>good food
>friendly people
>nationalistic population
>president who endorses Christian values
>relatively rich and lots of natural ressources
>no Muslims
>no terrorist attacks
>low crime rate
Is Russia the best country in the world?
>no one paragraph does not checked
>good food
Explain. Everything I have seen is shit. Pickles and cabbage, mainly, it seems.
>No Muslims
"Islam is the second most widely professed religion in Russia." Granted, only 6-14%, but it really makes you think.
>No terrorist attacks
HAHAHAHAHA. Oh wait, you're serious.
>low crime rate
low quality bait
Oh look, the anti Russians shill has arrived.
I would prefer living in Russia to living in the USA any day.
Russia has serious problems but it's making real progress and in twenty years will be a completely different, positive situation.
No its not.
Its so bad its good.
You would, cuck.
Seriously though, anyone who thinks there is no terrorism knows nothing about the northern caucasus.
The future of Russia is brighter than the future of the US or UK or Germany or any other major western country, but in the present day it's still worse.
>northern caucasus
Just don't live there.
Russia and China are the future, as they are uncucked by Jews and PC culture.
too shitty cold and fascist. rather go to one of the countries that's russia-lite
>full of muslims
>holohoax denial can get you jail
>corrupt to no end
>open border policy with central asia
>hated by all of the other slavs
Sochi is warm.
Despite everything except the good food is wrong - yes, it's the best coutry in the world.
Russia would be pretty cool,if it wasn't as cold as a witch's titty doing push ups in the snow wearing a brass bra.
>people unironically want to live in rashka land
aids ridden shithole filled with muslims and chinks
>>good food
Where the fuck is the Russian guy who makes pancakes out of his cum? I know he still posts here.
OP neither of those are correct Russia has massive problems.
t.a guy who regurarly goes there.
in many prophecies of our blossoming happens after 2020, so, should wait.
>friendly people
>no Muslims
>no terrorist attacks
>low crime rate
LOL from which dimension did you drop out of?
Corrupt as shit.
Economically fucked as shit.
Needlessly hostile to the West.
Kissing China's ass.
Oligarchic hell-hole.
>no Muslims
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
>Needlessly hostile to the West.
>no muslims
Moscow has the highest muslim population of any European city
I'm going to ask for some solid evidence for your statement, please
t. Muhammad
Dagestan, Chechnya, Tatarstan, Ingushetia. All Muslim areas in Russia. Also, there are regular terror attacks in those areas. Where the fuck did you get no muslims from?
I remember you fellas getting lost in our subway :^)
Russian immigrants are coming to America constantly. The same way we used to have Italian and Irish neighborhoods, now Russian neighborhoods are popping up in major cities.
Not too many Americans going to their country though...
Tatarstan and Bashkortostan are okay.
Chechnya is safe as fuck too with all the KRA troops everywhere. Ingushetia and dagestan are the most dangerous republics in russia nowadays I believe.
You forgot
>starts shit with t*rkroaches, who, with the bosphorous, hold a kill switch on the only industry russians are actually capable of operating
Muslims are native to Russia, you do realize that.
And with the Arab and western financing, there's plenty of terrorism in Russia. They just do an excellent job of preventing it.
Russian elites need a good purge, then it will be excellent. Right now its a great place to fuck off to some village, and raise a family.
The rural part is excellent.
What do Russians think of American travellers?
By their own admission; they miss the world being scared of them, like a psychopath off their meds.
>>no Muslims
The fuck is that big blue entry ugly piece of shit infront of that beautiful building.
No one likes murikan travellers
We don't project our anti-Americanism personally. If you're alright, you're gonna be fine, welcomed even.
Apparently there are 1.5 million more Muslim guest workers in the city according to wikipedia.
>American travellers
if you're live not in Moscow and St. Petersburg an american rarer than somalian, i have not met.
>Don't smile like an idiot and don't tell other what to do or how to live. Follow this 2 simple rules and you will have great time in Russia.
Why are you describing the USA?
>hates gays
No, it is NOT
>good food
Borshe soup
>friendly people
They only fight and blyat
>nationalistic population
Russians are population of many ethnicies. There is no true nationalism. You could see that in Soviet era.
>president who endorses Christian values
President that attack Ukrainia for no reason
>relatively rich and lots of natural ressources
Not relatively. Russia is the largest country. Of course there is some resources
>no Muslims
You want to recheck this
>no terrorist attacks
You want to recheck this
>low crime rate
You want to recheck this
Ayyyy Pablo on a hot track
Toppest of keks
I tell everyone what to do. That is sort of my shtick. I told you to get rid of the USSR and look how good that worked out for you.
I told you to spend my spacemen to my space station and that works good to.
We actually are, on a personal level.
russian women can't give head, and they are horrible in bed. so no
>President that attack Ukrainia for no reason
Russian has cutest girls in the world that's for sure
>good food
>friendly people
Totally not, bunch of aggressive monkeys they are. No better than niggers.
>nationalistic population
>no muslim
>president who endorses Christian values
Just a propaganda to what's left of dying slav population think they're united. In fact, muslims will be a majority in the next century, if russia doesn't collapse by this point of course.
>relatively rich and lots of natural ressources
Too bad only oligarchs get profits from said resources.
>no terrorist attacks
>low crime rate
It's not true and you know it.
2nd highest prison population, outnumbered only by murica.
Corrupted police and government.
Judicial system is crooked af.
Nice try tho.
>best country in the world
>hated by all of the other slavs
Pretty sure Russia is Buttbuddies with Serbia
>good food
I miss doritos, food is alright by our standarts in large cities I guess.
>friendly people
Not really
>president who endorses Christian values
Our constitution says we're secular state
>relatively rich and lots of natural resources
Yeah, we're rich. Shitload of moneyz come into pockets of our deputies and we're on "Oil Syringe"
>no muslims
shitload of uzbeks, tajiks who do the dirty jobs, also chechens, dagestanians etc.
>no terrorist attacks
>low crime rate
lmao x2
They are though, far more so than Americans.
No offense of course.
why do non-Russians always shill for Russia, and Russians always debunk it?
Better than your sand-nigger infested shit-hole, Jacques.
the muslim part is true but theyre concentrated into a few areas, namely chechnya
It never fails to amaze me how self-hating russians really are. Bunch of miserable fucks. Have some pride.
What happened to doritos in Russia?
Sweden NO
Politics aside, I had the time of my life when I traveled there, even went there for a second visit because I had such a great time. If you're white I'd highly recommend a trip there, don't know how they feel about other races.
Doubt I'd want to live there though, we have a great system here in Denmark, even though it's slowly cracking.
As for politics, it's pretty obvious that Russia is only hated by the faggot community, brainwashed liberals and the butthurt belt.
Proxies my friend
No need to say no offense. It is completely true. Nationalism really fucked this place up.
Shutting the Bosphorus Straights is an act of war, Kiwi.
Theyre just stating facts
Obviously because we're russians and we know what we're talking about. As for non-russians, I guess RT propaganda got into their minds. Russia is far from white utopia, it's alright if you're willing to work three times harder to get same result as you would in US. There are plenty of "white" cities, not swarmed with mudslimes, but you'd rather move to poland imo: it's actually white and wealthier than russia.
My question to russian Sup Forumsacks?
How does it feel to have your cock polished daily in this board?
Well I don't have personal experience with that, but big obvious difference between russian and american women is that russian ones aren't fat pigs
They aren't being imported here anymore, since that crimea shit happened I guess.
>>good food
>>friendly people
>>nationalistic population
This is not a good thing
>>president who endorses Christian values
And annexes foreign clay and threatens other nations for putting up missile defenses.
>>relatively rich and lots of natural ressources
Relative to what? Other oil-producing nations?
>>no terrorist attacks
I wonder if that might because they hire the terrorists to be "freedom fighters" in other nations or maybe because they overtly persecute and systemic discriminate (assassinate) against political dissidents?
Thats okay Sweden I will not be visiting your country
Do not visit it or you will be Yes'd.
Sometimes it feels like those threads are made by kremlin bots. Can't believe that there are actual people in western countries thinking how nice would it be to move to Russia, unless you're trying to avoid prosecution or something. The only thing you gain by moving to Russia is chronic depression and alcoholism.
>Don't you see?
>You have already Yes
Your food makes me shit
>good food
True, but only if you like fat, most cold climate countries do.
>friendly people
Hell no.
Most of us are greedy, selfish and violent bastards who dislike eachother and absolutely hate westerners in general.
>nationalistic population
Hell no.
Our nazis are getting rekt by Putin's regime, idea of russians as a nation is being destroyed to the point where we are not "russians" anymore, we are "citizens of russian federation"
>president who endorses Christian values
He endorses his puppet-patriarch to control idiots.
This "le humble christian priest" has 70 million dollars yacht where he is partying with his jewish friends.
>rich and lots of natural resources
Too bad our government is not interested in developing our industry, and is selling raw resources to whole fucking world.
And then we buy products, that was made from our resources
Fucking hell.
>no Muslims
Around 20%
This is much more than any of EU countries, even now.
And mosque of Ahmat Kadyrov (Who killed russian soldiers back in chechen war, personally)
built by his son Ramzan Kadyrov (Also personally killed russian soldiers, now he is a Putin's friend and governer of Chechnya) is now considered as a Symbol of Russia.
>no terrorist attacks
Yeah, except some police officers was stabbed to death in broad daylight at st.Petersburg about 2 months ago, by large group of muslims.
And there was this muslim woman, who beheaded a russian kid and was running around metro station with his head, 2km away from my home, screaming "allahu Akbar" and cursing Russia for bombing ISIS.
Btw she was found insane and will not be punished at all.
>Low crime rate
Wow. Just wow.
Oh no, airline, naturally grown produce at affordable prices.
Horrible. How do these savages survive without GMO?
Best bait i've seen in a while.
>Btw she was found insane and will not be punished at all.
I refuse to believe this bullshit.
Putin will have her fed to his Polar Bear and then ride it into battle to feast on Ukrainians.
Fucking proxy hero, gtfo.
USA is the number one country in the world for anxiolitic and antidepressant prescriptions.
You obviously don't know what you're talking about.
Get off your lazy ass, and make Russia great again. You're responsible for the country doing down the shitter. No one else.
Yea, sure thing lad
Getting involved with the biggest problems like corrupt government(fsb), human rights in north caucasus and the ukraine war will get you a bullet in your brains
Nobody can believe in this shit.
There is still flowers for this kid at my local metro station.
But its true, press told us she has schizophrenia, so instead of prison she will be treated at some nuthouse.
Even though she said that this was a retaliatin for Syria's bombing.
And in that azylum they'll fry her brain to 'cure' her scizophrenia, right?
Make her into a fucking vegetable.
Don't fucking tell me the USSR remnants are going full SJW "days RAYSSINST!" about mudslimes. You're the last fucking bastion, man!
Not all depressed people take antidepressants, most of them get drunk to death.
Then we already lost this war.
People are being arrested for racist comments in vkontakte (russian facebook)
>>good food
>>friendly people
>>nationalistic population
>>president who endorses Christian values
>>relatively rich and lots of natural ressources
>>no Muslims
>>no terrorist attacks
>>low crime rate
Everything is pretty much reversed.
Here's your (you)
>last bastion
>20% muslim population
>golden mosque built in chechnya with the Russian money even though we were at war with chechnya and chechens murdered russian soldiers.
>laws prohibiting hate speech against muslims
You gotta be shitting me.
>no Muslims
>no terrorist attacks
That's it.
We're done. The mudslimes won.
Ill tell you something funny about kadyrov junior
Even before the first war started he killed two people. The first one because he told him not to jump the line at a gas station and the second one because he didnt want to share a billiard cue with him.
Пoнимaeшь кaкaя хyйня, oни дeйcтвитeльнo дyмaют чтo мы тyт вce зиги бpocaeм и тypкoв peжeм.
Пиздeц мнe c этoгo yнылo.
Humanity had no chance anyway. Great filter exists and it's "tolerance" towards subhumans who ruin civilisations.
Лyчшe, чeм в Eвpoпкe. У нac хoтя бы имeют пpaвo дaть хaчикy пизды, ecли oн выeбывaтьcя бyдeт. Ha зaпaдe жe ты дoлжeн извинятcя пepeд ним, ecли oн бyдeт пытaтьcя изнacилoвaть твoих дeтeй.
>Type III civilisation
I hate this meme. I want to kill that fat Asian faggot.