Why is there so much bisexual shilling in the last couple days?

why is there so much bisexual shilling in the last couple days?

The troll du jour

Someone wants Sup Forums to turn even more gay than usual i guess.
May be a raid.

everyone is bi

ayy lmao

t - literal faggot

funny, the Gods of Ancient Greek religion would be VERY pleased with the widespread bisexuality, they were all bisexual themselves

did you not know that or something?

who cares about zeus this is 4chins


and you're a christfag, kys

Obvious samefag


Everyone knows that, how is that an argument for how society should be today?


Obvious samefag


Bisexuality is literally the best of both worlds, if you go out of your way to talk about how stupid it is then you're 100% in the closet

Because it's a more liberated society.

See, that's an argument sort of, good job.
>hurr durr gods this gods that
Is not an argument

ok... just thought the OP pic was ironic given the topic, no need to be so buttmad

I don't get it. Does anyone even care anymore in the western world? The posts are assuming people are in the closet about it, but where I'm from the closets only contain illegal shit these days.
