He fucking did it. White fucking males
Aids skrillex did it
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Confirmed for fucking white male.
info on the shooter hasn't been released you fucking mick
>Another fucking white male shooter
>Murifats still think Mick is an insult. I'm a proud mick senpai. TaL
My friend and I bet on the race of every mass shooting. He's a leftist and thinks it's mostly white people. I usually say nonwhite. This is how I've won so much. He still owes me lunch for me being right on Larry Dawson.
Right wing terrorist attacks far outnumber others in the United States though.
That's on top of the white population being higher.
I didn't say they didn't. I just know when to place my bet
No, they don't. I forget the number but 60 plus blacks killed each other in Chicago over the holiday weekend. Terrorist and mass shooting are increasingly meaningless terms.
Fuckoff Taig.
It's pretty fucked that we've gotten to a point where no one actually cares about the attack, just the race
Every time there's a bombing we always place our bets on a radical muslim
Every time it's a shooting, we place our bets on a butthurt Sup Forums user or /r9k/
Every time its a stabbing, its 50/50 between batshit insane leftist or asian
you can usually tell the race by the weapon of choice
That's morbid.
>Every time it's a shooting, we place our bets on a butthurt Sup Forums user or /r9k/
It it's a shooting that makes the news there are good odds it's because it was a white or asian shooter.
There are literally hundreds of nigger shootings each day that don't get reported, because the Jew has no interest in promoting such things, and nobody gives a shit when a nigger dies.
Is it actually him?
This can't be possible.
>non binary tumblrino takes revenge on fucking white males
Easy there, muhammad. And yes I'm a proud Tadhg
That's more or less my point. If its a school shooting or mall shooting, it's usually a white guy. Black shootings are typically gang related and so common that no one in media actually gives a fuck. It's gotten to a point where its at most, a blurb on the ticker on the bottom while they report the scores of last night's baseball games
I used to work for Fox 5 in Atlanta about 10 years ago. I asked why we don't report on the ~30 black on black shootings per every few days. My answer was that we would spend all the time we had on it, and nobody really gives a shit because it's so common it's not even news.
>actually putting in effort to fake this
Nah it's not the jews. It's because white people shoot folks at univiversities and at the movies, and other places you arn't supposed to kill. Places where white middelclass like to hang out.
> and nobody gives a shit when a nigger dies
as long as it's black on black, if a white man kills a nigger it can get some attention.
when did eric bischoff gain that much weight
>Placing an image over another image is effort
top notch shitpost straya
it's all part of the swerve, same as vince russo being in the walking dead
That is only because left-wing attacks and killings are so common that they have become the norm and not even considered terrorism any more.
>MAGA anime girl
what did I miss?
Nah, that would've been a preschool.
Norse pagan symbol on the far right, next to the brexit one
Both the bass and a body dropped.
you seem like good dudes to hang out with
You forgot the 3rd: White Knight from youtube.com
>murder suicide
>mass shooting
>only 2 casualties
>one is the shooter
I'd expect this level of shit from a leaf, not a fellow burger.
This reminds me of the fact that black people are more likely to be the victim of a white hate crime than white people the victim of a black hate crime.
Doesn't really mean much, however, because black on white crime far surpasses white on black, and it isn't even close, much like people who vote Democrat commit more murder. Don't need to look much past niggers to see just how much violent crime Democrats contribute to America
Stupid Neds. When will they learn?
>two casualties
>one of them was a suicide
>mass shooting
American ed(you)cation, ladies and gentlemen
>white people the victim of a black hate crime.
those happen all the time, but they are reported as "random violence."
That's exactly my point.
Someone explain the AIDS skrillex meme before I give more ad revenue to KYM.com
>AIDS skrillex
he was with carl the cuck.
Don't make show my real age ever again.
His name is Ben Teter and he lives in St. Charles, Missouri
lurk more
What? He really did it?
The topic is shootings, most of which are black perps.
What if the shooters were actually nighers/ mudslimes but the police/ media are just told by the kikes to frame some cis white male scums cus of all that hate speech and feminist male privilege stuff and they are trying to frame Trump's campaign with this shit.
couldnt you just make the opposite for Sup Forums by having the left say
let me guess he was a nigger or an arab with a criminal record or a practicing muslim