When are you going to grow up and suck a log of shit out of Andy Sixx's asshole?

When are you going to grow up and suck a log of shit out of Andy Sixx's asshole?

Other urls found in this thread:


I am done with your bullshit, logposter faggot, you've dedicated too long for this gay, shitty forced meme, IT WILL NOT BECOME POPULAR it will die forgotten and unloved, much like you, faggot. Do yourself a favor, stop logposting and suck dicks for money so people will care about you. Saged and reported.

Sounds like you need to mature a little and learn to love it.
Here's a log. Clog yourself

It's against the rules to say you sage'd or reported someone.


Funny you're telling me to grow up when you post atleast 20 threads daily about sucking shit from a faggot's asshole. If anyone here needs to grow up, it's you.







haha you posted it again. epic bro lol

Lol I know right bro? Thanks haha

the universe is like a massive log

also dark stinky holes

This is fact.


Do you like my collection

you need to relax, bredren,
andy selassi high

>forced shit
so hot..

I always thought nigger hair looks like turds

it's logs, anonfriend, logs

Ok if you don't stop spamming in these sexy sexy threads then I'm going to tell Andy not to shit down your throat


Honestly its just dumb not even funny more cancerous then the trap threads

>more cancerous than the trap threads
Fag detected

lolz xD epic posting Sup Forumsro xD xD xD I lulz'd

Don't let him take all the credit, I start them too. They're just too damn sexy

please stay on topic user were trying to discuss Andy's warm loafs slidding down our fucking throats

if you can't maturely discuss I'm going to have to ask you to leave

>be you
>complain about literal shitposting on Sup Forums
pic related

You are parasites, there is like 10 of you who actually enjoy these creepy threads please kill yourselves

I really miss the great days of lolcat and banana spam it's so much better than logs

le butthurt massive

Please log all complaints at the logofshit site. There they will be reviewed.

Nah, banana wouldn't exist without ylyl. These threads do just fine on their own

Neither of those memes had a reputable complaint system. All complaints are logged and taken into consideration by Andy. You'll find the Better Logster Bureau (BLB) rates log memes the best memes of this era.


andy is recording his new album right now...
analog, of course.

logging in

Love the LOAF

sounds like the logless need a good floggin'

Double Sixx's clogged



So this is what passes as a meme here nowadays eh?

Lay the smackdown