She has a point you know
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If a muslim shoots someone, it's because he's believing a fairy tale and wants 72 virgins. If a White guy shoots someone, it's because society has failed him
This. And that's fine with me.
Barbaric religious motives affect crime.
Gun laws only affect those who don't do crime.
She almost had a point.
Whites don't base their shooting on the fact they are white. Muslims do however base their actions in faith. This girl is an idiot.
A white man can be a Muslim. Can a middle eastern man claim to be white? These people choose their murderous beliefs and they deserve the harsh discrimination that comes with it.
Don't we blame it on mental illness? Same thing for Islam desu
But he doesn't go up and scream
He killed people as an individual not as a member of some group so no, she does not have a point.
No if a white guy does it they blame all white men. If a black guy does it they either blame gun laws or all white men.
Wait... So what? I mean, that's right, right?
I think the doublethink in this one has broken my brain. I agree with this...
Because owning a gun is the same as being told to kill people because of your religion.
Wow, worst Korea.
>if a Muslim who was trained and armed by a large Islamic group shoots someone while proclaiming it's in the name of Islam and gets the backing of said large Islamic group, which then promises more shootings by people in the name of Islam then people blame Islam
This might hold true if someday somebody goes on a shooting spree but instead of yelling Allah u snackbar he instead repeatedly yells SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED
Yeah, the muslim guy just so happened to shout 'allah u akbar' before he shot the guy for no reason.
Wife material right there.
They always blame colonialism or military intervention for the terrorist attacks.
She's got it backwards. The Esrablishment doesn't blame Islam and wants more gun laws.
Not an argument
us white bois need mo money for dem programs
If a white guy does it in the name of Christianity, blame it. Until then, shut up.
Yea maybe if you like marrying batshit insane sjws
No she doesn't, you stupid American cunt. Ashley conveniently forgot that Muslims always do it in the name of their religion while most white guys that shoot up somewhere do it because they're simply mentally unfucking stable.
And even if a white guy does it in the name of white supremacy it has repercussions e.g. the Confederate Battle Flag being essentially banned while if a Muslim does it they just get #NotAllMuslims trending on Twatter.
It's about the cause-motive you shitlord
That's because the sandnigger shot up a place because of Islam.
This one White boy apparently hated one person, killed them then killed himself.
If the gun laws were lax, the person he killed would've had the ability to defend himself.
So no. That cunt and you don't actually have a point. Go kill yourself you faggot.
>If a white guy does it in the name of Christianity, blame it. Until then, shut up.
tfw there's no active, church endorsed crusade going on at the moment.
But when most muslims do it they do it for Islam.
shes right, we should always blame Islam
>Muslim screams Allah Akbar before they kill non-Muslims
>Nothing to do with Islam.
>Not real Muslims
>Change facebook flag
>Feminists blame white men
>Media shows right protestors to Islamfication of their countries
>Leftists blame right wing white people for Muslim terrorists
>"If you white people weren't so Islamiphobic/racist they'd be nice to us". Said the white guilt ridden whitey.
>Rinse & repeat
One is what Western society was created by and for, and one is not.
What point you stupid whore, the terrorists themselves say it's for islam. furthermore it's not like your hypocritical lot wouldnt do the same, excusing sandniggers and blaming white people for shootings
A dude murdering people in the name of his religion is not the same as some faggot shooting up a school because a girl won't touch his butterface.
>this is what Sup Forumstards actually believe
She's right whites are inherently violent, so all minorities should leave for their own safety. It's the humane thing to do
And when a black guy shoots someone, they blame it on white people.
if someone kill people in the name of his gf, should we put his gf in jail ?
Yeah beheading and convert or die isnt due to terrible sand nigger religious doctrine!
people on this board are so intolerant!
I second this its the only way for those precious minorities to be safe!
This times a trillion
>Whatu isu diran roofu
True, maybe we should see why young white males are so inclined to suicide.
Well that was brutal.
Weak genes.
The white guy did nothing wrong. He was going to church, trying to turn his life around.
really makes you think
It's a big hint that islam is to blame when they shout allah akbar as they kill.
Usually when a muzzy shoots people, flies a plane into a building, beheads their daughter/coworker, bombs a public event, or something similar, it usually has to do with his religion.
White shooters are generally insane and pissed at society. The only white guy I know that went off on a premeditated and ideologically motivated killing spree was Roof.
I don't know what she's talking about though. The media practically prays for a white shooter so they can attack white men. whenever it's a Muslim, #NotAllMuslims #NeedMoMigrantsFoHijrah
Nigger what
>it's because society has failed him
but how do you not know if the society has failed the muslim terrorist? prehaps he was born out of war and some of his familiy members died from drone strikes and carpet bombings
middle east is filled with shit like this desu
I almost puked.
>"muslim" is a race
If it suddenly became commonplace that white people started gunning down civilians hile shouting "Praise Jesus, he's a great guy" we'd most certainly be blaming Christianity.
I'm a /cruzmissle/ now
Posting from London I see.
He would do it regardless of how he's been treated, because that's what his book tells him
How do cucks and burners explain these Chicago gun murders?
...really makes you think
Whites don't belong to a religion that tells them to kill those who don't belong so there are other reasons they do it
Sixth post best post
Congratulations, Great Marshall Kim Jong-Un wishes to reward you with the most generous gift of sparing the life of your sister by instead recruiting her as a form of off-duty physical morale enhancement for our border guards.
Consent is not required.
So was it a muslim or a white guy?
What the fuck man
Stop conflating their religion with what they do guys, it's the current year.
Except a mudslime will more often than not cry out allahu akbar before he blows himself up and tell the world he did it for his religion, therefore you blame Islam for it.
When white people shoot others the motive ranges from betamax to ethnic cleansing. The motives range whereas mudshits only do it for one thing, their death cult of islam
probably the book is just an excuse, the real reason is because society/the west actually failed him.
>Comparing a race to an ideology
thank you worst korea.
when muslims kill someone because they insulted the prophet or because he was motivated by his religion ofc we blame islam.
but lets say a muslim kid shoots up a school because he got bullied or because hes angry with his teachers, people wouldnt blame islam.
why is it so hard to understand for some people? its like basic logic is too hard to comprehend.
people should blame whiteness or what? top kek. i guess whenever a tragedy happens its a good opportunity for some to shit on white people and defend islam.
Satan himself as spoken, save yourself you precious minorities and leave while you can save yourself!
she is right we should leave gun laws alone and blame atheism
>probably the book is just an excuse, the real reason is because society/the west actually failed him.
Hello Algeria. In that case, how do you blame "the west" when it happens in islamic lands like yours?
The white guy ins't shooting someone because he feels like his religion commands him to and he is supported by thousands of other like minded eople who also believe their religion gives them license to kill infidels Big difference, too bad you are to retarded to see the difference.
More proof of this?
The way I read it as a satirical statement of how every blame is misdirected.