This is canon
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The curse turned Ron's family into niggers?
What an ugly nigger.
The child was cursed so it turned into a nigger?
It's called "Black Magic" for a reason...
grindelwald was right
This needs to be shot with a canon*
It's a play not a movie so nobody get riled up for nothing this is just free publicity for them.
So some shitty play will be seen by a couple of hundred people who will all say it's marvellous. Stop playing the game and giving these cunts free publicity, no one would have heard of it if they hadn't cast this ugly bitch and that's the point.
>mfw listening to Santana's Black Magic Woman rn
*spits lugie*
Well shit
i guess she really was a Mud blood
I like how they managed to find the ugliest sheboon possible.
isnt that nigger a bit old for wizard school?
>and The Cursed Child
At least they're self-aware
is the curse her blackness or her meth addiction
funny story, she's a famous actor
So a stage play based on a children's book cast a black actress in a lead role? That's what is supposed to outrage me? Jesus, you faggots who live with a dearth of nigger culture trigger easy as fuck. Go out and produce some white children, you fucking turk rape-baby.
>needing to link something rather than just recognising the photo
If it was a white girl playing a black character it would be whitewashing.
Let us pray that the new Ghostbusters bombs so hard that media stops trying to pander to the loud minority of mentally ill neo-feminists.
I recognised her, but not everyone follows british theater
why not?
The character is finally as repulsive as her name
Did they cast the ugliest nigger possible for this on purpose?
I don't see what the problem is, she has the British teeth spot on.
So this is what they meant by mud-blood
So is Ron a cuck now?
his daughter is even blacker than his wife
That is a Zulu/Swazi surname, are you guys importing our niggers now?
snape shot dumbledore
>awhite teenage girl is played by a 40 year old woman
>the woman is black and ugly as sin
wew lads
Absolutely disgusting
race doesn't matter in theater. historically gender roles were switched around too. theater doesn't work like the real world.
So these are the teeth of a dentist's daughter.
>Harry Potter and the Black Lives Matter
Top kek.
new hermione fits perfectly
she has always been a dumb tool
Traditionally, men play widow Twankey and the ugly stepsisters, while women play little boys. Roles aren't exactly open to anyone and everyone.
true enough, but ignoring characters gender & race is common enough in theater that it isn't as much of a concern as other mediums. to me, at least.
Sheit, nigga stole my wand
> famous
I don't think that words means what you think it means, Jamal
there are actually very attractive african-descended females -- i don't know why they choose the ones who look like they were just snatched from the tribal lands
>we wuz kingseekers and shiet
>inb4 Sup Forums tries to argue that only whites can be attractive
to be honest I don't even mind much that they made hermione black... but this black chick is
HIDEOUS wtf is wrong with her teeth
Slavs can be decently attractive too.
hermione is literally white
im fucking sick of these god damn niggers taking every white role in every movie ever made
It's a play. That means you need a proper actress, rather than some pretty face that can manage 15 seconds worth of lines over the course of twenty takes. Plus, Noma seems to have a face that can be read from a long way away. Ideal for the cheap seats. That she may be terrifying up close is a non-issue.
Plus, that's a terrible photo of her.
Voldermort was right.
We all know this isn't true, there are some attractive asians too.
I can't way to see their face when Martin Luther King gets played by Steve Buscemi.
turns out its only a play, hopefully in a year it'll be swept under a rug and never remembered
I thought that Ron was ginger.
Good catch
>my wife's daughter
Ugly nigger apologist in aisle one. Clean up of diversity drivel urgently needed.
Snappy comeback.
Came here to post that.
Nigger lovers out desu.
>listening to bean music
>being gifted with white genes
>throwing them away because it's edgy and creating a new line of mongrels
Fuck this society.
Voldeshawn coming for your ass whiteys
She's not white lel
It's probably safe sex to ride the migrant cock carousel until she hits 30 when she can settle down with a native German
yeah so famous that no one ever heard about her
>She's not white lel
Whites come in a lot of complexions user
enjoy your skin cancer
>Ron actor gets part
>Ecstatic about getting to work with a bonerific Hermione actor like those kids in the movies
>Walk in and see the niggest of nigs
How many antidepressants do you think he is on?
He'd go postal if he could.
someone needs to send that to the dumb writer
rowling claimed she never specified that hermione is white
It was written and sung by Gregg Rolie, who is Nordic. He also is very red-pilled.
t. Someone who is friends with and lived with him.
Carlos is a SJW faggot, though.
The only people that want Hermione to stay white are pedophiles
I'm a black haired tanned mediterranean and the fucking shaft of my cock is paler than that woman.
Even if you believe that "whites come in a lot of complexions" she sure as fuck still isn't a native German.
Isn't this white as in pale, shocked?
Well done, saved.
I can't believe Sup Forums reads this, it's been SJW garbage since day uno
Eh, it can be interpreted as a figure of speech. Also doesn't really make much sense to just state randomly the character's skin color.
Not that it matters, but in the portuguese translation they used the word for pale (as in, "Hermione's pale fale...")
highly underrated post
Did they go out of their way to pick the most putrid, disgusting, outright ugly nigger they could find?
Ayo that shit ableist and racist yo, black people can turn pink too ayo we can turn anything we wanna
So you cucks put your wife last name first?
Avada Kebabra