Where does /b stand?

Where does /b stand?

We moving up boys started as a anarcho capitalist a while back


anarcho capitalist.. jumbo shrimp.. psh. There can be no anarchism with capitalism.

It's more like anarco-liberalism. A limited state is essencial to free market movement

I expected this

However, economic liberalism still needs rule of law (not sure about the exact concept's name in English, since we just call it "Estado de Derecho" in Spanish)

We don't need state to enforce property laws for us to have capitalism, you dumb left wing


Absolutely serious question, how many genders do you think there are

Hardcore Nat Cap
Pinochet 2.0

Good goy

genders do not really exist, there are only humans

Put the bong down buddy

vaporisation is a much healtier way to get high, but I roll cigs to compensate this

Your political compass is the only correct view in this thread

There are two genders. Not every leftist is a complete social justice retard.

Well would you look at that

There's still hope but if you actually look at how the party ideology is progressing, not only in the states, even actually more in Europe, left leaning, progressive parties have been flung so far to the left they have lost all rationality. Right leaning parties have not moved since 2010, they've actually gone more to the center since this "new right movement" isn't really conservative. So of course they are individuals who can still view ideological problems objectively and still fall on the left (Dave Rubin for example), but the overall ideological system has been completely fucked.

If what I'm seeing on the internet is a correct representation of what happens on American university campuses, then that is absolutely fucked up. That said, I don't feel like Europe is really as you describe. New or formerly unpopular parties on both ends of the left/right spectrum pop up and claim to have the be-all-end-all solution to all the problems. Their proposed solutions usually only look at a single issue and they ignore that politics is much broader than just that issue. People end up voting for them because they want to believe in what these parties supposedly offer, but it seems like a short sighted approach to me. My perspective is mostly based on Belgium and neighboring countries. It's likely different in eastern/northern/southern Europe.

tl;dr I think European parties (and voters) are diverging away from the center, not to the left.

>There can be no anarchism with capitalism
Capitalism is the natural order of things. It often sucks, and you may not like it, but that's what happens when you remove all regulations.

Except less communsim

Thank god


Whenever I see pictures like this summarizing political views, I always end up with some weed reference, I don't smoke weed...