I can debunk Sup Forumss Jewish Refugee theory. So Sup Forums says that the the UN, EU, and the Joos are bringing in refugees to mongrelize with Europeans to dumb them down and make them easier to control. The only problem is dumbing people down and making them more violent and HARDER to control. The most heavily controlled countries historically were the most educated. Look at Rome, Persia, Nazi Germany, Victorian England, they were all highly educated and very dictatorial. Now lets look that the dumbest countries. Ethiopia and Somalia are the dumbest countries. The government has absolutely NO control over what goes on. The elites of that country make hardly any money due to the population being too stupid to work, and overall no one benefits. Another example is Italy and Slovenia. Italians are the stupidest people in Europe and yet have a free country, Slovenians are the smartest people in Europe and their country is a de facto dictatorship. There is many more examples.
So if the elites really were trying to take control of Europe they would block off all non-educated refugees, force everyone to become highly educated, and maybe even have eugenics to increase IQ. The smarter the person the more likely they will be a wageslave instead of a criminal or welfare recipient.