Girlfriends British tits. Moar?

Girlfriends British tits. Moar?

No please no send that whale on a diet

ty OP
i came hard

Hey man she's a bit chubby, but I like proper women :)

NP bro

As do I but m8 thats not chubby thats got you in orbit

Nah dont bother man nothing special there keep that shit to yourself

Interesting. Can we see your girlfriend's Irish tits next?

Lol, English

yes please

Keep them to yourself then

Her ass :)

So you guys saying you wouldn't fuck her because she's a bit fat? You are gays.

Called having standards

I'd fuckin ruin her.
That ass is mighty fine
What people don't realise is that if the bitch is skinny n pretty they know it and won't bother trying. Slightly over weight n not so "cheer leader" the girls get into shit more and willing to do that lil bit extra

I probably wouldn't fuck her cause I would turn her into a lactating dairy cow, and make her suppy milk to her friends coffee groups

You guys are gay. She has a big ass and big tits.

Nah. I'm good. Thanks for the offer, though.

And a huge gut

>You guys are gay. She has a big ass and big tits.

she's also quite unattractive.

>Wont have sex with a landwhale
>Not having sex with anything that has a vagina
>Must be gay
OP don't act autistic just because some bear in the woods is taking your virginity

fuck you, ur gay, u dont like vagina clearly.

clearly u like balls.

Come on you gays, she's hot

Come on you gays. If you wont have sex with it, you're gay

I understand that even your most attractive women in Britain are a 5 or a 6 at best over here. But please remember, you're on the internet where you're inevitably going to end up talking to people from countries with regular women. You're just embarrassing yourself, friend.

She's okay. She's not hideous. But she's nothing special, and this thread is unnecessary.

Now I am definitely not using a condom. Would she be easy to get off birth control?

Why? Because she's not worth wasting the latex on?



u wot m8? u avin a giggle? i fokin box ur ears m8. ur dead meat bruv.


>Calling having standards bad
>Wants to fuck fat white women
>Thinks that having big tits means you can't be fat
>Reddit faggot
Nigger irl


Americans are the fattest on the planet

>Implying there are only 2 countries.
user is retarded unironically

Fifty per cent of Americans are obese. One hundred per cent of Brits are unattractive.

I feel sick


Huddersfield tits

lmao. not surprised.

Not surprising, it is an island of inbreds, like Australia.

At least the mass shitskin migration will introduce some fresh genes into those countries.