Is killing people wrong?

is killing people wrong?

Depends on circumstance. Care to explain?

There is no right or wrong as morality is subjective to one's perspective.

However, stabbing someone in the back over tendies is just a dick move

no, just in general, is it wrong to randomly kill anyone?

no thanks, I get it now

Religion says so.
Society says so.

You're taking a persons life. Their thoughts, their senses, their being. Murdering someone isn't a fair thing to do. It's been a suggestion not to murder people for thousands of years because of this.

Yes, unless your target is OP.

I don't condone it in general, but I understand that there are always complicated circumstances in which one person or another can be, will be, must be or need to be removed.

I mean, I wouldn't do it and I wouldn't want to be, so I think it is. Golden rule ftw

Which religion says no?
Almost all religions have killing in your god’s name or other loopholes.
Sure as hell ain’t Islam and a few Indian ones, like Kali.

im gonna fuck your ass if you kill someone

>There is no right or wrong as morality is subjective to one's perspective
so if i think it's right to kill you, it would be the right thing to do?

the idea who is the most accepted in a group, will be the one used

life is meaningless right? were just atoms floating in space


"There is no right or wrong as morality is subjective to one's perspective."

elaborate on which circumstances you would accept it.


Not if you do it right

Not in the name of the lord


Personally? I have a relatively close extended family where we see each other a few times a year. My cousins are more like brothers, and their kids may as well be nieces to me. If someone assaulted my cousin's daughters I'd be one of the first to be out looking for the guy responsible.

if someone pisses me off is it ok for me to kill them?

what is the right way?

I really couldn't say. I'm not you. I'm not God. I try not to inform or influence other people on most topics.

But I will say that I think just being pissed off by someone seems like a petty reason to kill.
