want to fuck up neighbor's car. current plan - sponge soaked in month old milk and piss super glued to windshield, extra piss poured to spread stank puddle and help freeze.

this could be more fucked - gross runny shits on the sponge. but it need you gross cunts

fuck this car up

Put sugar in his gas tank. It will fuck it up real good

Key your full name SSN and credit card info into the driver side door


I don't care how much you hate someone, don't fuck with their food or their car.

Find something else to do.

No it will do nothing. Faggot.

break window shit inside

he ruffed up women and im a man fuck off

Ah...well ok that changes things. But c'mon real man, just go fuck him up.

Go ruff him up then little bitch.

You're not a man, you're a pussy..

already caught 2 charges. cant just fuck a dude up. need to fuck his shit and not get charged

dum dum, i cant get an assault charge
need to wreck his shit and not go to fucking prsion

How can you be so sure he won't figure out it was you who fucked his car up?

You write like you're a nigger. You're acting like it too.

criminal mastermind this one

i dont care if he knows it i dont want him to prove it

mission is dont get arrested not rocket surgery

the thing is, if you fuck his car up without him knowing why and who did it he's not going to realise it's cause he's an asshole, but he will think it's just a random douchebag who did it

Figure out your self little autistic gangster.

So you're not only a pussy but you're also a dumb cunt that gets caught?

The man has a point,
Use pink sugar

a) his days is consistently fuckced - thats great b) or he thinks its someone shitting on him for getting hit-y with women

both work for me

Half hour before he goes to work put a bunch of cute puppies in his car. That'll ruff it up good

drive drunk a thousand times, itll catch up someday. way to be the cunt is who too worthless to help even being a cunt. drink draino

Build a school in Africa claiming you're him

op expected more of the festering taint of the internet

strain soupy vomit through your teeth

Wow, you're a complete fucking imbecile. LOL

lol eat blood coated phelgm, cum hangar.

Is that all you got?

Thought so.


Film yourself sucking his dick OP, then post it online and put pictures up all around the neighbourhood. Everyone already knows you're a faggot so it's only his rep that will get destroyed.

put some cotton socks together forming a firm ball. push it deep into the exhaust


>Sees fucked car
>Takes anger out on woman and beats wife to death

Just put stuff in the gas tank. Coke or sugar based stuff. Do I it and post pics

Like two or three years ago (rarely smoked) my friend invited me to his cousins house for a sesh, walk in within two seconds he packs this cone of this shit called Pineapple Chunks, holy fuck best shit ive ever had, anyone else?

just get paint stripper and put it in a water pistol, tiger paint )

get a can of that expanding foam and shove the tube wayyyy up in the exhaust and give it a good couple of pumps

pour brake cleaner all over the car. this destroys the paint and makes repainting it difficult to impossible
put anchovies with the juice down in the vents under the windshield and under the hood. the smell will be horrible.

put scoops of shit under the doorhandle of the drivers door

***fuck brake FLUID not cleaner, sorry
also remove wiper blades and smear something all over the windshield

put coca cola on his car. it will destroy the paint

Put a little dog shit on the drivers side door handle and on the trunk opener. Just a small amount so that he wipes it on his pant leg before realizing it's shit.

Do it only once then wait 30 days and do it again. You'll mind fuck him.


get a can of spray foam that seals cracks and open his gas cap and spray it down to tube. it will harden overnight, and he wont know until he refuels and will be extra fucked. have a great day

just spill a box of drywall screws in the area where he parks.

Throw baloney all over it. It will fuck up paint and leave vehicle polka dot. Only faggots mess with people's cars. Be a man and fight him.

The key is to keep damage right below the deductible so it gets to stay that way. Spray it with 3m adhesive and confetti it.