Dalai Lama says there are 'too many refugees in Europe'


>"When we look into the face of every single refugee, especially the children and women, we can feel their suffering," he said. "The goal should be that they return and help rebuild their countries."

>Speaking to reporters in the de facto capital of Tibet's exiled government, he said: "Europe, for example Germany, cannot become an Arab country," in an interview with German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. "Germany is Germany. There are so many that in practice it becomes difficult."

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Fucking BASED

Oh shit! I'm a #BuddhaBoy now!

Wtf I love buddhism now

i mean, when the biggest peace icon and advocate in the WORLD is telling you that you are being too much of a faggot, you should really critique your own actions.

too bad leftists are too retarded to do that.

I love how he can say that, but Merkel can't...

how do we join?

That has always been the truth.

But nah, European governments, and some of its own people want to welcome refugees just to fulfill some false sense of humanitarianism.

News flash; you can be a morally responsible individual without ruining your own countries.

Find the truth within yourself and avoid New Age Faggots.

>biggest peace icon and advocate in the WORLD

still a religious extremist though

you deserve a hat picture response

>Buddhist are fucking religious extremists
>Don't believe a single world they're telling you

I'm not muslim tho

Gunga galunga

>Islam is the largest religion in Morocco, with more than 99% of the population adhering to it

So, you're the 1%?





This, I'm afraid.

What's funny is that he'll now be called a racist for stating the obvious.

If I told anyone that I'm not muslim, I'd probably get shunned out of society, so for now I'm "muslim"
thankfully, since morocco signed some basic civil rights treaty, I won't get beheaded for apostasy





nice flags




>basic civil rights treaty
>won't get beheaded

That's .. uhm at least something I guess

Can't he waterbend them out or something

>The goal should be that they return and help rebuild their countries
literally what our right wing says and they are getting called nazis for this
+++ dalai lama is a nazi guys +++

>thankfully, since morocco signed some basic civil rights treaty, I won't get beheaded for apostasy
That's... a huge improvement from us
I am jealous

interview (german):


he is a nazi. Just look at this. Disgusting

Not only that, he's an anti-Semitic bigot, a fascist and is probably scared of living next to Boateng.

I'll still get imprisoned for 6 months to 3 years if I catch the gays or if I have sex before marriage

Also, if I cuck someone, he's legally allowed to kill his wife

is really morocco that shit of a country?
i hope we never remove Ceuta and Melilla borders

it's a really nice country if you conform to the standard image of a citizen

I think it's one of the most /cyb/ countries out there without the cool aesthetics, barring north korea

king controls everything after all

> if I cuck someone, he's legally allowed to kill his wife

And what happens to you?

Then watch the libs turn on him and call him a xenophobic bigot.

Sorry i messed up

how is police force over there?
i heard the border patrols are kinda harsh motherfuckers
do they kick your ass if they dont like you?


What about smoking Hash?

I used to smoke Moroccan Hash in school, that shit was lit tbqh

>Europe, for example Germany, cannot become an Arab country
>Germany is Germany. There are so many that in practice it becomes difficult.

Dalai Lama confirmed for white nationalist shitlord. Western whites can't even process that logic.

i love when non white people says nationalist stuff because they just cant play the race card against them
based lama

Nothing iirc

It's gotten a lot better honestly. The king's father used to make police forces shoot at people during protests and even brought tanks in the street once, according to my mom

Nowadays you just get mauled enough by police officers with batons to spend the night in a hospital

Don't get caught smoking and you'll be fine

he becomes your husband

Meanwhile, Canadians are arguing over making a line in the national anthem gender neutral.

It was a productive day in the world.

>in the himalayas
He's an airbender you fucking moron.

Dalai Lama can see Germany literally melting down under Merkel and the rise of political instability happening over just a few months. He probably feels that it's his duty to say something to stop what's happening before the EU collapses because of Merkel and it triggers another human catastrophe.

This is no lie, our newspapers are reporting that Germany dropped off the list of most productive countries because of political instability (due to AfD). Nobody wants to invest here anymore. Everyone expects Germany to cease existing in 10 years and nobody knows what will follow. This is all because of Merkel and her stupid rapefugees. Literally who wants to open a business in a country where mobs of brown people are allowed to storm your business and steal what they want and the police do nothing?

how safe is your country for visitors? if I went there on holiday and strayed away from the resorts, would I get kidnapped for being a white christian infidel?

If you look foreign, people around you will be the nicest motherfuckers you've ever seen

You'll be ripped off though

Moroccans are one of the most hypocritical people out there

>mfw Budist lama is more based than faggot christian pope

Pretty sure he's an airbender... The Inuit are the waterbenders...

i'd rather be out of pocket and treated great than treated crap and potentially beheaded by muslim nutters so that's fine with me

> , our newspapers are reporting that Germany dropped off the list of most productive countries because of political instability (due to AfD)

It ridiculous that they try to blame for everything.
Meanwhile Switzerland is number 2 (behind Hongkong) despite the SVP beeing the strongest party.

He's speaking from a position of experience, witnessing Tibet getting flooded with Han Chinese that threaten to destroy the native culture and people.

It all comes down to demographics. Sweden's male/female ratio is getting to be as bad as China's. Young Arabic and African men will outnumber young German men in a few years at the current rates of immigration. It only takes a few generations to wipe one out.


I'm not surprised this guy's smarter than the pope. Given the shit he's dealt with as a refugee who's wanted dead by the Chinese government, he's dealt with a lot more in his life.

At this point I refuse to acknowledge anyone east of the GTA "Canadian"

It's just cucks from here to Newfoundland

When an international home-wrecking meme peace of everything Buddhist has to tell you, then you know it gone wrong. That's partly understandable since he has this Tibetan people mentality, which is mainly an culture/ethnic defined region.

Our meme mystics have been communing with the Dalai Lama just outside of nirvana

how does it feel Sup Forums

That's it. I'm now a #BuddhaMissile

So now gullible alt-right types are going to embrace Buddhism just like liberal yuppies did in the 80's and 90's?

Lamaist Buddhism turned Tibet into a hellhole.


The Dalai lama is nothing more than a CIA shill and actually made things worse for his people by being such an overt puppet.


>Once we look behind the veil, we see that champions of freedom and democracy like the Dalai Lama are nothing but frauds who are used to undermine countries opposed to Anglo-American hegemony, mainly Russia and China and its supported allies (e.g. Iran/Syria).

>The Dalai Lama represents Western degeneracy, which dupes idealistic people to follow a cause which is eventually usurped and used for a greater evil. The Dalai Lama is nothing but a money hungry, evil narcissist who enjoys duping the masses and enjoying his celebrity status while living the big life. We need to realize that these supposed purveyors of justice are manufactured frauds who serve as henchman of the global elite.


>What has the Dalai Lama actually achieved for Tibetans inside Tibet?

>If his goal has been independence for Tibet or, more recently, greater autonomy, then he has been a miserable failure.

>He has kept Tibet on the front pages around the world, but to what end? The main achievement seems to have been to become a celebrity. Possibly, had he stayed quiet, fewer Tibetans might have been tortured, killed and generally suppressed by China.

Stab in the dark, GTA=Greater Toronto Area?

Yep, that's how you do a racial cleansing, outbreeding them in their own land.
Not only chinesse, muslimes do that too in multiple countries.
Later they will ban other religions and asimilate/expel the remains.

What's that painting supposed to be of?

based dalai lama himself dissing our cucked as fuck pope

#religionofpeace #notallmuslims



Buddhists believe in "dharmas" which are the natural laws of the universe.

They believe Germans should be Germans and Syrians should be Syrians; going against that causes negative energy.

I don't speak German sorry

You don't need to be a scientist to know monkeys belong to the zoo user.

Those laws sound awfully racist to me. Goddamn universe.

Buddhist in Tibet culturally didn't support inter-ethnic marriages, but those new ones who became Christians do, since Christian church doesn't minds interracial marriages. But what would happen if Dalai Lama torn China apart in become own country like USA wanted, would he invite western migrants? Probably. Dalai Lama is under influence of Communist government as well as trying to play an international peace figure.

So you are part of the 1% of your country? Privileged scum, what do you know of real suffering? You could at least try to have sympathy with the refugees who flee from death and terror and your so evil and poor european holiday resort erm I mean country.

I am now a Dalai Lama Missile.

So we meet again reversed Poland!

Gibberish ≠ German

Always loved the guy, based motherfucker

Pfft, Buddhism is like SOOO yesterday. Islam is the hip new peaceful religion now. Deal with it, gramps.

Wait so do you have to prove that she cheated somehow or you can just kill her and say "hurr durr i think she cheated on me" and nobody bats an eye?

>doesn't recognize dutch when he sees it

idiot, you dont know shit about buddhism or what people in this thread are talking about..cant you tell people are joking? at least the dalai lama has enough balls to say germany should stay german. also none of what you said made any sense. wouldnt be suprised if he is a shill at least sometimes though

whoa senpai you have pentagram on your flag

The only refugees we have are subsaharian blacks, which is why Ceuta and Melilia reinforced their walls

you seem to think that, because Netherlands has a big Moroccan community, people in Morocco are culturally related to Dutch people

We don't interact at all with people there

I think you need proof

It represents the five pillars of islam

as much as circle represents triangle

>it's fucking 2016
>right-wingers support Buddhism
>leftists support Islam

Kek, what a world.

I never said it made sense senpai

true that senpai

Will they behead you, when they find those shitty anime pics on your pc?

The Chinese are doing to Tibet what the Arabs are doing to Europe, of course he gets it.

The huge influx of immigrants in such a short timespan can only create instability. They difference in culture and unwillingness to assimilate will cause tension. The increase in crime and shortage in money/resources to care for the refugees will result in suffering for the native people. People will have increased taxes to help pay for the refugees they do not want to support. In the end, it will result in violence.

>still believing in left/right meme
No matter who you elect, if they are owned by international corporations and are bound to international laws, it's really pointless. If people don't rise physically with force in Germany or Sweden or UK or USA, there's no stopping of Mexicans, Arabs, Africans, even more so you will get billion Indians on top of that in future, that's a natural fact as water being liquid.

I could get arrested at any moment for possessing porn + possessing what could be considered cp (loli)

wonder what the guy inspecting my hdd's reaction will be when he discovers my 9gb copy of rondo duo along with 20gb of doujins

As an American, I feel horrible
Europe's getting destroyed by these refugees
At the same time, not all of them are bad. Someone should do something. I think it should be us since we made this mess in the first place.
We don't have the history and culture of Europe and we're a land of invaders to begin with
It's our karmic price to pay, sad to see Europe going to the gallows in our place


the best post on Sup Forums for some time

Or how about we just go on bombing sprees?

I'm enough of a bleeding heart liberal to feel bad for the innocents

plus, that's just made more of a mess so far

>rondo duo

I'm sorry that I'm a degenerate but anime girls turn me on in a way nothing else can

So how have we reached the point where the Pope is a huge faggot compared to the Dalai Lama?

I want out of this ride.

Every illness can be cured, homosexuality, transgenderism and even whatever you have.

Stay strong my brown fellow and never forget 3D > 2D