>mfw I realize I'll never get ebony gf cuz there are no niggers in Russia
True international problems
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Fuck you amerifags, you have the most variety of every race and nation of girls to choose
There are 100,000 aфpopoccиянe there though...
25,000 just in Moscow alone. Move there if you desire to racemix, faggot.
I AM in moscow you fag, there are couple hundreds of africans in internationals univercity. Almost no black girls.
Why you not moving to Russia with ebonies, black friend?
Moscow has hundreds of Nigerian escorts.
let me redpill you on black chicks slav.
the grass is always greener on the other side. for every halfway okay looking when you're so drunk you need your stomach pumped black chick, there is 9001 hideously ugly sheboons, hoggathas, great gorilla grods, donkey kongs, and shenaynays.
i live in the south, where most of them are, and have lived in major cities as well. the ones that are hot, are painfully beautiful, but those are more rare than an honest armenian, or well bathed frenchman.
According to your own census there are currently 25,000+ with loads more to come because your country agreed to take in welfare migrants.
That being said, you're probably an obese slovenly faggot with crippling social anxiety which prevents you from speaking to women in public.
That's fine, just stop lying about the racial demographics of your shithole of a country. If you're THAT desperate to contract HIV, come to America and fuck all the apish niggers you want.
I want LOVE not prostitutes
dat monica are literally indian.
> because your country agreed to take in welfare migrants
We dont have a welfare idiot.
I don't give a fuck about filthy arabs going to freeze in Siberia and then try to move to Finland or die trying.
>you're probably an obese slovenly faggot
That US projections
When Bolsheviks came to power they abolished the Imperial laws. Since they had left-social program they settled as priority social rights of the workers. In 1917 they passed law on unemployment benefits, decree on “Sickness Insurance” with a wide range of benefits, including rehabilitation after disease. In 1918 a decree on social protection was adopted. It contained much more elaborated norms and embraced a larger scope of people. However, due to the Civil war it was not enforced. One of the drawbacks of the Soviet system of that time was that payments were subject to membership in trade unions. But since a membership there was dependent on the moral attributes of the person, the system reminded a concept of the “deserving need”. Later social protection was spread out on all workers in the cities, while peasants had a very limited scope of protection. Only in 1964 the law was passed on “Pensions for Peasants (kolhozniks)”. The state was constantly enlarging the scope of protection and the amount of money addressed to it.
You know better then me, that slav girls are greedy whores. Except khokhol ones, they are even worse, but you get peace on your soul when you're with them
In 1990 a law on pensions was passed that entitled many new groups of people to state pensions, like individual entrepreneurs, members of cooperative organizations, etc. It also established State Pension Fund, which was responsible for the pension payments. The money of this fund was separated from the state budget, which allowed more independence from the governmental interference. But the biggest novelty of this law was that it made pension be dependent on the amount of worked years and the salary.
After building socialism and communism for more than 80 years, not surprisingly, Russia has deep social traditions. The art. 7 of the Constitution declared Russia to be a social state. Several social rights are mentioned are Constitutional rights and directly enforceable, like medial assistance. Many laws of the soviet time on social protection are still in force. As a part of the soviet legacy, Russia is also a party to the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which in art. 9 recognizes “the right of everyone to social security, including social insurance”.
Federal Law of 1999 N 165-FZ On the Foundations of the Social Insurance established nine social risks: sickness, medial care, labor injury or professional illness, maternity, invalidity, old age, loss of breadwinner, unemployment and survivor’s benefit (art. 7).
Hurry to look, american telling us about welfare based on previous century data
I'm not the one trying to fuck subhuman scum, I don't project...I DO correct the misbehavior of others.
If you're THAT desperate for sex, hire a hooker. If you're looking for "love" date a migrant girl who will marry you for citizenship then chain her up in your house and rape her when ever you see fit.
Laws still in action today, Nikolai.
So be it. 30 bucks each months, no work and getting ass kicked by local chechens and asians. #refugees welcome
Just to make it clear, we don't need fucking asian scum in here
Then go look for it.
we have a lot of them in Polan
they are into western lifestyle but I do not know what to tell them
you Russians do not even know my feelings
why cant you into Europe? you are needed, you are important and part of it
you are a counterbalance to... I guess you know
you are also close to the US than you think...
You two made me even more sad
Join the EU and that will no longer be the case
> Russian soul is to vast to be comprehended
it sucks to be partially Western and Eastern, put there as a fucking janitor or kind of a referee, or maybe just for the lulz
I believe that what Ivan Drago was trying to say is that the Russian soul is too drunk on vodka to understand.
Tfw I can read his shirt because it was a TATU song
I can't see how they suffer after the fall and cannot into anything constructive except unzipping their nuclear dick. This surely makes them feel good but may put the whole world into misery.
They need help but what kind perhaps only the Jews know...