Why ban porn?
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It's degenerate
Post webm
It really does need to go. It is seriously harmful to kids and teens who use it constantly for years. I can personally attest to that.
We should not ban it, but it is degenerate. Have some self control and stop watching it.
It's degenerate.
>inb4 muh freedums
One day, you'll be fapping to your daughter. Fucking incest pedo freak.
oh also jews invented it to destroy the family, so
I want berry my nose where her thighs meet
Because it's bad for your brain. I love porn but it makes me feel like shit. Porn causes your brain to release heaps of dopamine because your brain thinks you're looking at an actual mate. Since it produces so much dopamine it dulls other aspects of your life in contrast. Speaking from personal experience , it just makes me lazy, lethargic, and i get what people call "brain fog" (where you can't think clearly). I used to think nofap was bullshit, but thats cause I fapped to porn since I was like 12. Once I stopped, I felt like going to the gym all the time, had barely and insecurities when talking to people and overall just happier. Don't forget the majority of porn producers are Jews just like the one from blacked. Porn makes you weak and stupid and gives you less incentive to go out and find a mate to procreate with. Porn is horrible and degenerate. It's more addictive than anything I have ever touched in my life.
ban 3DPD porn. This is where all the degenerate stuff happens 2bh.
Porn turns you into a literal cuck, it's Judaic poison
This, you're a cuck if you get off to watching a guy fuck a girl you wish to fuck.
The whole internet is like porn for real life and socialization
Ban home internet service. THE only real way to stop porn anyway, and the whole internet is degenerate and antisocial. Or do what China does, limit internet speed nationally and put kids in camps for internet addiction.
Not even porn can escape meme magic:
>When you meme so hard it became porn
What a time to be alive.
The correct answer is to watch only amateur porn
porn usage needs to be frowned upon the same as drug/alcohol usage, but not outright banned
Jesus christ. Sup Forums needs to stop
What are you doing here then?
the internet prevents shaming from happening
hate to say this but internet anonymity is a societal problem in the long run and isn't a good thing contrary to what channers think. It's impossible to shame anything when people are behind a screen
Because it lowers testosterone and is run by the Jews, intentionally targeting beta males from ever progressing to an alpha.
why are white converses on the feet of every teenager in america. how fucking droll.
I'm here because I'm an info porn and fear porn addict. Same for you.
speak for yourself low test betamale
Those are cream colored. I have the same exact shoes.
the internet as a whole is responsible for the beta problem, porn just being one symptom. The main reason is that people can do too much without having to leave the house or even their chair.
I'm here for the porn addict porn
Why are we here tho?
Are girls really this lewd underneath their clothes?
>ban porn
>rape rate spikes up
>every woman turns into a diva
>prostitution becomes most profitable buisiness
I didnt know so many pimps browsed Sup Forums, how much an hour?
im here because at least it's not porn. Sup Forums addiction is at least a tiny bit above porn addiction and being in constant fear help me stay away from it
Porn does need to be banned and not just for the cuck you sexual images. Many people fail to realize the deep level of programming that exists behind internet porn and it's extremely dangerous and must be destroyed.
because it's the ultimate jew
its another : Sup Forums we must talk about it and how you should stop episode.
the whole internet needs to be banned because at this point it's inseperable from porn. This site is the perfect example. You can shut down the industry but it will never stop because every 15 year old with a phone is now a porn producer. Nothing short of restricting access to technology entirely will fix it.
100$ 300 if she is a natural blonde, 50 for a gypsy
Theres more cuckhold porn on Sup Forums than every other boards combined (after moots betrayal of his sweet ass bitch).
Let that sink for a minute.
Moot is a Jew, this whole site was created to subvert the intelligent white young male demographic, and always was, even in the "old days".
if you defend Sup Forums and anonymity at all you're bluepilled
If you ban it it wont change much , people will just jerk off to images of girls with clothes or use their brain for fantasies much more
true, the real big societal change would come from heavily limiting the internet as a whole, see China. People still can access porn there if they're not retards, but children can't and the internet is made hard to use for communication, instead only for information.
Look, I hate what I'm saying would be good, but somehow I know it would probably be great for society. The problem is that currently it would be leftists using that power. I mean in an ideal conservative society where the gov cared for the people, internet would be limited or restricted
8/10 panties would rub dick with
Im neither far right or far left and dont give a damn of who wins the american elections, but I do defend this forum's anonymity (and I like the chaos and freedom this place provides), and should so you...after all you are posting here, so if you are a stormfront fag you are already betraying your own ideology.
Anyway, you fags fap to niggers fucking blondes, so the hell with you.
>>fag cannot matlab
explain the filename
>that image
>implying there's a difference
>tfw the game still keeps its blood-covered GUI even if you're being as kind to Sylvie as possible
It's like it wants to remind you that she will never forget the horrors of her past no matter how nice you are.
Either that or it's just an implication that the asshole route is the correct one.
Those are scars of her past user. They are a reminder of the horror she has passed and the ones you must protect her.
Whit your headpats, your kindness and you dick she'll always be happy.