more like this?
girls getting messaged thier own nudes
i only have 2 but i find this incredibly hot
more like this?
girls getting messaged thier own nudes
i only have 2 but i find this incredibly hot
guess i should have started with this one because the first one really isnt nudes..but o well
bump with random porn
I always send my ex the nudes I find of her. She gets so mad but thanks me and asks me to send her more if I find them.
Pic not related, I took this one.
any screenshots of the conversations?
Surprisingly yes
she still give the occasionally beej?
Used to, she had our weed guy's baby last year so I haven't really been that interested...she does give the best blowjobs so at least there are memories
Got cucked by the weed guy and still whiteknights her.. Omega?
Lmao whatever dude this was years ago and I was in love with her.
absolutely. I'd have his baby if it were biologically possible.
It's called you are a cuck you faggot.
Still a cuck
Better response
fuck off
whatever keeps the thread alive for the chance of more
What is this? Recreational lesbianism? Is this how women get into sororities?
This is how women friday night you dumbass. Long week, girls night and 2 bottles of wine. It happens all the time, have you been living under a rock?
Guess I don't know many thots.
They're trouble. Bitches ain't shit and we don't love these hoes.
Oh ok. I think I got cheated on, but if that means I got cucked I think I've made up for it, I've fucked 8 married women since I've seen this bitch.
It ENRAGES me how these spoiled, entitled cunts live their lives like they're expecting men to do their bidding for them.
I swear these bitches get a high off of barking orders to beta males who they know (or think) will do as they're told. It's all:
>make them take it down!!
>Let me now if you ever see others.
I'm not your fucking private army, you stupid thot! Ass or cash if you want me to do your motherfucking bidding. For fucks sake!
Thankfully in OP's post that guy handled the situation in a hilarious manner.
damn cool tattoo
How did someone get two sisters' nudes
A guy threatened me to send my gf her naked pics. Fortunately he never did it
It's called having game and them not being in on it.
Body reminds me of Trixxxi_ on mfc. Anyone on a PC want to do some research?
any1 send anything to this girl?
do you even know what youre saying bro?
that sentence doesnt make any sense to me...
Would squirt and cum so much, so hot she never gets on anymore
Why? I showed him her pics, he found out who she his, he told me he wanted to show her the pics i sent him. Sorry for my english, not my first language
probably lots of guys send the nudes to these girls but never share their conversations
ah so your sentence makes sense after all, just sounded wierd, that he wanted to send the pics of GF to GF...
Sorry, my english is very bad. It's just a way to say he is blackmailing me. Or a sort of
can you show the face of your girl?
I'm going to reach out to them, will post here.
haha if they respond...
Here? Why?
Fucking kek cx
once i had a folder full of this stuff, where they send naked pics to the girls, with their reponces, was hot! but had to delete all the porn cause of gf haha
lol i love how entiteled the bitch is that she says that he should take it down
i really want this to happen to my ex gf, how do i leak her nudes witout it being traced back to me
i want her nudes to be leaked to her work, school and relatives
yeath here, just curious something similar happened to me some years ago, just face, maybe i have her nudes haha
start by posting them here, we will take care of the rest
also slutty sisters
don't do it. it will haunt you for the rest of your life. do something good for instead.
dont do that, thats just stupid and evil, just post her facebook here with the nudes
binaries checked
why would it haunt me if we will never encounter each other again, karma needs to bite back
i wont post her shit here unless they get leaked to her work,school and relatives
all in or nothing
sure sure do it
You use kik? It's possible you have her nudes as i have posted her here sometimes. But i can't show now, sorry. And what happened to you?
just her face? dont use kik, he send a link with a gallery of her that was in motherless..dipshit after that
dont do it, people here is going to tell her that you post them.
user is savage
anyone want to send her both her little sisters' nip slips?
Sent to her or to you? Not showing for now, sorry. Maybe later
to her ofc
I've got so many of these, give me a state or country and I'll upload what I've got
Gief info
Got any Dutch girls?
big sis is emily-rose stubbings.
this is katie
and this is holly
and here's a bikini pic of all three just because
I'd be legit surprised if she was still married.
hot Portugal or Spain?
How did she react?
More VA 1
bump more virginia!!
California please!
More VA 2
what do you think?...
any response? She is german
Northern Ireland, I know you wont have any from here though
100 years old bunghole
It didn't sound like that, you just fail at reading comprehension.
Not op btw
Anyone from Latvia?
Info on this one?