So, as few of you know, that shitskin Obama declared June as Fag Pride Month. In celebration of the newly declared festivities, I challenge you to post your anti-gay pictures, memes, and burning flags. Today (June 1) is Gay Pride day in pride month, so for today, post all of your' anti-gay things. Tomorrow is Lesbian Pride day, so anti-lesbian shit and etc. Let's make this YUUGE
Anti-pride month thread
Who the fuck cares? Your country has far greater problems than gays being proud of taking it up the ass.
Yeah you have a Negro problem on your hands
Negro Gays are the worst
>no vegetables allowed
Don't get your blood pressure too high.
thx will do
The Jews use the gays to subvert morality and social order.
Gay Barry and his tranny "wife" can't be gone soon enough.
>a fucking leaf is a vegetable
Retarded leaf
Whoa it's Gay Pride Month in Canada too, what a coincidence
June 1st to July 3rd, pic related
>trying to tie Trump to this shit
Gee, I wonder why OP would want to do that?
No one is falling for your false flag shilling, cunt.
like i don't have anything better to do.
Stupid white people being but hurt over some faggots. Instead of applying their cognitive resources to elevating themselves out of ignorance and working towards unifying like minded people for the benefit of the species.
Stupid fucking white people.
>Anti-Pride Month
>not Fag Burning Month
well good golly gee, i didn't know trump had YUUGE trademarked
It boggles my mind how people can care so much about something so inconsequential.
I've been looking for that pic for fucking ever. Thank you based user.
A leaf is a vegetable?
Go home Canada, you're drunk.
Butthurt fags
Send 'em all back to Africa