How do I get black gf in 99.8% white country?

How do I get black gf in 99.8% white country?

>in 99.8% white country
where is that?

what country? I want to live there

None of your concern. Answe my question

Visit the local zoo

99% ???? Where do you live ?

Post-soviet shithole, that's all you need to know

get a white gf you left leaning nigger loving parasite

Almost all Eastern European countries..


No go faggot

I'm white nationalist

Come to italy, you can fuck a niggres for15 euros and surely get aids

why would anyone want that?

Same in France, sometimes cheaper

>I'm white nationalist
>I want a monkey girlfriend
this shit got cringy pretty fast

I cant even imagine having sex with a thing like that, a big sack of stds and African cum

It's my guilty pleasure and I can't do anything to stop it. There are literally only 2 niggers in my country.

>It's my guilty pleasure and I can't do anything to stop it
then you are not a white nationalist. there is not single identitary group which would want a dirty nigger lover
>There are literally only 2 niggers in my country.
then keep it that way

>There are literally only 2 niggers in my country.
>in 99.8% white country
Wait, are there only 1000 total people in your country?

You have white-colored black people. Who squat.
Why not date one of them?

Maths pro thanks, but i don't think so

Move to another country with more blacks

Socxialists with slave mentality. Also golddiggers and whores.

That's a funny looking nigger


Be white, and don't pretend to be black. A LOT of black girls want white guys, because they are sick to death of niggerish behavior.

Do what the many other countries have done and elect a left wing government and you will be swimming in niggers in notime.
Best of luck on your quest to get aids OP

So is this a nigger thread?

You didn't understand me. I want a non-nigger black gf. I don't want to flood my country with 60 IQ subhumans

Kill yourself. Africans belong in Africa. Race realism is true realism.


>the mothers of killers

factories are ideal targets

so fucking disgusting

so you want a good woman that happens to be black, so like a pre 1960's non feminist white woman but with black skin?
You need a magic lamp or catch a leprechaun or something, not a thread on /b.
Best of luck.

how you sound to me:
"bleh bleh this specific race of humans that i do not like belong to this piece of land on which they were originally found by another race of humans that just coincidentally had better conditions to make more advanced society"

except you're forgetting that niggers act exactly in accordance with the values of society them and their parents were raised in

school bullies and murderers of a family member is what I've got from blacks, meanwhile your social efforts keep them from becoming much more than an acquaintance out of their own fear and hate, you engineered this you commies and you will watch your precious servant races burn alive, they will be unaware, it is you who will hurt for them

no, they're inherently more tribal and collectivist not really understanding work, not to the detriment of their intellectual accomplishment but their economic accomplishment, it's you who through music and video recruit them as killers of my race, I will only kill your pets because you are next commie


>coincidentally had better conditions to make more advanced society

Go fuck yourself with your tse tse fly. Africa is one of the richest and most economically exploitable land masses on earth. Fucking hell, Egypt grew to superpower status there, even in the pre-bronze world.

Mansa motherfucking Musa (black Arab and great ruler) built great kingdom in Africa. he only reason jungle niggers and desert niggers never used their domesticatable beasts to accomplish building a major fucking civilization on their own is a lack of industry. Africa is capable of being a paradise, if the fucking Africans would just make it so. Unfortunately, they'd rather just rape babies and kill each other.

Pic related is a quote that gets misattributed to Darwin a lot, but it's no less true.