Do you kill the Jews and enjoy the ensuing chaos?

Do you kill the Jews and enjoy the ensuing chaos?

Or join the master race and watch the foolish goyim kill themselves?

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

Considering there is a small but non-negligible chance I have Jewish blood, I'll push the red button.

Push the blue button. Religion is the cancer of this world

>kill all the chosen people
>god no longer has a covenant with anyone saying he can't drown the whole planet
>Sup Forums gets its long-awaited human extinction

Blue in a heartbeat.

I'll bet they're behind these fucking "storefronts"

Jewish girls are cute. My gf is half Jewish and she's a model

Most of the people on this board say Judaism isn't a religion, it's race. Because somehow if your great grandmother was Jewish and you you're rich, you're part of the Jewish conspiracy.


all the problems are minor and easily fixed once they are gone

Join the masterrace

First is too cruel, second doesn't fit because i don't want to be circumcized.
I think i'll just leave them alone.

>many people say this

Who? Jew is a religion, not a race. When people say "Jewish people" it's shorthand for "people of Jewish faith".

The problem is you think that people are referring to "Jews" as a race.

You can "Kill all Jews" without actually killing people, but if you choose to kill the people, it's still not racist.

>Start over as an attractive boy OR GIRL?

Choose one.

How can anyone be half of a religion?

become a rich Jewess and get BLACKED

Religion is seen as a race in Case of racism as its racist (if understandable) to hate muslims

>kill all kikes
>other choice is to be reborn as a kike boy and have my dick cut off
How is that even a dilemma?

None. I would rather have the Jews work with us, than them all dying out.

>ywn be an attractive jewish loli

blue button ofc
>tfw born 9/10 aryan boy in upper middle class
feels perfect

Someone’s angry they got circumcised by rabbi schlomo

tfw you aren't white Israeli qt 3.14

Can I go back in time and be Winona Ryder and suck the soul out of baby Johnny Depp?

Why not both?

>young, attractive, affluent jewish girl
Red button

How is this any better than an Italian girl?


I tried to click on the blue button on my monitor screen. You know, just in case. *sigh*

> drown the whole planet
> mankind moves to underwater and floating cities, eventually blasts off to space
> no jews to ruin the future

Round 2, ding ding

>kill all muslims
>be reborn as the first son in a wealthy family well connected to Saudi oil. (I don't think being a daughter would be worth it)

if it wasnt because that I would always chose to be a boy, and that boys would be circumcised, i would probaly pick red.

alas, i press blue.

This tbqch

Jews and zionism are literally a cancer on this world

Somewhere in a parallel universe it worked.

>qt soldier instead of lazy Italian
>gets toys, money, and attention from big bo USA instead of being unable to into reliivance
>American counterparts are lizard illuminati who run the media, not Snooki
>probably less hairy

On the other hand, probably less willing to do weird stuff in the sack. Plus converting to Christianity is easier than converting to Judiasim if you looking to get married.

>t. Schlomo Shekelbergsteinwitz

Apparently I already pressed red