Refugee conspiracy DEBUNKED!

I can debunk Sup Forumss Jewish Refugee theory. So Sup Forums says that the the UN, EU, and the Joos are bringing in refugees to mongrelize with Europeans to dumb them down and make them easier to control. The only problem is dumbing people down and making them more violent and HARDER to control. The most heavily controlled countries historically were the most educated. Look at Rome, Persia, Nazi Germany, Victorian England, they were all highly educated and very dictatorial. Now lets look that the dumbest countries. Ethiopia and Somalia are the dumbest countries. The government has absolutely NO control over what goes on. The elites of that country make hardly any money due to the population being too stupid to work, and overall no one benefits. Another example is Italy and Slovenia. Italians are the stupidest people in Europe and yet have a free country, Slovenians are the smartest people in Europe and their country is a de facto dictatorship. There is many more examples.

So if the elites really were trying to take control of Europe they would block off all non-educated refugees, force everyone to become highly educated, and maybe even have eugenics to increase IQ. The smarter the person the more likely they will be a wageslave instead of a criminal or welfare recipient.

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First day on the job JIDF?

Debunk what I said or fuck off.



Enjoy ban troll.

Nice meme.

>so if the elites were trying to take control of europe

They already control europe, dumbass

>The only problem is dumbing people down and making them more violent and HARDER to control.

>put in puppet leader
>nigs get upset
>kill puppet leader or vote in another puppet

yeah, it's a tough situation to deal with

Then why are they doing all this refugee and EU stuff then? Why don't they leave it the way it is stupid?

sure buddy that's totally a more controlled system then Nazi Germany where people are enslaved to one man.

OP is right

Are you really this dense? These people hate whites. That's all the reason they need.

It's much easier to gain control when you let everything descend into chaos. Wait until the moment people are begging to be saved, and produce the "savior". Now fuck off back to faggot land leaf.

Thank you for having sense.

Why would they hate whites? Rich people don't care about race they just want to maximize wealth and power.

nazi germany failed and never repeated

while we have all of africa and most of south america still here as an example

Then how come they haven't done that with Africa? Just fuck off.


Because literally no one gives a fuck about Africa.

Africa and South America are a perfect example of how I'm right. No one has control over the resources of those places.

Literally everyone does they have the most resources ever.

China does.

Fuck China and fuck Bill O' Riley too.

>A fucking leaf

I think that the only reason that Africa hasn't been completely devoured by world powers is that their own populations would be against it. They've had control of Africa recently with political coups but they weren't particularly interested with having a long term effect on the region, rather simply using it as a Cold War chess board. China now could be the only possible exception because it's population is so largely ignorant and heavily controlled.

Coups don't give control over it tho. 90% of the population was still dicking around in the jungle doing whatever.

No on here is beholden to you. If you post something stupid, no one will bother with serious replies. You are a waste of time.

I proved my position correct. Now fuck off.

>debunk what I said

That implies you had a point to begin with. Burdon is still on you. that $.06 aint yours today.


And they say our education system is shit.

Don't bring logic into a anti-semitic meme board

I proved my point, so please leave.

After the first Happy Merchant meme I realized I made that mistake.

Your existance is a mistake

The reason Ethiopia and Somalia have no control is because thieir infrastructure is either shit tier or non existent. Look at America for example, we overstimulate everyone with so much "entertainment" and "news" that our population ignores most shitty things the government does. Another example is this gorilla thing, all of us ameritards are worried about a fucking gorilla instead of real news. It's hard to control a population the same way in a country that barely has a consistent supply of food and water.

Not my fault senpai

Then Sup Forums is a perfect example. Everyone is worried about muh refugees and LGBT and gun laws instead of real issues and news.

Medium quality OP. Have a better user organize these ideas, rewrite the post and offer a new thread. For maximum impact don't participate.

Did Tredau take the E key away to teach you about white privilege?

You're being banned for trolling. The reason microsoft is now banning anti-immigrant speech isn't because of feelings it is because anti-immigrant people are pro-immigrant but they love to troll.

you gotta teach yourself not to be retarded.

> violent people are harder to control than normal people
Wrong, look at Niggers in the U.S.
They riot every once in a while and wind up hurting themselves more than the people they want to hurt
When they are not rioting they kill tons of normal white people and generally dumb down the population
Meanwhile, normal, smart white people can't always be given free shit to calm us down like you can do with Niggers
Wet know when to revolt in the presence of open tyranny and will do so when the time comes

In a way, the hatred that we have for different groups keeps us devided and unable to be any real threat to the powers that be. At the same time the issues do play into a bigger picture but we won't get anywhere if we all argue within our sub-groups.

He is still posting. Hope your supervisor doesn't see this low energy shitposting.

Its not just about dumbing down the masses with 3rd worlders. Its about breeding out European homogeneity, destroying the concept of race, nation, culture and identity so it can easily be assimilated into a superstate with more centralized control. This is glaringly obvious in the EU. The UN have published a paper on replacement immigration:

Its to boost the economy, raise birth rates, build and authoritarian super state in Europe, and eventually globally.

The only ones that will suffer from this is white Europeans.

Want to understand how this happens and works, study the Soviet model. It's nothing new.

Nice try tho OP.

>$.25 has been deposited in your PayPal account for your post.

So how do we combat this?

>Italians are the stupidest people in Europe, Slovenians are the smartest people in Europe
Are you retarded?

It's not about control, it's about consumers you dumbfuck.

Violent mass revolution, but:

It's far too late, and those that oppose it are far to weak, unarmed, out numbered, under funded, disorganized, lazy and have too much to loose to revolt.

What if we all got gay with each other and literally butt fucked the future out of existence?

You are already doing that. Hence the need for more immigrants.

Here is Soros literally saying that the EU needs to fund refugees by taking on more debt.

He actually fucking said just about the most Jewish thing anyone has ever said. MORE DEBT TO FUND OPEN BORDERS.

You act like it's a meme that people hate on Jews, but this is just one REAL example of this insidious shit head and what his people are doing.

Yeah but what if we butt raped the immigrants? It's fighting fire with fire. Once they realize immigration means anal prolapse they will return to their country of origin.

ah, that sucks

Good post.

It might work, start on the mexicans.

On a more serious note, do you see how immigrants vote liberal? They also eat up the pony lgbt bullshit as well.

Most of their kids will be dumb horsefucker autists.

Look at toronto for example.

What I'm getting at is that mobilizes the faggot community and keeps them busy with homeland security instead of "mug bathrooms".

It depends on the immigrants senpai. A lot of legal Mexicans here in the US like trump.

Thread sliding.... good.... good

>$.25 has been deposited in your PayPal account for your post.


So in other words no banks were ever robbed?
Hitler never drangged nach Osten?
Pearl Harbor didn't happen?
A plan is not debunked just by being stupid. Stupid plans that blow up in the planners' faces are the molecules of history.

I'm not kidding about this Sergei.

That's ignorant.
Learn more about Islam.
Start with the first paragraph of the Seven Pillars.

No, the point is to create panic and chaos. Someone will step in and create some form of stability and people will love them for it without a second thought. Maybe if you fucking knew any history you would know this without a second thought.

Most of the muslims and chinese we get turn into full blown gay autists. I can't wrap my mind around it but it doesn't seem to effect whites too much.

This is the worst shit i have ever read. But i guess you ave a degree in poltics and a doctor in game theory?

What they really want is for the Europeans to purge the kebab for them. "Them" meaning Israel.

I read it, and it says thou must return to sandniggeristan if butt fucked by a citizen of your host country.

>Everyone is worried about muh refugees and LGBT and gun laws instead of real issues and news.

Muh refugees are a pretty big problem, considering ISIS members have been hiding amongst them, and likely recruiting people as well. LGBT, meh, I don't really care. Just don't go walking into a woman's change room if you're a 6'3, 250 pound guy who identifies as a woman. You need psychiatric help in that case.

Gun laws are a big deal, since most crime is caused by illegal firearms use. Coupled up with the fact that whenever police officers have been surveyed, they unanimously agree that citizens with registered firearms, and open/concealed carry permits deter criminal acts such as robbery and homicide.

Ensuring security of a nation through various levels is of the utmost importance. Anyone who believes otherwise is likely just another shill.

Although you hate on immigrants you should actually be grateful. We come to America to do the jobs that the snobby white man believes he is too "good" to do. All the hard manual labor. So you should actually be thanking us. We do it everyday waking up at the ass crack of dawn to work all day in the weather conditions presented to us to then see that our pay is barely enough to afford one meal of dollar menu at mcdonalds for our family for the night. We do all this labor for the white man and what do we get in return.... a couple bucks, fear for our family, doubts on our survival and threats to be raped.. get out of here.

all these non sequitur's
it's so wrong that it's hardly possible to disprove...

That's weird, I've seen it happen with taco niggers here, but only a small minority of them.

Yep I don't get it, you would think they would be more conservative, but they are twice as likely to become homo autists. Perhaps they are just rebelling against their parents.

You didnt prove anything my friend

People like soros already have tons of power and influence. Their goal is to convert the countries to globalism and eventually destabilize the countries (importing refugees helps achieve these two things), then unite them under one government

I'm gonna butt fuck you all the way back to Guatemala Juan.

>a fucking leaf

Slaves weren't smart and they never revolted. What are you trying to say here user?

I'd imagine that's what it is. They are coming from countries where being too weird will get you in trouble with the government so I guess it's their way of enjoying freedom.

and who said I'm Guatemalan...Very racist to just assume.. technically the word immigrant has no race tied to it.. its any person from another country that moves to another one...i could be german, polish, ;tiny, african, anything really...shows how uneducated you are.

Well it certainly doesn't help the situation, we are basically importing brown, gay, retards.

>The only problem is dumbing people down and making them more violent and HARDER to control.

Wrong, you just need a different kind of propaganda for them. Together with devide and conquer (which also works better for stupid and aggressive people) it is way easier to control the stupid than the intelligent.

>Look at Rome, Persia, Nazi Germany, Victorian England, they were all highly educated and very dictatorial.

They had a strong leader that was literally in control out in the open. The countries subverted and controlled "from the shadows" are the current democracies, the ones having the most wealth and "best" education.

>Ethiopia and Somalia are the dumbest countries.

There is nothing to control in these countries. The people living there can´t form any kind of resistance against the government or anyone but themself so there is no need to control them. Also they aren´t worthy subjects to be controlled... having control over people that can actually change something when they work together, that is the kind of control you need.

>Italians are the stupidest people in Europe

You should hide your bait better

>Slovenians are the smartest people

You should define what you mean by "smart". Either way, retarded argument.... or rather no argument at all.

>The smarter the person the more likely they will be a wageslave

Oxymoron, this is not how it works..... if you are a wage slave, then you can´t be smart (or you are a wageslave by choice then if you don´t want to take high risk/responsiblity)

You started good, but you should make more effort in your bait. It became too obvious at the middle to the end.

Getting refugees in the country is just further devide and conquer. Create more problems within the community so that people are busy "fighting" each other instead of the ones fucking their life up. This should be obvious by now....

nah man, there's no big master plan, with the jews it's all about dat short term profit. If shit hits the fan, they can just go somewhere else and leave us in the rubble. Btw I think it's pretty hard to argue that Italians are the dumbest Europeans, since we pretty much invented western civilization, science and art. What has Canada invented? Our "problem" is that we don't really have a sense of duty, we just do what we think is best for ourselves instead of blindly obeying authority (unlike our bro Germany)

It's about providing Europe with more economic burden so that the states will have to start selling their natural resources cheap to multinational corporations and privatize stuff that should never be privatized.

Listen here taco nigger, I don't need to know no geography to know that your taking our jobs. Now lube up while you still can or else I'm going in raw.

Kek, I know the feeling my leafy friend. I don't give a fuck what they do desu as long as they assimilate and don't shit all over my culture.

And to add to that: Stalin showed best on how to control the masses. The first thing to do it the "brain drain". First in Russia, later in Poland. Kill all the smart people that could influence the dumb ones with their ideas.

By the way you type i can tell you are a southern racist biggot. Exactly my point. all you do is say rude threats and racial slurs because you have nothing intelligent to say to back your argument which in turn sir, makes you wrong. Thank you for proving me correct

Listen here boy, if you're gonna speak American you best do it with respect. Wait until Trump builds a wall, you taco niggers best get ready to pay for it.

You really can't do much with the native population there. But the Chinese are so many that they could breed the lazy out of the Negros

> Rome, Persia, Nazi Germany, Victorian England
None of which were controled by kikes. Though the Rothschilds were making moves in England. Note these countries had little outside influence and the people in them had a great degree of freedom.

A country full of Muslims will not be liable to fight back as they are happy living in squalor as long as they get their virgins.
You really think intelligent people (not refugees) are more likely to be manipulated?

Sir you truly are an idiot. American is not a language. Your grammar is all wrong. You can barely spell. Sir are you sure YOU aren't the immigrant? Im not from here and even i have better grammar and spelling comprehension skills that your so called "America" patriotic self does. Once again you don't even know if I'm latino so sir, to my discontent you continue to be an idiot. sorry to break you the news.

>Slovenians are the smartest people in Europe and their country is a de facto dictatorship.
Wait, what???
We are the smartest in Europe? We have a dictatorship?
I don't go out of my house very often, but that is something I would have noticed. Who is supposed to be a dictator? Soros?

That's because the purpose is not for "control" etc.

The purpose is for pure bloodlust, the Jews despise and hate the white race. They want us eradicated.

Also it sets the first step in creating the ultimate 2 class system of; mongrel brown hordes and gods chosen.

Any loss of wealth now will be offset in time, the plans are long in thr making.

Alright you Mexican kike faggot, I don't appreciate you insultin my thinkin power, I completed 3rd grade here before I dropped out, that's the same as getting a doctorate in your country.

that's bullshit. Just have a shitton of children, duh. Also if you get the chance and can get away with it, eliminate the untermensch. Make them feel like they're not welcome. No need to chimp out desu. Just stay cool and don't fall for the propaganda.


The whole thing is fueled by paranoid Jewish instinct to have any sort of focus be shifted to the Muslims instead of them.

It also indirectly helps out Zionists, where anti-Muslim sentiment transfers out to Israel's enemies like Syria and Iran.

It's win/win for the Jews living at home and abroad.

HAHAHAHHAHAAHAHHA wow thank you sir for giving me that much needed laugh.. I'm just going to leave this here but before i go i want to let you know I'm actually a cardiac surgeon. graduated from yale in '08 top of my class..... and i thank everyday for the schooling i had in my country because it was the foundation for all i have accomplished today.. so while you lay on your old raggedy couch eating hotdogs and drinking beer in you rusty old home that probably smells like cat urine I'm laying in my 3 story home near the beach. i hope you never need heart surgery and that i am never you surgeon because rather cut my own hands off before i help you. The world does work in mysterious ways so please pray that never happens. Have a good day with you and your 3rd grade education. Goodnight sir

I'd rather die than havin some inferior race shitskin putting his dirty hands in my body. The south with rise again boy, just wait until we make America great again.