I'm 23 and one of my wisdom teeth JUST started growing in. This is some real fucking pain Sup Forums

i'm 23 and one of my wisdom teeth JUST started growing in. This is some real fucking pain Sup Forums.

>be american
>no insurance

what do? help me Sup Forumsros

Get it pulled.

Pull it out yourself.



Get some orajel or suck it up pansy

Who is she???


Shit is expensive, bro.
Thought about this. But it's fucking really in there. Shit is growing out sideways.
Prob the plan.

Anyone just ignore the pain and not get their shit pulled? How long does it take for this to not hurt? I can't fucking sleep it's so bad.

>not knowing Monroe

Find the closest dental college to you and get them pulled for reduced cost or free.

Gargle salt water and pray it comes in straight. Enjoy the next 10 years of them pushing and causing grief and pain. Sometimes it’s good to get old

OP here. I took 1600 mg of ibuprofen. Am I going to die?

I know this is against the rules, but. I'm addicted to CP and wish to share it so..

Biggest thing is don’t let it get infected. Salt water and oragel. Ibuprofen for extra help.

Good advice.
Is this what you did, user? It's not coming in straight, it's already fucking turned toward my tongue. It's killing me. I'm hoping the pain goes after after a few days though.

Do 2 ibuprofen and 2 Tylenol. Wash with salt water.

>being this new

Mine never came out until 10 years later. 2 are fucked cause they never were exposed enough to grow enamel properly. They’re still in my mouth. They don’t hurt but will get them pulled one day when Obamacare allows it. They just don’t look nice. It’s better to pull now before they root in your jaw then wait 20 years like an asshole like me. Don’t get infected

I don't get it. Is that cartoon "cp"?

Thanks Anons. Solid advice. Hopefully fucking not, because then I'm fucked. Although I'd be able to just go to the hospital at that point, I think. But then I'd owe a few thousand dollars. :/

Most dentists don’t pull anyways. It’ll be considered surgery.

move to CO or any state with expanded medicaid - dental is included. problem solved?

love monroe pls more

you are a lucky guy
i wish i could get my teeth pulled again so i could get a script for oxy

dont know... mine grew out a long time ago but no dentist wants to pull them out, since they have enough space and everything is allright.... maybe hope for the same?

just saw that they grew in sideways - you have to get them pulled out dude...

I'm not too bothered by what they look like, just the fucking pain. If it goes away, then I guess I'll just ignore it, unless I can figure something out.
Fucking surgery. I heard getting them pulled is terrible.
Too poor to move.
Here ya go, bro

it's CP


I think it’s worse when they root in your jaw. Either pull the trigger now or experience what you are feeling right now every couple of months for the next 10 years. No kidding.

Emigrate to modern country

What state are you in OP?

Don't get yourself fucked over man. It'll hurt like hell for a long time.

Not to mention it could damage the tooth in front of it.
Mine did when I didn't get it pulled. Both teeth had to be pulled later.
I had two wisdom teeth pulled (in holland, where we all have health insurance). It's not that big a deal, good sedation and you won't feel a thing from the "surgery". It takes about 15 mins. Little swelling for a week. That's it.

Go get it removed. It could cost you more money and pain in the future.
Also. I feel sorry for your healthcare system. It shouldn't be that way in a civilised country. It makes the US look like a third world country.

ew CP fag kys

Obamacare mandates insurance, so if you don't have any you are breaking the law, that tooth pain is your sentence. Stop being a criminal nigger and buy insurance.

>Obamacare mandates insurance,
I've never bought insurance. What am I guilty of?

obamacare is no longer the law of the land. also, republican governors screwed the whole damn thing up when they refused to expand medicaid to those who could not even afford the lowest insurance. unemployment happens. what should've been done is expand medicaid for every state, then put able-bodied people who receive it to work. you know, like Colorado. there's a reason we're getting thousands of new people coming to the state every fucking week.

Solid advice based user. I'm going to figure something out and get it pulled. Might have cancer too, I just noticed a round little lump on my jaw, it hurts when I push on it. Man, being human fucking sucks.
It's not CP and you know it's not, otherwise you'd be shouting for mods, fag

it's almost a scofflaw. not really enforceable. i think the penalty is taken out on tax returns or something, like $100/yr. you know, it's almost like Obama's admin didn't want to screw over the poor as much as Republicans and Bank of America seek to.

what state are you in OP? i recently moved to Colorado where medicaid includes dental aid. sure, it has its limits, but something is better than nothing. are you a student? maybe you can transfer for a semester or take a summer class somewhere here?

The ACA doesn't mandate dental insurance anyway

>>be american
>>no insurance
Except its the LAW that you should have insurance. Suffer you lazy fuck

one of the worst things about Americans is that they don't support other Americans. instead of helping the poor and needy, they shame and humiliate them. yeah, Republicans, i'm looking at you.

As someone who lives in the US I can confirm we're third world. The rich people are the only ones here who arent struggling everyday. Its a fucking embarrassment whenever someone acts like this place isn't a shithole that only works by exploiting the working class.

Except Americans give more dollar per dollar to charity then any other country........

its against the law to have no CAR insurance you dumb fuck

Found the lazy fag who thinks he should be driving a Bentley and wiping his ads with $100 bills working as a hamburger flipper at McDonald's 20 hours a week

except American charities are businesses that only give a minimal amount, like 10% of their funds, to the poor. charities are basically a tax write-off for the wealthy and those that seek to feel better about themselves by donating to church fundraisers.

found the dumbfuck who thinks if he works harder for the man, Trump just might move him up a tax bracket.

In what state?

not that user, but in FL you cannot drive a car without insurance. if you're caught, then the fines start at $250 last i checked.

Or start talking to oral surgeons. Explain your situation. Someone may take pity on you and help you out. You have got nothing to lose.

I thought this was CP but i recongized her on pornhub before

This. 100%

I'm pretty sure that's every state.

yep. i'm guessing that user is a kid who hasn't bought his first car yet and doesn't know he needs to pony up several thousand yearly for PIP.

Don't listen to anything like this.

These are your best temporary solution.

I recommend trying to get a job at any dentist office usually they give free dental insurance. i got free wisdom teeth removal because family member worked for a dentist who was good friends with the specialist.