Sup Forums btfo!
Sup Forums btfo!
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Don't have 4 kids when you work at McDonalds.
Dumb fuck.
>4 kids
>on a minimum wage
false dilemma
>I didn't follow company policy for taking time off and they punished me for taking a random day off
wew lads. I worked a Walmart when going to college and I would take whole months off and then come back like nothing was wrong and nobody got booty blasted. I just followed the rules put into place for taking time off.
Where is the father(s)?
Stupid fucking entitled nigger.
Dig ditches for a second job
OPs pic shows that it is most definitely a real dilemma.
She's too fucking old to have young kids Jesus Christ
>4 children
>Working for minimum wage
Someone's fucked up here, and it isn't McDinks
Thats right, McDonalds Mexico better implement that minimum wage before she starts there next year
No, it's not.
Outdated shitpost, get outta here
Since when is having kids a special club for people with money? EVERYBODY has the right to have kids.
beaners age like milk, she's probably like 30
>Expecting people to be responsible
>McDonald's is responsible for his poor life choices
Sure thing op you got me
Maybe don't have 4 kids?
I mean I can sympathize, but god damn.
You could say that she McFucked up.
>Implying you were supporting your 4 kids on your mcdonalds paycheck before
Already blew your monthly check Juana?
Also there are charity organizations that will give you food for showing up no questions asked. If survival is what she's worried about, she must realize that most places have at least one soup kitchen/volunteer service that make sure you don't starve
>>Expecting black people to be responsible
ftfy. Only whites are held to high expectations and to follow the rules... blacks can literally let their kids play in the gorilla exhibit at the zoo and nobody thinks there is anything negligent about doing that.
Since when is having a horse a special club for people with money? EVERYBODY has the right to have a horse.
You also have a right to live in perpetual poverty because you have to feed and house your pets. Nobody is saying that you can't have children, just that it's unwise to not have a financial safety net and pop out 4 kids. Condoms are what, a few bucks for a pack? Some clinics even hand them out for free. There's no excuse to get knocked up if you're not a fucking idiot. She knew the risks and ignored them, and it's not McDonald's responsibility to give her time off on short notice because "MUH BABY, THINK ABOUT MUH CHILLINS, MUH BABY"
Only people who have learned that rights come with responsibilities should have the right to raise children. That is what separates us from apes. Oh wait...
>having children is a choice
>where you work is a choice
>choosing to have children and working at a place that won't give you leave
>complaining about those two choices resulting in negative results
Yeah no. It is not the role of the business or the state to provide for the chilluns. It is the role of the parent.
>Sup Forums
You're not. Murder suicide is the way to go.
You're probably just joking, but 71% of all American workers made less than $50,000 last year. I would say $40-$50k a year is just enough to support a family on independently without government handouts.
When Sup Forums says "haha fuck you don't have children even if you work 40 hours a week slave peasant, my mommy and daddy paid for everything unlike you nigger", they're telling an incredibly large portion of the population, including large amounts of white people who would make good parents, that they can't have kids.
Here's your replacement
No Ms Meija, I expect you to die
fuck up
Nobody cares because they can't tell the difference
That's amazing that a 50 year old woman can still have children in elementary school
>poor people have 4+kids and then complaining they cant maintain them
Sometimes am glad they get beaten up by the police
I told my Hispanic manger in the charge of the schedule that I'm taking two weeks off to go galavanting around the Mediterranean and I still got a 200$ paycheck for two weeks of not even being in the country.
So some how I doubt the images claim.
She was 23 when they started elementary school user, they just haven't passed yet.
That it is cruel does not change the fact that it is true. If you're mad that reality doesn't support your delusions, go find religion.
How hard can it be to not let your men nut inside so much that you manage to get FOUR kids, when you're still working a shitty minimum wage job?
This lady deserves what she has coming for her, but the children doesn't.
>Needing an entire day off to take your kid to school
>I need a whole day off
>to drive a kid to school and drop them off
this is why you're working at mcdonalds. When a 15 minute chore becomes an all day task, there's a reason you're being paid shit wages.
Why the fuck would you have 4 kids when you know you can't do better
Jesus fucking Christ Juana, get your shit together
>How are we supposed to survive on $174.80?"
eat off the dollar menu?
>15 minutes to drop your kid off
Yeah. 15 minutes. When I took care of my worthless degenerate sisters children, it took a whole god damn 15 minutes to get them to, and drop them off at school.
To be fair... women don't know when a man came inside her until it's already happened. Granted, this is where birth control comes into play. Maybe a woman should be on birth control if she's working a minimum wage job and baby daddy is too busy being in jail to provide for the family.
>Having kids when the only job you can get is burger flipper
>Having 4 kids when the only job you can get is burger flipper
Stupid cunt brought this on herself. Keep fighting for $15/hour, you'll be replaced by machines that much faster.
Yeah I don't know why the fuck she needs a day off just to take her kids to school, it's called wake the fuck up early, or have them take the fucking school bus.
Also why the fuck does she have 4 kids if she's working minimum wage, hopefully her 4 baby daddies at least pay child support.
You aren't. Because you fucked up. You had four children with no job prospects other than mcdonalds and made very poor mating choices so now you're single and broke. Life has consequences, lets stop pretending there aren't consequences for incompetence.
Well, would you fags be saying it's her fault if you found out she was raped 4 times? An before you say "abort" remember most of you Sup Forums fags now are against it
>I has fo chilrens
People unironically think accepting charity is more shameful than accepting welfare.
Maybe they think that they earned that welfare by voting for socialists. Idk.
>I have 4 children.
found the problem
>exterminate those parasites
gave the solution
If it's happened that many times she's obviously coming back for more. And why the fuck are you trying to change the argument to some faggot moral stand about abortion? Stick to the subject you faggot.
just because she was raped 4 times doesn't mean she should vote for something that would screw over minimum wage workers, causing them to get hours cut, or even just lose their job altogether which is highly likely. $15 minimum wage is destructive. i don't care how many dicks went inside her, the lower middle class shouldn't foot the bill of her sluttiness.
You can't just state [FALLACY] and win an argument.
And it's not even a false dilemma you fucking idiot.
your ID is almost Mc Weebo. have a coke.
> 4 children
> work at mcdonalds
> how could the government wrong me like this?
>can't keep legs closed
>false dilemma
woo lad
First post best post
so what, she took every single weekday off and is surprised when she doesn't keep her job?
Is there a limit on this "right to have kids that other people have to pay for and provide for"?
Can every woman on earth have 12 kids for 5 or 6 generations and make the total population reach the trillions?
>I don't know what a false dilemma is
To hell with the whore.
I don't care if she can't support her kids.
That's what she gets for not having an education, and for spreading those legs for every bruthah that would tap that.
It's literally true though and that's what Double income became basically a requirement in middle class workers.
Seriously, don't have children if you can't afford the time to spend with them or are living off government handouts.
rare pepe
>complaining about tight schedules and difficulty getting hours
>expecting $15/hr to somehow fix this and not make it worse
shouldn't have had so many kids, but yeah that's pretty fucked up
oh you dont want to work for under 15 dollars an hour? no problem, you're fired and a robot will do it for free you worthless pleb
Wow, really makes you think.
This is what you get for allowing and encouraging women to enter the workforce.
One or two outliers that are fully capable in their profession is one thing but putting the expectation for 50% representation of females in the workforce is societal suicide.
You're not supposed to raise 4 kids on minimum wage.. you're not even supposed to work on minimum wage all your life, those are temporary jobs for students and the likes..
You're basically asking that student type jobs that are on or near minimum wage so that students can work on the side whilst studying.. be paid the same as actual you know.. regular jobs with some kind of education behind them, that pay much more than the minimum wage.
This really illustrates it in a nutshell, this woman actually believes that she should be able to work at mcdonalds and earn enough to support 4 kids.. no.. minimum wage jobs are for students so they barely scratch by whilst studying.. they're not intended to raise kids on..
sadly a generation of idiots have been raised that give people like this a piedestal. And convince these kinds of people that they deserve things that they don't and that will make minimum wage businesses non competitive and have to close down.. when you are paying someone minimum wage.. it certainly is not because you have any other choice due to competition and other things, because who doesn't want to pay a little more and keep their employees happy..
Don't have 4 children.
And while i sympathize with her situation not being good.. seriously 4 kids and single mother.. working minimum wage job that adults are not supposed to work on..
Yes that sucks, but why don't you try to improve your competence in something.. you have 4 kids fgs.. 4 kids as single mother.. Instead of doing that yourself you're asking mcdonalds to arbitrarily pay you more thus crippling them competitively, because you are in a shit situation?
Instead of raising the minimum wage artificially which will destroy the businesses that run on such a stringent budget to have necessity to even have minimum wage employees in the first place.. You should argue to bring higher paying jobs and such back to the US that have gone to other nations..
The minimum wage is called MINIMUM it's the worst jobs you can possibly find that are in that paygrade.. because they are easy, manual labour and thus pays very little and really are mostly meant for students.. and younger kids.
And being heavily taxed and all these kinds of things simply makes it so that US businesses can't pay their employers very much.
>implying wage cucks won't be begging for less than minimum wage jobs when robots and automation is further developed.
>tfw electrical engineering student
>tfw will ruin lives
Also.. why do leftist women very often put their kids up as some kind of appeal to emotion..
Look nobody hates kids, well a few weirdos might but generally everyone likes kids, including other peoples kids and you know being happy for others and their kids.. But you're acting like you had to have 4 kids.. you could have chosen to maybe have 1 or zero if you are single mother on minimum wage..
Seriously some leftists women actually just pump out a lot of kids, to get their hands on handouts so that they can get away with every bad decision they have made cause.. it's for the childrens sake, you can't say no to the children because of her bad decisions! it really seems like that sometimes..
>Liking kids
Why? They're little spoiled shits
Make it $15 but take away their welfare check. Let McDonald's pay for her kids not me.
Her children are not McDonald's responsibility.
Your sight ain't too good burgerfriend
How do you work for minimum wage? It's so fucking easy to get a job that'll pay more than that. My summer job pays $10.50/hr starting and we are always understaffed. How do people manage to live their entire lives without obtaining a single marketable skill above that of a fucking high schooler?
Don't worry you wonderful POC, once you have $15/hour, you'll have a 52 week vacation with your kids
>Juana Mejia
>I asked for a DAY off to "bring my child to school"
Nigga, like, just go to a school that isn't an 8 hour drive away
They can have kids, they can do whatever they want.
However, they're making the conscious decision to have children, and then complaining that they can't afford to feed their kids.
As Michael Jackson put it "If ya can't feed ya baby, then don't have a baby"
I know it sucks to think you can't have kids if you're super poor, but that is just the facts of the matter. Two adults living together can make a very nice living if both of them even make something like $35,000 a year (which is low). You add one or two kids, and suddenly they're in poverty.
If you wanna have kids, just save money. Live with your wife for 5 or 6 years, save as much money as possible, then have your child. That is actually what my parents did. They could not afford a kid when they got married, so they waited and saved up all they could, and when I was born used the savings to help raise me.
Can't fucking wait for food conveyor belts. No more nigger fingers in my food.
>an entire day off to take a child to school
The fuck?
It's been a "special club for people with money" since it cost money to raise children.
That's ok I'm sure the father makes enough money to support the family and pay for a babysitter.
15 bucks an hour for 40 hours a week only gives you 400 bucks
you have 4 children
even if you get what you want you will still be fucked.
400 bucks after taxes
What liberals are doing to these people is horrible. They are not going to get $15 an hour. They are going to be the first ones replaced by robots if minimum wage gets raised to $15 an hour. Automation may be inevitable for them, but it is pure evil for liberals to use them to push for $15, knowing damn well they would lose their jobs and are too stupid to realize it.
Get another job, a second job or put your kids to work (too bad there are child labor laws now huh).
Why the fuck does she work at mcdonalds if she has a family to support