"The average IQ score of Ashkenazi Jews has been calculated to be 112–115 (Cochran et al.)"

"The average IQ score of Ashkenazi Jews has been calculated to be 112–115 (Cochran et al.)"

"American Jews as a group tend to be better educated and earn more than Americans as a whole."

When did you realize that Sup Forumss antisemitism was actually jealously?

Other urls found in this thread:


The fact they are intelligent is exactly why they are so dangerous.

Niggers and Mudslimes are more like wild animals. Beastly but largely irrelevant until the beasts handlers (Kikes) coordinated their pack animals.

Get with it.

Antisemitism has always been envy and jealousy. The only people who didn't go hungry during great depressions where Jews, they actually got rich. That of course creates a lot of envy. They're sound financially and rule the world, and destined to rule the world.

Meh. You can see the mixed race mongrel ape genes in all of them.

>When did you realize that Canada is literally A FUCKING LEAF.
On my first day here.

I knew it from the beginning. These neckbeards cant gwt much more jealous.

Do you notice anything

The Jew is Absent

These are all goyim children

Do you want to know the most red pill of all

Are you ready for it?

The Jew is the photographer

you don't need high IQ to be an accountant or a lawyer

fuck off kike

So you're saying they're the Master Race?

In my basement, surrounded by jizz rags, empty pizza boxes and energy drinks

Forgive them and pray for them.

>intelligent enough to place themselves in the middle of dozens of Muslim countries with the assurance of US military and financial support

Israel isn't going to last longer than 100 years, you guys fucked up. Should have taken Madagascar, but >muh Holy Land


Ask any true Israelite here and they'll tell you Ashkenazi Jews are basically goys.

Ashkenazi Jews (who are the only intelligent jews, Shepardic and Mizrahi are borderline retarded) are a bottleneck population. They are descended from a very small group of people (and are heavily inbred), and as a result all share similar characteristics.

They do have >slightly< above average intelligence, but also suffer from greatly increased rates of insanity and genetic illness.

Ya know pat Bateman did look like a Jew. Check his nose

Muslim is not a race you dumb nigger


Tell me, who conducts the tests and compiles the data?

Fucking leaf

> le Jewish conspiracy meme

""Cherry picking""
Menachem begin was god tier btw

Well, they've never "mastered" anything except usury, and their civilization has routinely failed without whites to prop it up... And they have characteristically had zero foresight for their entire history. They repeatedly put themselves in position to be obliterated by the people they leech off of, and never seen to see it coming.

So no. Jews are not the master race, they're an inbred tribe of bankers. They are cancerous and must be destroyed.

Figured it out pretty well at the same time that I realized the influence that they have. Even if there isn't a real Jewish conspiracy, it is inevitable that the group that is the most clever and intelligent will take over the powerful positions, and come to the same conclusions about how to become even more powerful, even if they don't collaborate.


>with the assurance of US military and financial support

US military support started in the late 60's (read 69 or so).
Financial aid in the late 70's.

Most of our large wars were fought beforehand and we won, convincingly.
We have more of a future than most white countries because of our homogeneous identity, but you guys may learn and change.

Jews do better on IQ tests designed by other Jews. Who'd a thunk it?

This. Ashkenazi jews are intelligent as fuck but they're not true jews, they're converts. They're intelligence is a result of very selective breeding, and a proof of concept of what human intelligence would be if we had embraced the whole eugenics things

Fuck off with the kike propaganda, shill.

Kek, sounds a lot like jealousy to me.

Whites do better on IQ tests designed by other Whites. Who'd a thunk it?
t.Black Mamba

You sound exactly like a Nigger.

Israel is a welfare state.

Jews are parasites.

Do you congratulate the leech for being smart enough to suck blood from a leg?

Ashkenazi are the master race, the rest are almost arab tier.


And which are the ones supposedly running the show again?


Average jew is still dumber than me.

I'll manipulate the lot of you

>Israel is a welfare state.

Get less than 2% of our budget in military aid. Have to spend it in the US on (often) overpriced products.
We moved the production of our APC's to the US so it could be bought with aid bux.
I mean sure it benefits us greatly, 2% is still 2%. But it's not like we'll die without it.

>people still respond to Canada threads

>Not shopping money in his hands instead of the phone, are you even trying?


We don't care that they're smarter. We care that they use their intelligence for evil. If you haven't noticed, any time a white guy fucks up, we think he should be killed..

That's average for them? I scored higher than that, and I skipped the entire math section on my IQ test because I didn't feel like going into overtime.

Are normies really this stupid?

I see the New Zealand kikewannabe got a working proxy

I thought we've determined that IQ's mean nothing by comparing the achievements with the Asian people with the achievements of Whites.

Hell, it's even more of the case with whites and Jews. We gave the Jews the modern luxuries that they take for granted; we gave them Israel and civilisation. The Jews would be nothing without whites, and most Jews respect this - they have a high IQ so they would. But, there are of course Jews that don't give a damn about the past and the truth and rather disregard it to keep their minds happy.


>tfw 1.5% ashkenazi jew according to gene sequencing
i hope i got the smartness portion of the juden genes

>and earn more than Americans as a whole.
Actually, that would be Poo Indians, and their average IQ is in the gutter.

I wonder where that IQ meme is coming from.


Has anyone noticed Israelis getting a bit snippy lately? They need to learn their place.

Not really. They're the ones flocking to live in White civilization, not the other way around. You can try to spin this however you want, but history illustrates the degree to which I am correct.


>earn more then America as a whole

> having higher income then average Americans is what that means, not having THE highest income

Third grade reading comprehension right here

Jews won't even drink from the same wine as a gentile. They consider Christianity idolatry and Jesus is a very bad Jew and a heretic for them that destroyed their country. Their biggest celebrations are military victories with the Romans, the Greeks, the Egyptians. They're basically tribalistic and supremacist. Anti-semitism is simply the reaction by whites who are like "hey, that offends me". Jews don't give a fuck.

Jews are definitely smart, but it helps your IQ average when the bottom half of your population is culled

If white countries had been allowed to practice eugenics 100+ years ago we probably would be better off

Meanwhile feminism has had a massive dysgenic influence because the smartest white girls remove themselves from the gene pool because they think they're too good for motherhood.

To be fair, Christians and Catholics alike worship graven images and like to say they don't.

Wow you are a fucking moron. We will eat with a low iq goyuim. We pItty them. Maybe if we spend time with a white boy he might not shoot up a school.

this image needs india .

Why would I be jealous of a lower IQ score?


Purely coincidental

not an argument


>They consider Christianity idolatry
But it's this idea itself that is heretical since the notion of God having a human form was always orthodox until they modified the doctrine to attack Christianity:

>The binitarian portrayal of Yahweh in the Hebrew Bible was motivated by this belief. The ancient Israelite knew two Yahwehs—one invisible, a spirit, the other visible, often in human form. The two Yahwehs at times appear together in the text, at times being distinguished, at other times not. Early Judaism understood this portrayal and its rationale. There was no sense of a violation of monotheism since either figure was indeed Yahweh. There was no second distinct god running the affairs of the cosmos. During the Second Temple period, Jewish theologians and writers speculated on an identity for the second Yahweh. Guesses ranged from divinized humans from the stories of the Hebrew Bible to exalted angels. These speculations were not considered unorthodox. That acceptance changed when certain Jews, the early Christians, connected Jesus with this orthodox Jewish idea. This explains why these Jews, the first converts to following Jesus the Christ, could simultaneously worship the God of Israel and Jesus, and yet refuse to acknowledge any other god. Jesus was the incarnate second Yahweh. In response, as Segal’s work demonstrated, Judaism pronounced the two powers teaching a heresy sometime in the second century A.D.


Stupider than me

they might as well be chimps

Lol this is the exact excuse niggers make

>less than 1% of the world's population
>still control everything

how can you compete with the true masterrace?

The big nose allows for more brain.

And who says we cant have a homogeneous identity ? Kikes.

They also rig the system in favour of themselves

Wouldn't the average IQ score always be 100?

100 is by definition the average of the whole population studied i.e all humans in this case, 115 is how they perform compared to this average

fkn ashknazi jews they are racist most of them and if you will look closely.
israel didnt have one FKN ONE mizrachi prime minister in almost 70 years
NOPE,iraqi and persian jews were traders too and they are alot more succesfull if you compare them to maroco jews which turned to be the black workers for israel.

thats not exactly amazing and dont forget that means half us (present company included are pretty fucking) dumb.
true story some of my grandmothers first memories were people coming to her uncles house to eat during the depression.

it really fucked her up. she never threw any food item away. my dad would have to sneak into her house and throw away years old food.

White are a failing race. they don't attend top schools anymore, they've become complacent and lazy

They're no longer dominating influential industries. It's embarrassing

>That pic

it's a standard deviation of difference, the same difference that exists between niggers and whites

>tfw no ashkenazi gf
we could have high iq children, and they'd be jewish because of their mom... we'd laugh at the stupid goyim all day long :(

Jews are highly intelligent aliens which feed off of the life force of those which make society run. They collect high volumes of wealth, in particular, gold. Some Jews actually need gold in order to breathe, as their lungs operate differently than a whites.

Further more, they use encrypted messages in currency in which only other Jews can read, and try to circulate these messages as much as possible in order to obtain world dominance.

Finally, the Jewish parasite fears the hard working white humans, for they have discovered nat-socialism once, and are afraid it will happen again.

>When did you realize that Sup Forumss antisemitism was actually jealously?

It's not, but that would be nice, though.

That's why he didn't say muslim he said mudslime. Dumbass

Pleb tier IQ

While you filthy false jews actively attempt to undermine the rest of the worlds homogeney...yeah ok rabbi shekelstink enjoy it while the masses still sleep people are waking up to your bullshit

If thats true why is Israel's average IQ so low?

Oh thats right, only Ashkenazi's are smart and they have the highest amount of European genetic admixture, guess what most of them live in America or Europe.

Now fuck off

Israel is actually doing the opposite.
Read this, written by our defense minister for a prominent German newspaper (google translate)


You people just need to stop being cucks.

Imagine this headline in France, or in the US.

Since I'm an Ashkenazi I knew all along.

what a disgrace, how is this not racist?

All those tests have harvard students as their sample lol.

The IQ of Israel is like 95.

Jews aren't smart, just extremely privileged. IQ was also invented by a Jew.

Female detected

Hey man, what´s up? All good?

How did you survive the Holocaust?

hahaha good man good :D

How are you doing?

I'm smarter than you.

Really shitty attempt to discredit m8

that is why Hitler banned IQ tests. He knew Jews got higher scores. Ironically, black people (who have lower IQs on average) blame white people for all their problems..and white people blame Jews for their problems. Maybe they just hate on people smarter on them, but they are too stupid to realize it.

a fucking leaf getting his spelling improved by Egypt, kill yourself

Good to hear mate! I´m fine aswell, currently chatting with a russian in another thread talking about this and that.

How is the kebab removal going on in Israel? What´s happening to the soldier who "executed" that terrorist on the street? Also, I´m wondering, how did you find that german article of Liebermann?

Gotta catch up on Israeli gossip. Take a corvette as a thank you

Seriously look up the methodology of all those stats. Every single one which totes Ashkenazi Jews as having a 110+ IQ uses exclusively Ivy League students as samples.

Why anybody thinks this is indicative of all Ashkenazi is beyond me.