What the fuck the Dalai Lama is a fucking nazi now
What the fuck the Dalai Lama is a fucking nazi now
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Yes. Come join us in enlightenment, white man.
Image is mirrored, arms should point the other direction. The swastika has been around for centuries before the nazi's ruined it for everyone.
>america education.jpg
oh look, a 12 yr old on Sup Forums
Buddhist and Hindu swastikas are set horizontally, the nazi swastika was set diagonally/on an angle.
Both are symbols of power, one is a symbol of peace.
It's a symbol of the sun
I used it as an argument when my teacher noticed swastika in my hands that i made from a paperclip
It didn't work tho
He browse Sup Forums regularly and also plan to move to Swastika, Ontario very soon.
MM at work.
Always has been.
Y'all faggots just need Buddha
Ignorant cunt.
Jews payed Hitler to to discredit this ancient symbol.
It's literally the most ancient and culturally transcendent symbol spanning from Europe all the way to north American native.
I worked there for a summer. Doing fire assays at the geochemical laboratory there.
try millennia.
Got to rehabilitate this symbol already.
there's always been a connection between fascism/3rd way politics and esoteric mysticism.
So now I guess gullible alt-right types are going to embrace Buddhism just like liberal yuppies did in the 80's and 90's?
Lamaist Buddhism turned Tibet into a hellhole.
The Dalai lama is nothing more than a CIA shill and actually made things worse for his people by being such an overt puppet.
>Once we look behind the veil, we see that champions of freedom and democracy like the Dalai Lama are nothing but frauds who are used to undermine countries opposed to Anglo-American hegemony, mainly Russia and China and its supported allies (e.g. Iran/Syria).
>The Dalai Lama represents Western degeneracy, which dupes idealistic people to follow a cause which is eventually usurped and used for a greater evil. The Dalai Lama is nothing but a money hungry, evil narcissist who enjoys duping the masses and enjoying his celebrity status while living the big life. We need to realize that these supposed purveyors of justice are manufactured frauds who serve as henchman of the global elite.
>What has the Dalai Lama actually achieved for Tibetans inside Tibet?
>If his goal has been independence for Tibet or, more recently, greater autonomy, then he has been a miserable failure.
>He has kept Tibet on the front pages around the world, but to what end? The main achievement seems to have been to become a celebrity. Possibly, had he stayed quiet, fewer Tibetans might have been tortured, killed and generally suppressed by China.
1940's tile catalog
>So now I guess gullible alt-right types are going to embrace Buddhism
Why would you guess that?
there's always been a connection between genocide and the crown of England.