Over the years Slavs were fighting each other, in awful brother killing wars, and yet we have prevailed. Imagine if we were united, would Western Europe stand any chance against the power of United Slavs.
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>slavic ''power''
Yea, Serbs and Croats would genocide each other, Ukrainians and Poles would be chimping out at Russia.
Russians would push a narrative that everyone is Russian.
Romanian's are gypsies
Hungarians are Huns
Czechia is German rape babies.
South of Russia is not Slav.
We need to be united with western europe as well to put off roaches.
fuck off nigga
no, fuck you
>Imagine if we were united
Daily reminder it's Russia that broke any idea of solidarity between Slavs by allying itself with Germany against Poland
>Be Balt
>World forever will see you as Slav
>"Hungarians are Huns"
>no way
>gotta check before btfo'ing user poster
>brother-in-law is called Attila
sadness now.
> I wszechsłowiańscy marzyciele,
> Zebrani w malowniczą trupę
> Z byle mistycznym kpem na czele,
> Całujcie mnie wszyscy w dupę.
do I actually need to translate it into interslavic?
I can relate to this, brother
If you are referring to the joint German-Soviet invasion that was to be expected when all western powers refused an an anti Hitler alliance that Stalin proposed.
>Baltic countries.
>United with Poles and Russians.
Get your shit together, Nikola.
A Serb denouncing the unity of his own nation, just go to Germany and scrub there toilets already.
Excellent. All the Slavs in one shit country.
what's wrong with being called Attila you raging puff?
It's the Ultra Nationalist fucks that oppose these kinds of unions not the ordinary man.
>tfw no else can because everybody is dead and are never coming back
>nationalize and unite Czech and Hungarian porn industries
>become superpower
>buy nukes from Best Korea
>build wall around Islamic west
>live in a happy utopia
>hungary in a slavic empire
>romania in a slavic empire
>hungary and romania in the same empire
two counts of stupidity followed by one count of boneheaded mistake.
+partitions of the PLC
+Alvensleben's convention
You're still screwed, Slavic man.
Your societies stubbornly refuse to pull themselves together.
I like russians, like ordinary people, but if we ever had to unite with their government, i would go full aloha snackbar desu senpai
we could never get along
reading comprehension is what is wrong with you.
Not so long ago there were only 9 sovereign countries behind the Iron Wall.
Now it's 23.
What fucking unity are you talking about?
But your eastern parts aren't baltic
Kto powiedział, że Moskale
Są to bracia nas Lechitów
Temu pierwszy w łeb wypalę
Przed kosciołem Karmelitów
Can Germany be a part of this alliance too, please? I am a polish german and I think we would be good friends. We have to get rid of the rapefugees first, then we can take on the pedophiles in america
The colors of the Hungarian and Romanian borders are in a different color to distinguished them from Slavic nations as autonomous states in the Union because the Union would look ugly with a gaping whole in the middle.
god damn i hate balts. why do we keep them alive? they have literally less people then us when all 3 together. just anihilate them.
One day we will unite under the glorious flag of Islam inshallah
There are Slavic minority, but they aren't very monolithic.
Maybe some small towns can be majority Slavic but they're largely irrelevant.
The only thing that can unite Slavs is a kebab removal coalition. Maybe after the west falls to Islam we will finally get united to protect ourselves from the shitskin menace
only Bavaria.
Bajuwaren are already slavs and not germanics.
Or at least lower their influence in Europe so we are not affected and enslaved by them anymore. Also, keep up the nations, don't bullshit around with the retarded schengen idea, it made gypsies come to our country and break into our houses. Fuck them.
Slavic-Pajeet alliance when?
We both squat on the streets (although for different reasons)
>Bajuwaren are already slavs and not germanics.
who we kill first? anglos or muslims
single largest ethnic group of Europe.
The only reason why there is a western Europe is because Slavs were made to fight among each other.
If you're not pan-slavic, you're a degenerate traitor.
eat shit jew cock sucker.
cretin. When has western europe ever successfully fought off Arabs? All i recal is how the british would pay the sultan to invade europe to get rid of their geopolitical rivals.
And people in your shit country are being baited and educated to be petty russophobi nazis in the interests of the Queen.
Balts have turned into subservient degenerate scum.
nothing more degenerate than betraying the ashes of your ancestors; unless you're of the Jews.
And the Polani betrayal of Rani to the Dutch has nothing to do with anything.
Don't blame the mirror is your face is crooked.
Implying the Huns were mongoloid and not a nomadic pseudo-aryan people.
In fact Europe surrendered its economic and industrial potential to Germany in order to attack Russia because Stalin put a holt to Perpetual Revolution propagated by the internationalist communist Jews such as Trotsky.
Brits and Scotch are Slavic tribe names :p faggot. Get off the Jew "New Jerusalem" dick.
Pic related. Polaks sold us out to the Christian Dutch Jews....
Russia and the others are our allies here. We have to purge our country, and by that I mean get the rapefugees out asap and regulate our immigration policy, which is a disaster atm.
Not only that actually. Sanskrit is very similar to polish
Jude endeckt!
>cytowanie zydka
nie rob tego m8 x^D
While there are people who don't mind Russia and would like to have more trade with them. Vast majority of people, even a lot of Russian speakers here don't want to be reunited with Russia under the same flag/govt.
Nigger we are white people and have to stick together against multiculturalism. Its fucking cancer
Russia is also allies with China or Brazil. Can China and Brazil be Slavs, too?
Time to rape our way to Lisabon.
Holy shit Apu cant stop laughing!!
they sure aren't from Germany and migrated there. What are they else?
especially since Germans are related to Slavs; thorough intermarriage.
lol, but you hate Jesus don't you?
anyway, we are cousins XD, how apropriate
>Faggot ruskie runing to canada from his shit country then talks shit, what Europe should do.
i hate like you mention all the time "we are not slavs" jsut fuck off. according to DNA tests which has been done lately estonians are 90% slavic and being finno urgic is just meme. i bet its same with u.
Muslims first
>Sanskrit is very similar to polish
I didn't know that actually
Can you tell me some words that are similar to sanskrit?
Russia != USSR
Before any possibility of such a Union, all asians and non-Whites have to deported from Russia, all Balkan inhabitants have to pass DNA test to vet out subhumans with Turk blood. In case of Romania, which is not Slavic, those with gypsy blood.
P.S. Those who would attack such comment, probably tainted mongrels or subversive degenerates who won't like to see the nation-state racially pure.
>lol, but you hate Jesus don't you?
No, we only hate Allah, cause muslims are cancer
Look at India
Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Jews, Jains, Zoroastrians, Buddhists all get along with each other
Only one we don't get along with is muslims
Stop appropriating title of the most conservative IE language.
Vilnius is not Polish.
do you realize that Balts are the closest relatives of the slavs?
no u
Germany stands on Slavic lands. You're essentially westernized Slavs.
Sorry, but since you are a geographic obstacle you must be incorporated.
>serbs and croats would genocide each other
Not really. The ethnic cleansing that was done in the balkans was mostly kebab removal. There isn't nearly as much hatred between us as people imagine, especially today.
>The JNA's lack of infantry support was due to a disastrously low level of mobilisation in the preceding months. Many reservists – who were drawn from all the Yugoslav republics, including Croatia – refused to report for duty, and many serving soldiers deserted rather than fight.
>A JNA officer who served at Vukovar later described how his men refused to obey orders on several occasions, "abandoning combat vehicles, discarding weapons, gathering on some flat ground, sitting and singing Give Peace a Chance by John Lennon."
>A tank driver, Vladimir Živković, drove his vehicle from the front line at Vukovar to the Yugoslav parliament in Belgrade, where he parked on the steps in front of the building. He was arrested and declared insane by the authorities. His treatment enraged his colleagues, who protested by taking over a local radio station at gunpoint and issuing a declaration that "we are not traitors, but we do not want to be aggressors."
Also, Russians are traitors to other slavs. The best we could do would be an Intermarium-type alliance.
Kill anglos before they kill themselves
you are slavs too
For some reason i really like you, you have that true Slavic spirit, i imagine you have an AK-47 under your bed just waiting for Slavic Crusade (Purge) to begin.
if you kill your enemies they lose
China is not slavic, but they seem based. The only thing disturbing me about them is that the CPC doesn't allow free speech, then lying about it by saying they do. About Brazil I can't say much. Perhaps the are based, but I don't know enough. But they are not slavic , that's for sure though. However, if they are against multiculturalism, they are welcome to join us
no, we r both germanic übermenschen :^)
Poland and Czech stand on Germanic land. And no, I'm not talking about Deutsches Reich, I'm talking about Germania.
It would be great but i do not agree to all Slav countries merging together. We should be just Allied like a better EU. Austrian can come too.
We stop marching when we reach Rugen.
And tare down the church of Altenkirchen.
>Western Europe stand any chance against the power of United Slavs.
Come again?
Suck dick. Polacks are the more ass raped nation in the world. You keep on presenting your ass to the pope.
How do so many of you manage to be such fucking losers escapes me.
polish, sanskrit, latvian, lithuanian, latin
Why are you so obsessed with that Rani stuff?
Sudetland and Prussia are legit claims.
According to your logic, then Souther Slavs are not Slavs too because majority of the belong to different haplogroup (I2).
And? You lost that land centuries ago. God you are like jews. Muh palestine, muh chosen homeland.
What would happen if it was German land? It would just be flooded by migrants. Be glad that Slavs respect their land a bit more.
I dont know how hard would it be to unite all slavs into one single country, but I miss SFR Yugoslavia and Tito
You're a fucking cretin. Why the fuck would we deport Russians from Russia?
You're seriously mentally retarded.
Off to the gas chamber with you.
If there was no U.S. western Europe could hold out for about 5 months max against the combined forces of all Slavic counties.
Yugoslavia was a communist state. I like the idea but hate the country.
>Vilnius is not Polish
It will become polish anyway. Your culture is based on dumb, primitive ethnonationalism. A culture like that can't be popular for a long period of time
In the end elites from Żmudź will turn to the polish culture, and they'll realize that the times of their height was when they were in union with Poland
Chill out Justin, take some pills then go suck off some tanned-Candian from closest refugees center.
As long as it is without Russia i am all for it.
Abdullah calm down
Rather east Germany, former Prussia was so or so a mix of Germans slavs and Balts. As Nietzsche said, it is the polish blood that made Germany great.
i get it. you mean that deporting nonwhites means deporting russians, becauseSLAVS ARE NOT WHITE I GET IT .
Maybe you should stop taking comments out of context and check who they are replied to.
i had no idea
that's really cool though
why do you think that the languages are really similar?
>Also, Russians are traitors to other slavs.
Jesus fucking christ. The retardness of that statement is unfathomable.
>not slavic
What is this, another meme of the "We wuz ostrogoths" or "We wuz illyrians" shit?
In Hindi, "Rani" actually means queen
No, Yugoslavia was DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM (actually it really was and it's not a Bernie-fag meme).