Bernie supporter blocked me in and trashed my car

I have a trump sticker and now he's calling the police on mez he said I was doing 36 in a 35, what do?

He said if he sees me driving again he will kick my ass for "speeding so bad"

Hes basically keeping me from going home becauae I live in a. Cul-de-sac

>Bernie Supporter
>Making physical threats against anyone ever

Are you afraid you'll kill him should a fight actually break out or is this b8?

He didn't use a radar gun.
He has no proof.
If there is paint on your car it shows he rammed into you.

Make sure you keep a level head with the police officer, make the other guy look idiotic for wasting the officer's time (1mph over, the officer will probably be annoyed by this guy).

Take it easy, keep us updated

call the police if he starts a confrontation?

police love trump supporters

No I'm just getting annoyed by his shit

He drives a VW bug and I drive a charger....I think he's jelly or something

man i wish this were true

Bernie supporters are swine.

chargers are the manliest cars of all time..well done m8

It is he stormed up to my window one day and said "don't hit my kids mother fucker" he actually let's his kids play in the middle of the street

Call 911 and tell them this crazy guy is blocking you in and threatened you

Speeding don't mean shit because he isn't an LEO

>what do
-1/10 b8

Call a tow truck and get him towed. Make sure you call a tow company that supports Trump so the will remove the vermin's vehicle for you.

Call your police, they come and shoot him.

Pics or it didn't fucking happen.

You're dealing with a crazy man, call the police and tell him he's threatened to assault you (kick your ass for speeding)

Kill yourself for being such a pussy.

The police would give less of a shit about the alleged speeding and more about the fact that your neighbor is being a dick.

Maybe try to get your neighbor's lie on tape if you can, in case he tries to make up new shit.


Hey guys, OP here, cops came and threatened him and said "even if he was speeding. Hd came nowhere nesr your lawn, and why are you letting your children play in the road. You aren't a cop. You aren't even neighborhood watch. Where the driveway ends is public property. Go back inside and don't waste our time". Then left

we got an internet tough guy

Do what a cop would do; say you feared for your safety and shoot his ass.

This is when I would get some pop corn and watch the freak show.

Drive on the sidewalk you dumb pussy

Call the cops yourself. They're not going to give you a ticket because some retard said you were speeding.

First post best post.

Pretty rare.

Punch him in the fucking stomach and just drive off.

>guy threatens to assault you
>tell him to DO IT
>pull out concealed carry
>magdump because you feared for your life
>everybody wins

Goad him into attacking you, then press charges. Remember felons can't vote. You're gonna have to take one for the team bud

Did he say he would shoot them?

He said he would use his MMA training on me...not even joking


every fucking time

Isn't everything cheap as fuck in Liechtenstein? Can I go there for cheap alcohol?

You should have revealed your power level and told him how many confirmed kills you have as a Navy Seal.

Get out of the car and kill him. Stop being a pussy


libertarian paradise

Lol i lived near albany ny for like 25 years, had this exact thing happen. Faggot sits outside with a sign that shows how fast you're going. Let's his kids play in the road, speed limit is 35.

"Hey I always see you speeding through here. You gotta slow down."
"Shut the fuck up, you absolute nobody."
"Hey my kids play out here."
"Maybe don't let them play in the street like a retard.
"I trust them. I don't trust you."
"Pffffft. Your mama."

Then I drove away.





Does Liechtenstein even exist?