I am a Trump University graduate. Ask me anything.
I am a Trump University graduate. Ask me anything
Can teachers be bribed?
Was it a scam?
Did you know that "trump" is British slang for "fart"?
are u an immigrant
show me on the doll where he touched you
Where did this meme of sniping lion rampants come from?
I expected Trump's lion to have a dick tßh
Proof or GTFO
You'd know considering Australia is basically Britain's fart
Did it teach you how to breed?
A fart that has exceeded its creator
Isn't Trump "university' basically just a series of seminars you take? They don't give degrees do they? I heard they just give you a certificate that says you completed the course.
Do they have gender studies courses?
I figured if it's really a scam that it would.
god damn horsey is such a fucking faggot
Come on now your history is not as great as ours.
But our future is brighter
What is this picture even trying to portray? There's no political statement. It seems to me he's just saying "Everyone in the heartland is racist." It's more of an attack than a witty photo.
How does it feel you got ripped off less than you garden variety humanities grad?
one of the greatest tragedies of the modern era is that Horsey started drawing terrible political cartoons instead of porn
>minorities fuck like dogs
>silly white people are all perverts thinking about sex xDDDD
Aren't you normally supposed to answer questions within half an hour of posting the thread?
why doesn't that lion have a cock?
>They don't give degrees do they? I heard they just give you a certificate that says you completed the course.
kek, that's what a degree is
apparently making White babies is racist or something
Donald Trump only wrote the introduction to the books. The rest was all ghost written. Trump University then got caught in a ponzi scheme, and was promising if you paid enough money youd get to interact with Trump himself, something that never happened, and his own ghostwriting team had to whistleblow on the whole operation
>1 post by this id