Be me

>be me
>8/10 20 y/o girl
>self aware thot
>I post to social networks dayly
>I get hundreds of likes
>at least a docen of guys text me
>I'm kinky and I like guys to choke me/hit me while fucking
>on the other side I'm also extremely shy and weird in social events
>never had a male friend
>never had a bf
>extremly nervous around guys if their aren't in my bed
>never talked to much face to face with one
>at this point of my life I have fucked 8 dudes
>I had/have feelings for every each one
>the longest relationship I had was one week long
>every time I have sex I cry within the next 24 hs

>I'm a kinky sad bitch
>at this point I accepted the fact I'm worthless for anyone.
>I'm aware of the fact that no one will ever love me due to whoreness.
>I know what everyone thinks about me

Why am I like this?
I wish I was begone

If this isn't bait then realize you are failing life on easy mode.

Delete all social media
Hit the gym.
Learn how to cook.
Make me a sammich.


post a time stamp, you silly sad bitch!

you should be a PT

tits or GTFO

>8/10 29 yo girl
>Having any problems in life
Choose one.

yeah right

Tits + timestamp or gtfo

OP do you like roblox?

Tits or gtfo

Pic with timestamp or gtfo

Tits and timestamp or get the FUCK out

I know women who cry after sex everytime. One of them was into me for a while, and she didn't cry because she thought she loved me.

You could try switching teams, some of them found they didn't feel like trash after lesbian sex, but did after straight sex.

TIts or get the fuck out

I'd love to have sex with you and if we connected i woulldn't have a problem that you slept with 8 guys.

your problems are in your head. you are not a slut. you don't know what everybody thinks. you have no idea what life has in store for you.

since you sound a little depressed. meditation helped me a lot with that. generally with life. yet i am still failing, but not as hard as i used to.

have a good day.

btw i'm a 8/10 guy and noone wants to fuck me because i'm not really a social person. they like me as long as i don't open my mouth. so i kind of know parts of your feelings with being not the guy i want to be.

>posts pictures daily
>posts without a pic of herself

Top kek mate

me after hoening/crying

I won't lie it crossed my mind


Tits with Timestamp or gtfo , fake thot


It should be noted that they aren't attracted to women, they just don't feel like absolute garbage after fucking them.

tits or gtfo


>all of my kek

Dumb whore , I would donkey punch the shit out of you for not following a simple rule, tits w/timestamp or gtfo

im looking for my wife, mary.. she died of that damned disease 3 years ago

Will tits be delivered or digiorno?

timestamp or we don't believe you

Seriously tho a girl kinda like the op met me on tinder, acted like she liked me, came over and fucked me really good, and then ghosted me

every time I post something as a girl, a beta like you apears go search tits on google

I don't use tinder

a lot of girls do that man, godknows why

I mean unless she faked her orgasms I can only think she was playing me just to sex me up

Which is odd because she could of just outright said she just wanted dick and saved me a few days of wtf thinking

Don't be like Mary

youre good looking and youre not a virgin, so youre allready better at life than 99% of all fags here. also ure talking to guys rn

This is bait unless there is a time stamp

Literally accepts she's a SLUT, doesn't post picture with tits and timestamp, get rekt

Oh you mere emotional borderline snowflake bitch, your life is going to be even more miserable with time, good thing I always ignore after time such attention seeking whores like your kind.

Fuck off

Anyways she sent me some nudes. Never thought I would be one of those anons who posts a girls nudes but I almost did a few hours ago.

I can kinda see why now. I guess the girls who got played by guys have nowhere to post the peen pics sadly.

>your life is going to be even more miserable with time
yea I know, and good for you

when were you molested

lol what do you expect

tits timestamp or gtfo.

until then always sage bros

I'm a femanon who is/has been in a similar situation. I kinda gave up though. The last few times I had sex were horrible and way more trouble than they're worth. I really want a human, romantic connection with a guy but I'm just so awkward and anti social. Sex isn't fun for me anymore without the emotion and I've been alone too long to get attached. I'm not bad looking, either, just so damn anti social and weird. Also, at 27, I'm past my prime and accepted that I'll never get guys like I used to. C'est la vie.

My advice to you would be to find an okay looking, laid back guy who you think will be patient with your brand of crazy. Imo thirties are a good decade because they have their shit together but maybe you'd be better off with someone younger. Then make yourself take it slow. Be as shy as you are and become friends. Don't use sex as an ice breaker, which is too easy to do when you're confident about your body. Not saying you have to do this every time, but jumping straight to sex might be part of why you're having issues connecting because then you feel used afterward, even though it was a mutual thing. Good luck finding someone to make you feel like a person.

Also, don't worry about how many guys you've fucked. It's a very common thing now, most men don't care in my experience. I'm at like sixteen I think. Who knows. They fuck anything that moves, don't let them get you down with their bs double standard. Nothing at all wrong with a woman who enjoys sex.

White Knight alert

There's got to be other guys out there besides me who know how to deal the problems you'll have, and care for you anyway.

My girlfriend isn't exactly in the same boat as you two, but she was abused growing up and has more than a few mental problems because of it. It's been hard, but I've learned how to take care of her and I love her more for it, honestly. It makes me feel valued and needed, and like I'm serving a purpose by being able to take care of her when she needs it.

I refuse to believe that guys like me are few and far between, but I also have friends who have had no luck finding them. Maybe I/my gf just got lucky and found each other right away. Idunno.

In any case, I wish you guys the best of luck. It'll get better, I promise.



Post them faggot