Possible Brexit Outcome - Plan B

>postal votes rigged
>remain wins
>Cameron announces his victory
>monarch sets aside 60 years of political neutrality, announcing that her oath is to protect the sovereignty of the country and its people
>Cameron locked in The Tower for treason, awaiting trial with Blair
>Large swathes of the BBC machine-gunned live on air for sedition

Other urls found in this thread:


0% chance, your queen is responsible for the decline of England.

New monarchy when?

Certainly hoping for craziness.
2016 demands it.

fund it

>Cameron locked in The Tower for treason, awaiting trial with Blair

you are watching too much GoT

It is 2016

vote leave

What are the current BREXIT polls at?

>Large swathes of the BBC machine-gunned live on air for sedition

>vote rigged and people upset
politicians say don't be racist blah blah

>vote is still rigged and people still mad
celebrities pitch in and say don't be racist blahblah

>vote is still rigged and only the hardest brexiters are still mad so queen says dont be racist blah blah

and checkmate, the brits tuck their dicks between their legs and go home for tea

You can't count on brits to rebel against the establishment and you certainly can't depend on the queen

Your cuntry shall be know as the Isle of Cucks


L A T E S T - B R E X I T - P O L L - T R A C K E R

The tower of London was built in 1078

Game of Thrones started in 2011

Silly kraut

Vote Leavers on suicide watch




Provide proof-




Britain will be reborn


>Phone and online survey shows a 52-48 split in favour of leaving the EU as referendum campaign gathers steam

Went on holiday when the polls showed a 12 point lead for Remain, come back and see this.

Fucking brilliant

Postal votes will indeed be rigged. Also they have sent out voting cards to tens of thousands of EU immigrants who should not be allowed to vote according to the rules... but its too hard to cancel their cards now.

Queen save the god

Can you imagine if he were alive today, what on earth would he say?

The worst thing about the whole Brexit debate is that the establishment has used to to drain EVEN MORE spirit out of the British people, to errode EVEN FURTHER any semblance of national identity and spirit.

They might as-well come out and say we are finished, we are done, we are and old and feeble woman waiting to die in a rest-home, and the best place for us is safely under lock-and-key inside the EU home for retired nations. Disgusting.

He would demand the ethnic british people march together and claim back what was taken from them by the financial elite.

Everything he predicted has happened. Even while being recognised as the greatest and most intelligent orator our parliament has ever seen, they will never admit he was right

The goal of the EU is to weaken strong European Cultures and replace them with Globalism and Capitalist Hegemony, what need there for Warfare when the Will of Millions of people can be streamlined under a "European Union", but how does this differ from what Adolf Hitler wanted for his "German State"

Video related, reminded me of this

EU = Ethnic 'Cultural' Cleansing


I hope the best for you, UK. Your death wouldn't be of the country but a sign for the rest of the world that it will follow. Britain is easily one of the best thermometers for the future.

You brexiteers are a bunch of pot smoking lying scum.

You say the EU is undeomocratic

You say it's about cultural extermination

You are so stupid, that without any plan for what a post brexit Britain looks like, you are willing to take the risk and fuck your economy royally.

The simple truth is that you are the stupids, the lie believers.

Bring on your Brext arguments and I will debunk them. I dare you.

>You say the EU is undeomocratic
But it specifically is. They vote among themselves and have power over constituent members.
Y>ou are so stupid, that without any plan for what a post brexit Britain looks like
Similar to now, but without the parasite draining them, kaffir-boetie?

Like a pre EU Britain, strong cultural values, strong morals, traditional Culture.

Do these words even mean anything for someone living in South Africa? I doubt it, and they never will, because as your post suggested economics is all that matters to you, so you would be willing to sell your country to the highest bidder like you did to us before?

Nice flag.
How's your AIDS?

So the uk is a parliamentary democracy. What that means burger buddy, is that you vote for a representative, and that that representative goes to parliament with other elected representatives and makes the decisions based around a direction set by the winning party - i.e. we think the UK should do x, y and z in the coming parliament. For instance buy more weapons or extend the reach of the NHS. The MP's then decide and ratify the finer details of how that program will be carried out. The EU works in exactly the same way. The elected heads of state from each EU member form a council with revolving leadership. They set the direction and elected EU parliamentarians then go about the business of working out and voting on the finer details of how that program is carried out. SO EXACTLY SAME AS A PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY.

Not similar to now. AT the moment British companies can source the best employees from all over europe. They can also trade with those economies on an equal footing, without having to pay duties etc. Massive benefit.


It would be a beautiful reality tv show event in America.


Completely false.
The elected representatives propose and pass the legislation. There is 0 unelected body in the UK that proposes legislation to the elected MP's.

Did keeping the pound fuck us over while everyone else got cucked and went with the Euro? Did it fuck.

Leaving wot make a difference to trade.

Except our government is made up of all British MPs. The EU parliament is made up from a majority of non-UK MPs. So effectively we're ruled by people who don't even live here.

Way to close, gonna be another Austria

No, no, he's been rewatching The Tudors.

Pre EU Britain: The old sick man of Europe, with a 70% tax rate, failing industries and at least 15-20% of every pound earned spent on trade tariffs and duties. The English immigrants in my class at school used to tell me stories about how poor they were in old blighty. They were so poor that if they did not eat their supper their mums would serve them the left overs the next night. There simply was no money to toss it away. They were so poor in the mighty britain that you describe, that over 1/3rd of my class was made up of uk immigrants - because 3rd world south africa was better than cultural values europe. Nice empty words u got there mate.

Traditional english culture - is that the one where you idolise a cultural elite who owns all the land and fucks you up the arse like they did in the banking crisis. U remember the 2008 banking crisis. Thats where your banks lost more money than they had ever made in profit - and you wound up paying for it. Remember that? Perhaps you were too busy looking at your shoes mumbling 'yes guvner' at your social betters.


Working out great as a population thinning methodology. Thanks


First of all, Parliamentary Democracy still isn't democratic. It just pretends to be.
>The EU works in exactly the same way.
Except that the people, the plebs, don't vote for EU members or policy.
>AT the moment British companies can source the best employees from all over europe.
Which is a detriment to Britain, when they could just better and employ their own people.
>They can also trade with those economies on an equal footing, without having to pay duties etc. Massive benefit.
Not that much of a benefit when the EU sets trade tariffs and quotas. You're also pretending that they can't negotiate good or better deals.
Try again?

The queen lays out the direction ( which she gets from the government ) in her anual speech. The parties at election time also propose the directions they will take in the next parliament and you vote for it by voting for your MP's.

The heads of state - of which Cameron is one (of 27) set out the direction for the eu. SO yes you elected Cameron and he one of the 27

one can only hope


Are you really pretending that an alleged vote for a parliamentarian is a vote of consent for absolutely everything the country ends up doing?

You are completely retarded.
>There is 0 unelected body in the UK that proposes legislation to the elected MP's.

Yes and No.
Yes because keeping the pound meant that the currency became really strong ( unlike the 90's when a single man - Mr Soros broke the pound and forced you to adopt a devaluation - look it up ) . Having a really strong pound is bad. It gets stronger more quickly than your economy becomes productive. It means british goods are too expensive for anyone to buy - thats why your steel industry is collpsing. The british worker has to remain competitive in line with the strengthening pound to be able to compete globally - at this point the average brit worker has to be 2-3 times more productive than a pole. And this is not possible.

It also means that everyone wants to earn pounds and go spend them elsewhere - hence you got lots of immigration because it makes sense for people to come over to make a quick buck by their standards by picking fruit.

People in europe did not get cucked by adopting the euro. How did they get cucked?

Those English immigrants were probably poor because like the UK is gonna be they lived in a country fucked by Boers and Africans. You had a choice to stay part of an Empire and look at you now.

Also that is not our traditional culture, what you are talking about is Globalism, Capitalism that silly city boys got carried away with in the80s and 90s, no one in this country looks at that as our culture, if anything thats Amercanisation. our culture is based around Men being Gentlemen, Women being Lady's, Strong Family Unit, Standing up for what is right instead of following the money, Youth having career opportunities instead of being forced to compete with millions of Europeans like the EU fascists want us to be, those are the things that we are going to take back, those are the things we must return to our country

When your shithole country cedes its decision-making powers to the African Union and has it's shipping policies dictated by Somalia, you'll be in a position to speak with relevant experience on the matter of pooled sovereignty.

Until then, do kindly shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing yourself.

>How did they get cucked?

Oh gee I don't know, how about Greece? Or the strength of the euro consistently being pushed down for Germany's benefit and everyone elses detriment?
You are completely fucking delusional.

Of course the eu parliament is made up of non brit mp's dick head. It's made up of representatives from 27 nations working together.

Thats like you being a yorkshire man being all pissed off that people from Lancasshire and other parts of britain are also part of the descision making process in the uk. Thats not an argument. The point is the eu is a democracy in which all parties get to have a say, by applying reason that means it will include mep's from all over europe. DUH


>People in europe did not get cucked by adopting the euro
They had to take on the burden of the less productive nations. They (Germany and France, mainly) devalued themselves to prop up the parasites like Greece, Italy, Spain, and so on.

You keep posting shite and then say "NEXT" as if in any way you've refuted it.
You haven't. You're so retarded you can't even see the euro destroying nations across Europe.

Well sometimes history repeats itself.

You have nothing to say. Parliamentary democracy is what britain has been for centuries. It is democracy.
The people vote directly for their MEP's.
The presidents and primeministers of europe who are elected by the people set out europeean policy directly.

It may be a case of careful who you vote for, but that is up to the electorate in each country. DOn't be ignorant.

It cannot negotiate better deals. No one wants to trade with a market of 60 million when they can more cheaply trade with markets of 600 million

Huff paint, post on/pol/, sleep on road.

You need to be careful who you vote for. That is what parliamentary democracy means. ffs

lol bollocks. I don't want German, French, Polish etc. MEP's deciding laws in Britain when they don't even live here. Reginal areas of the UK is a ridiculous comparison. A Yorkshire MP is still lives in England like me.

Why do postal votes even exist?

If you're too lazy to get off your ass and draw an X on a piece of paper, you shouldn't have the right to vote.

There is no unelected body that sets out the direction in the eu either retard boy. the council of europe is made up of the heads of state from each memeber nation. every nation has a say in 1/27th of the council.

You don't live in the EU, you don't know what's it like.

No it's because before you joined ( were allowed to join) you could not trade effectively, the americans took away your empire and u had fuck all.

If u got a problem with your city boys you should elect a parliament that deals with them. But itell u what, leaving the eu wont take away the city boys - it will make them bolder

>There is no unelected body

Just kill yourself. You clearly don't understand how the EU works.

>is what britain has been for centuries.
Doesn't make it good.
>It is democracy.
Doesn't make that true.
>The presidents and primeministers of europe who are elected by the people set out europeean policy directly.
Which might be dandy if people could then vote on policy, or had more than two or three choices.
>It cannot negotiate better deals.
>No one wants to trade with a market of 60 million when they can more cheaply trade with markets of 600 million
Gee, it's almost as if they'll have to negotiate per their position.

The choice between two turds who hate you is not a governmental panacea. It's a plutocracy.


For overseas, or those who are not able to get into a voting centre, presumably.

I am doing well here with facts and figures. You got fuckall mate


so brexit failed? you gays are officially more cucked than the burgers now. HHHHMMMMMM

No the vote hasn't even been yet you stupid fucking burger.

Time for a new Glorious Revolution.

>without any plan for what a post brexit Britain looks like, you are willing to take the risk and fuck your economy royally.



You mean risk fucking it in leaving, or remain and be assured of the fucking?

Greece is a victim of poor management and a global downturn. In greece if you were the unmarried daughter of a policeman or public servant you could 'inherit' his pension. It meant that u did not have to go out and work because the public purse had to pay. In addition greece has a long history of not paying its taxes, so all the money gets sent offshore and fewer than 100 000 greeks were registered as tax payers earning more than 100 k. It was the eu that forced them to get rid of the profligacy in their financial structure. Greece had huge problems. Yet you will not find a greek in power who thinks that leaving the eu is an option. They are buckling down making things good. With eu money to help them.

And yes, you will have to adopt germanies tactic of devaluing your pound if u brexit. otherwise no one will be able to afford your goods. the germans do that and they do it well. they make sure that their productivity and out put is in line or over and above the increasing valuation of their currency. it means their customers can keep buying their goods and that they can continue to trade.

And here I thought Yankees had the worst education in the world.

>tfw you will never be liberated by King Willem-Alexander

So what, they did that on purpose to grow the eu. They invest heavily in their weaker compatriots because they want them to become strong. they dont want little mexicos on their borders they want an equal and consistent seconomic standard. because its good for peace and development

literally wat
hes right what are we going to do if we leave, no ones ever left before EU will bend us over and anal us

Pretty much yeah, somethings are worth more than wealth. Such as pride, dignity and safety for our children. The EU has neutered our people and culture, something many of us would pay dearly to see end and a return to common sense.

Please this. Please.

You are a dimwit. How are the nations being destroyed? provide some discussion as opposed to just spouting empty buthurt rhetoric that has no basis or foundation in reality

>And yes, you will have to adopt germanies tactic of devaluing your pound if u brexit

First of all, complete nonsense, second of all, I don't think you understand you complete fucking imbecile.
I don't care about why Germany is doing something, because we're talking about the effects on other economies.
Therefore, you have just admitted that the EU fucks over non-export countries with a devalued euro.

Kill yourself you sperglord.

>So what, they did that on purpose to grow the eu
And a mighty fine job they did too.
>because its good for peace and development
Except it hasn't been.


Maybe trade with other people? It would actually open up opportunities with the Commonwealth.

Oh, right, so a country so poor from Germans that they can't even afford to bury it's dead citizens is not effectively destroyed?

Wiping out local culture and local control in favor of a supra-national is a disaster for ordinary people. Look at the United States if you need proof.

Its a fucking union. u join the union with an equal say. they only legislate for those things which create common standards. They don't vote for anything else. Its the most apt comparison, except its on a supranational basis. it's exactly the same.

but muh largest single market + special snowflake status


and the cant compete with the EU, literally like half our exports go there. theyre much bigger and much wealthier

cant Britain just trade with all its old partners albeit outside the EU?

It's not unprecedented desu


Fuck off mate. I lived there for over 10 years, have travelled to most eu nations and worked in more than one including the uk. I know exactly what its like and i love it.




>BBC machine-gunned live

With what? Unregistered water pistols?
Bend over and take the queens massive muzzie strap on like you normally do.

we HAVE to trade with the EU in one way of another. They're our neighbors, right at our doorstep, and coincidentally the largest single market
our relationship/agreements will depend on how the negotiations go if we leave, could be harsh on us since we set a leave precedent.

Remain will so obviously fucking win I'm actually considering a bet at this point, all my fucking savings

Its scotland all over fucking again, there can't possibly be a logical conclusion other than remain

Brexit just can't happen its like breaking the speed of light if you know anything about politics

I see the eternal swisscuck is now in Sith Ifrica

You come from a 2 party state. If u want more choices then either stand or organise that s what you do in a democracy. The rest of your 'points' are non points - no one in britain is going to change their parliamentary democracy. So why even go there.

The Commission are unelected, they propose the laws. The parliament are elected but they cannot propose laws.

It is undemocratic, even the EU admits this. You don't realise how fucking retarded you are


No it isn't the same. One parliament is made up of countries from my country exclusively, the other is made up of 27 other countries whose politicians influence my country. They don't represent or care about UK interests.

W E A K , F E E B L E


>u join the union with an equal say
And if all the other members say they want to screw your, your say doesn't mean jack.
>they only legislate for those things which create common standards.
Like what you can do with your appliances and groceries.

Fortunately that article doesn't speak for us. Just Wayne "Useless Fucktard" Swan.
>and the cant compete with the EU
Under current conditions, whilst in the EU, perhaps.
>theyre much bigger and much wealthier
At the moment. Quite a few anchors there. If Britain leaves, then those anchors will get heavier and heavier.

>You come from a 2 party state.
Yea, America sucks, I concur. Glad not to be from here.
>If u want more choices then either stand or organise that s what you do in a democracy.
That might be what you try to do, but then it comes down to what those in power decide to let you have.