months back where a femanon detailed her dad pimping her out starting at like age 11. Makes me cum faster than any pron.
all my friends think i'm a solid guy, but i've been manipulating and lying to them for my own gains for years
form time to time i try to find ways out of the incorrect image i've been constructing. yet all the ways i can imagine doing this would result in social suicide.
please forgive me Sup Forums
I got molested by a 14 year old girl at night once when i was babysitting here. I was 25 back then. She humped me and stroked my cock..
I've made some boys strip naked and expose different body parts for inspection. I feel bad because they looked embarrassed.
this her?
Yeah, I wouldn't post mine here. Not inviting that sort of bullshit into our life when one of these incels goes full autist stalker mode.
You lucky son of a bitch!
on my first blind play through, I thought deacons was the hardest boss
Kek me too.
Will jerk my peenie weenie in a bit :3
Holy shit yes guaranteed it is haha
When I was seven I saw a swastika in an Indiana Jones movie, and I drew it and I gave it to my friend. I was around 7 at the time.
I wish it was that easy
I wreak havoc on backwater chans and forums for no real reason other than I can.
Especially ones with tight knit communities.
Why are you living with your MIL, NEETscum?
Spiritual, yeah, religious, no.
It is that easy, stupid sloot.
You're still going to burn in hell.
i regularly post and share nudes and candid nudes of my ex girlfriend and wish i had the strength not to
why all the priests are fat as shit? Isn't it one of the deadly sin?
I’m 27 and I’m into a 19 year old I work with. She has a bf yet is still pretty fucking flirty with me. Like I’m really fucking into her.
At this point, though, I’m looking for love. It would be fucking stupid to get into a relationship with a 19 year old, especially if she leaves or cleats on her bf for me. Because I can assume she would just do the same to me when she decides it’s time for the next dick.
I haven't had an erection in 7 months
What kind of fucking insane parent would let a 25 year old male babysit their 14 year old daughter? That is the worst fucking plan I have ever heard. Might as well put up a sign in the front yard "please fuck my daughter".
>be me
>popular n nerdy at the same time
>still get girls even though I play video games and read comics
>sorcery.exe has stopped responding
>a part of a small gaming community, like 10 of us who play shitty indie games, spending money on useless shit
>one member is 22, let's call him Jeff
>Jeff plays league, a lot
>is total loser
>Virgin, dead mum, laughs at bad memes, has genital jousting on steam
>literally lives off government funding; has no job or education
>one day he invites me into another discord for fuck knows what
>I join the voice chat and there's a girl there, along with Jeff
>"who's the girl Jeff?"
>"her name's heidi, she plays league with me user"
>heidi is nice and giggled at my jokes
>h is 22
>other members of other gaming community join this discord to play league
>h puts her snap in discord for the guys to add her
Community is all guys, forgot to mention
>her League name is big titties or something like that
>h knows I'm 14
>sent me a picture of her tits, covering her nips (pic related, that's her)
>woah, okay, maybe she's just joking
>continue talking, she seems really nice
>start snap chatting and I tell her to start sending her face
>first snap she sends is of her ass in panties, she's got no ass but hey, +1
>starts talking to me about her problems
>says I'm her favourite in the group
>I think I'm in love
>only 8 years apart
Wtf should I do?
sex her.
>barely knows her
No you're not nigga. You're being drawn in my a slutty girl at a very impressionable age. She probably likes you, but she's def a slut.
If you want to go all out with her, have at it. But be warned. You're technically sending her child porn, and they can get your ass for that shit if you're unlucky.
Sorry I thought you already sent your dick to her. You get the idea though.
unlike you I like sex
you're absolutely right. if she cheats on somebody with you, she will cheat on you with somebody
my younger brother is gonna do an hero cause he is all caught up in gangs and shit and cant get out and i dont really care if he kills himself, it means i will get more money once our grandparents die
I'm sure he enjoys sex just without the part of the other person being in a relationship
I'll fuck every woman alive or just deceased
I enjoy it as well I just have bad luck picking
Im a 24 year old kissless virgin and thinking about doing an hero daily
getting banged by a M. grand dane feels pretty great
I pee in the sink
I learned about sexuality with my sister. We were just children so we were not aware that we were no supposed do to that togheter. I think that I was 8 and she was 6. But we were just children, allowed to play in the barn and discovering fun things. And today, we don't do things together. She's the wife of my best friend after all so there's no way I'm touching her. But we keep the sexual tension between us. We don't go farther then that, execpt that time when she gave me a masturbation show, but it's a very fun relationship.
Don't. Girls actually get pretty fucking annoying. I know it's cliche but even girls you get to love become annoying.
I apply vasaline to my anus every morning after getting out of the shower.
By the time I take my regular shit near the end of my work day it acts like a shield that allows my shit to slide past with a minimum need for toilet paper.
This way I can go to the gym right after work without crack stank or irritation from acidic poops.
i can't get over my ex
She was an abusive bitch that left me so she could be with her cheating ex again
I know I should just forget about that bitch and move on but god damn it theres nothing in this world that I would like more than to get back together with her
I'm pathetic
I was arrested at 18 with 3 of my girlfriends for pot. I was terrified, it's the only time I've ever been arrested. My car was towed, we got frisked, cuffed, and put into a van. We got to the station they took our mugshots, prints, medical info, and lead us to a room that was like a mix of an office & gym. A policewoman in her late 20's early 30's came in, put 4 boxes in front of us and with a smile, said "Strip, bra & panties too!" The looker room at our old school had private stalls, my doctor was the only person who'd ever seen me naked and I thought that was humiliating. We got undressed as slowly as possible, my hands trembled as I took my bra off. We stood there nude, trying to cover up to preserve what little dignity we still had. "Hands behind your head!" smiling as she said it, I don't know if it was sexual or a power thing but she loved her job. "Wow, you'er going to be popular girls in here tonight. Now stand on the red line, facing the chair." She put on gloves making sure to loudly snap them, then ripped off a piece of that paper they use on doctor's tables and put it on the chair. If you want a visual of what what happened, look up "ACLU prison strip search is abusive" they show a training video, censoring the girl's face and nothing else. She told us 1 by 1 to do that, plus said to do jumping jacks and "Lift your tits by the nipple." even my friend with A cups had to do it. She'd make rude comments about our bodies and look at our faces. If she saw we looked away she'd yell "Eyes forward!" she made sure we saw every inch of each other's skin. "I still think you girls are hiding something." and 1 by 1 we had to do it again. We showered next, she'd say things like "Scrub those pussies, girls like fish to be fresh." We got on uniforms and she walked us to our cell, during the walk said we'd have 3 lesbian cellmates. I was trying not to cry, she put us all in a 4 person cell, laughed "told ya!" Years later, I'm not gay or bi but I do have a WIP fetish.
Im gay and scared to come out to my friends
make the move son
hope this is b8 or i quit
Wow. Take the L. It was definitely the twin princes for me. Made me quit the game for a bit.
>tfw Soyourejack has made it to Sup Forums