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Honestly 50 eagles and 10000 rats. If the Soviets taught us anything from ww2 it's that numbers prevail.

Plus air superioty prevails.

Eagles and bears. Was kind of in between bears and the niggers but the bears have claws.

At first fast glance I thought gorillaz and bears. But then I realized that there's a guy with a rifle. Since I only have 8 allies, even though they're the strongest due to their number the 1 guy could cause severe casulties before he's taken out. So then I thought I should maybe take the guy and the gorillaz.
Then I finally noticed that I have the choice to have 10.000 fucking rats and 50 freakin' eagles. I'm a bit unsure if they could take out all of the oponents, but goddamn those numbers are a huge advantage.
So I'm kinda with this guy

Then again, I don't know how long it would take for eagles and rats to start dealing damage to fucking crocodiles, they're skin is armour.

Hunter guy & 15 wolves.

I’ll take the two niggers. 1 & 5

Low key i think the rats would win by default against anything only the crocs could mabye not be annihalated.

Thats a lot of rats


10000 rats is way overpowered. But I'd choose gorillas and eagles. Or eagles and rats for rat bombs from above. But again that's just to op the fight would be no fun to watch. 1000 rats is a better balance

Rats would cut right through it


Human and eagles.

depends of the enviroment. Hunter and eagles anyway.

i feel like the bulls would be a really good choice, they would easily take on the bears, wolves, lions and maybe even the gorillas, no idea how they go against the crocs, eagles and rats though.

I'll take the man with a rifle simply because he'd kill me before anything else could defend me. Then 10k rats, I feel they could eat the land attackers while myself and rifleman kill the birds

Gorrillas & Lions... You don't need much else

Gorillaz are killing everything but rats are too much to kill. So gorillas and rats are the best.

Human and eagles. I'll live in a tower full of ratpoison and traps. Human with a rifle takes out attacking gorillas. Eagles warn way beforehand when they are coming.

eagles and bulls. basically im getting the fuck out of there. i ride away on one of the bulls while the eagles run interference. anything that can keep up has to deal with the remaining eagles and the rest of the bulls

underrated post