Filthy kike Bill Kristol is thrusting pic related as an Independent to stop Trump
His name is David French
>Iraq war vet
>writer for National Review
>lives in TN
Filthy kike Bill Kristol is thrusting pic related as an Independent to stop Trump
His name is David French
>Iraq war vet
>writer for National Review
>lives in TN
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From the thumbnail in the catalog, it looked like he had those Jewish locks hanging down. kek
Wake up people!!! David French is lying when he acts like a #NeverTrump true conservative. Truth is he's a Trump plant meant to demoralize real conservatives in November. Holy shit I used to think I could trust Bill Kristol, but not anymore. Contact media outlets and social media or else it will be Trump next year instead of a principled conservative.
What's the point? A guy like Romney would make sense because he could actually pull a significant amount of votes away from Trump, but no one knows who this guy is.
>David French
Kek. This guy is the walking embodiment of the term "cuckservative."
>bring back Romney for round 2
>he'll get galactically BTFO
It would actually be round 3.
David French was wrong to support Trump, but he was right about the word "c*ckservative"
>Conservatives should reject those on both extremes of the spectrum. We defend a culture, not a race. The foundation of that culture is a faith that makes no distinction among races but rather declares, unequivocally, “All are one, in Christ Jesus.” Shunning the slur disempowers the trolls and forces the radical Left to confront the race hatred that fuels its own rage.
>We defend a culture, not a race.
Pretty powerful stuff. Too bad he's a Trump shill.
>We defend a culture, not a race.
A culture that only one race created and cares about. These "muh culture" cucks are retarded
We are a proposition nation. Our ancestors rejected kinship of blood for the loose association of ideologues. That proposition means that America is an idea, not a place, and certainly not a people.
It's too bad David French is a Trump shill because at times like these we need principled conservativism to preserve our way of life.
He hates blue collar whites like all globalist neocons do.
(((Bill Kristol)))
Oh shit.
>Iraq war vet.
Doesn't look it. Probably had a cushy job and then got sent back.
JAG with a bronze star.
If he's such a True Constitutional Conservative, why doesn't he change his name to David Freedom?
Because he's really a Trump shill!!!
Romney just loves losing
David French is literally the guy who talked about how white communities deserve to die.
Fighting alt-right nazis is hard for all of us.
Especially since leftism and "conservatism" sucks
At least people know he sucks now.
So, the same as Lindsey Graham.
>said he'd endorse Trump if he won the nomination
>Bill Kristol's face when
>faggy nu-male beard
Nobody would vote for him.
They are both Trumpshits so yeah.
>He's now urging GOP donors to unite behind the guy he called a "race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot."
Am I the only true conservative left?
Don't talk to me or my wife's pet negro ever again.
Think the Naturalization Act of 1790 has something to say about that. America has always put whites first until the 1965 Hart-Celler Act.
>Some people say that Never Trumpers are riding their moral high horse, self-righteously setting themselves up as the arbiters of principle. I don’t think so. We have our principles, yes, but we’re also pragmatists, and when I look at Trump, I see a catastrophe in the making. And for that reason – among many others — I cannot in good conscience vote for the instrument of national crisis. I remain Never Trump.
How is it that he could lie so eloquently?
In 1790 we hadn't learned that racial equality and female suffrage were conservative values. It was practically the stone age.
I'm sorry, but did French already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only halftime. Does not having the lead at halftime count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? French is still running right now and he has been the best candidate in REAL GOP for how many days now? They're playing one of the worst candidates in the GOP who just happens to have a lead because he's feeding off the energy of a few racists. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. French is one of the best fucking conservative candidates, he has Kristol’s support and would of won these polls if he was in them. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when The Renegades win and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Trump just stepped out of bounds and insulted a huge ethnic group, just like Hitler did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you antisemitic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-French topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the candidate because he has true Republican principles. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking conservatives on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
David French is voting for Trump.
You had said our ancestors rejected people's origins, when for much of American history, blood defined who was actually American. To me, US has and should always be a white nation. I'm not saying let's deny non-whites the chance to become citizens or treat them unfairly, but don't you think our current immigration system is out of control? Not only illegal immigration, but legal as well.
What is worse? Multiple Spics or a single nog?
This hasn't yet reached the MSM, but when it does maybe we can get a real Renegade and not a spineless Trumpkin.
Who will look after Buffy and Jody?
Why does anyone care what an old Jewish comedian has to ssy. City Slickers was funny tho
>"I would rather see Hillary win than Trump."
Yeah, this monkey business gorilla shit is definitely and bunch of Jewry.
Pasta is Italian, not French.
Surrender your votes to me. Vote French 2016.
Never trust a lawyer
It depends on how many Spics are around in question, and the age distribution. The age of the nog must also be taken into consideration. A single nog in the 13-30 age range is most likely to be far more loud and obnoxious than a few spics within the same age range or older, but would be easily outclassed by a gaggle of spics (at least 5) all under the age of 10.
Someone should go beat the shit out of him metaphorically
Has French even responded to Kristol's pleas?
Seriously though he has a /trash/ thread now. How embarassing.
>In 1790 we hadn't learned that racial equality and female suffrage were conservative values. It was practically the stone age
t. 19 year old who doesn't know history
t. Principled conservative.
What are you a paleocon? Neocons have won every battle and every war, that's why it reigns supreme.
lawyers are basically kikes
>neocons have won every battle and every war
except iraq and afghanistan ;^)
>has adopted negro child
>expects to get my vote ever
Jeb has admitted he isn't allowed to speak English in the house. I doubt David French is forced to speak ebonics.
Avoiding the subject. The Founding Fathers were well aware of the ideas of racial equality and women's rights and wrote about them extensively. John Adams' wife was one of the first feminists and her letters with John Adams are well known. Adams, Hamilton, Paine, and several others were abolitionists who advocated complete legal equality for all Americans. Of those who opposed abolishing slavery immediately for economic reasons, such as Jefferson, they still regretted the institution.
To say they knew nothing of racial equality or women's suffrage is, at best, a myth and more often a smear.
Sup Forums is always Right.
They all just mutter in Hebrew probably at the fucking kikekampground where this fucking shit brain hides out.
at least post pictures of real jews and not crypto-jews
He's a shabbos goy
>not posting a Jew in his final form
>His name is David French
Leave us out of this mess, please.
Literally has a nigger kid
oy vey
>Filthy kike Bill Kristol
Daily reminder: David French looks pretty exactly like Jesus. For those few Christians who browse Sup Forums, this is what you are praying to.
Didn't his wife pop out a black daughter?
wait a minute.
Are there actually people in this thread that SUPPORT this french faggot and his neocon jew puppetmaster?
Looks awfully (((tribal)))...
The article says his only endorsement other than Kristol is Little Rabbi Benji
i really liked ben shapiro until he exposed himself as a filthy kike shill