Other urls found in this thread:
spread pusspuss
Requesting your version of this image of Christopher and Ashley (Special Agent oso)
being 2 on the beach
Requesting the loli as a futa lifting up Ariana to fuck her up the ass.
Requesting a short vore comic of this girl swallowing a tiny person whole and alive. One panel where she's holding them above her open mouth, another where she's gulps them down, and a third where it shows them in her stomach as she falls asleep.
Come be a nigger /zXwmUG
/r/ my lovely little furry boi drawn needing to pee really badly in a public area, him standing there cutely holding himself, with some already going down his pant leg(s), him looking cute, embarrassed, and teary eyed. Also him wearing similar clothing too.
More cute of him is needed please.
what's this now?
I don't know if I want to do any of these request
here ya go my dude, I hope it's ok
Requesting a mutant fish.
Why should you? They are mostly spamposters.
Mind if I make one?
They're all repeats, so no surprise there.
But if you want a request, how about drawing zero suit Samus begging the viewer/Mario to spank her again?
Ok bois.
I'm officially claiming it.
Leave the vorefag request to me and me ONLY.
I'm serious, if he links someone else, tell them it's decaf's request.
This is my personal mission.
It will b the best delivery ever.
Gimmi 10 mins.
Sup Forums Minecraft event or something.
Requesting The Human version of XJ3 (my life as a teenage robot) While she was in a swimming class
Swimsuit ref -> desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz
Those are some intense eyes...
Cute though, thanks
what's your req?
>Gimmi 10 mins.
You've got a very punk aesthetic to your artwork and I like it.
A mechanical elephant.
I'm not sure what you're getting at. I've never seen that before.
>Gimmi 10 mins
I love that meme
KYS degenerate nigger
to that garfield smoking jacket user
That's decaf's request
>Gimmi 10 mins.
This is gonna be good
>i posted it again
Requesting female sableye getting filled with human dick and loving it, please.
Nice, thanks man.
I recognize that style, but I can't quite put the name on who you are...
>When in doubt, always check the filename
there you go
Would you mind drawing your second favorite pokemon?
>nibbles cat-boy ears now this
just started watching Initial D, its amazing! draw your OC in the 86(pic)!
Good job, kek.
any cute butt?
Thank you Sir. Keep up the good work and hope you liked drawing it.
Good choice user.
Cousin Kyle
I was once told that robots were going to make life so much better!
But all they seem to do is squat around and pretend to be russian....
Wats funny? :3
I'm goin.
Wat meme?
It's gon b the best.
What if froslass had tits?
Through extensive research, Harvard University has discovered that regular coffee drinkers tend to have an increased risk of homosexual urges.
Does that mean decaf if gay?
I believe this, there's an user that always leads with:
>sips coffee
He's gay. A.f.
Like unapologetic about it.
They'd send him to jail but it'd b too much fun for him.
Draw it!
... no dummy.
Nice cousin
Oh ok
Yes. I suppose it does.
>projecting this much
I merely enjoy coffee, you're obsessed with it. So what does that say about how flamboyantly gay you are?
You know, it isn't often when you don't give girls abs. I welcome it since it adds more thicc to them rather than giving them hips/big boobs with abs.
You should try drawing more bellies like that
/r/ I just wanna see a raccoon, anyone up for it?
You take requests?
>sharing first hand experience is projecting now
Oye vey.
>First hand experience
Did... did you drug me and fuck me?
I don't recall any homosexual experiences, Mr. Caf....
Fuck off faggot. We don't need another shit-scribbler in these threads.
>Still can only produce chicken scratches
did you apply to your local mcdonalds for a job yet?
how did it feel to be utterly destroyed by the first question in the interview?
First question:
>do you draw vore?
Never got a call back.
It's like Attack On Titan, but the titans are intelligent, and working with the humans. (kinda)
The irony
Who was this meant for?
What do you do for a living?
Volunteer my opinion and generally be pathetic
There truly is nothing quite like a quality bowel movement.
/r/ing a sylveon, a ferret and a mouse cuddling together.
You can make money doing that but it takes a lot of commitment
If that happened, it happened after I logged off. I try to stay out of ur personal business.
Kudos on trying to b like ur PM tho.
Support ur country y'all.
She is now one of my avatars. And she will never vore.
...He can't be this self aware, can he?
Again, I don't recall any of this.
But, seeing how you mention our PM, maybe it was a new initiative to get people to accept the gay by forcing citizens to try it out....
Either way, you like coffee more than me, so no matter how gay you make me out to be, you're still gayer.
So says the meme scientists.
glad ya like it mang
well thanks mate, although I'm not sure what exactly inspires u such an adjective
Nice khajiit
The way u went down, I don't kno if u can call it "by force"
And.. Ur the one who said decaf wasn't real coffee.. so..
Yea it's ok nvm user. Wer all in this together, it's not just u. Chin up pal.
It wasn't me that said decaf wasn't real coffee.
And I think the phrasing was something along the lines of decaf is just souless coffee. Or something.
Furthermore, there's no way in Satan's fiery inferno that you actually drink decaf.
>Tfw tumorous masses on kneecaps
>Tfw slabs of on abdomen
>Tfw upper thigh is as large as the abdomen and torso combined
Were you even trying, or do you like to make everything you draw look like shit?
>She is now one of my avatars
Good, good, another convert!
By the powers bestowed to me, I urge you to draw more edgy cat, with the proportions of big head, as before.
have you been trying hard, my dear capf?
suck on my enormous cock
No I'm too afraid of becoming addicted to try it.
It's odd how rude u r considering u get all giddy wen u see us post.
But it's ok. I'm still not doing ur request.
Yes. Trying very hard.
Idk, it just reminds me of illustrations I'd see on the back of a skateboard.
Here my requests ->
Wat do we do?
sorry, i don't want to draw this
it's not you, it's me
please try harder
why is the thread dead?
Decaf went full homo and scared everyone off
Or so goes my theory.
Requesting mako from kill la kill topless and only wearing short shorts
Oi, can you draw the Philippines girl eating a fish?
Wat do u even want me to du..
But ur still here.
what did you do?
i request we draw my requests together.
I'm not a homophobe. I'm secure in my sexuality, so I don't feel threatened by homos.
>Requesting gay pride Decaf. Just because.
I tried hard.
>draw my requests together.
... wat does that MEAN??
Sure pal.
requesting grass faerie purposefully flashing the viewer with no panties
>Requests together
Vorefag and piddle furfag hybrid image.
So piddlefurfag piddles, vorefag gets hungry (and turned on). eats piddlefurfag, and falls asleep.
>I think is what they want.