If you are XY, you are Male

If you are XY, you are Male

If you are XX, you are Female

That's it.

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And you have 46 chromosomes unless you have downs or are Jesus

wot, jesus had downs?

my gender is defined by what i identify myself as... not what i was born as. i was born a female, but i identify myself as a male. therefor i am a male. fuck all you h8ers


Oh, it’s that thread again.

dick or gtfo

what about intersexed

That's your sexual orientation.

You have a vagina that perfectly fits a penis. Sperm fertilizes your egg. A baby grows in your body. You give birth 9 months later. I'm a male. I can't do that.

Your gender is female. You are female.

Makes no sense.

My income is defined by what I identify myself as making, not by my paycheck. I flip burgers at McDonalds, but I identify as a billionaire. Therefore, I am a billionaire. Fuck all you h8ers.

While I agree and all this multi-gender bullshit is ruining the world, what do you call XXY or XY with an epigenetic defect that prevents the Y from activating?

While 99.9% of people can be classified by your post, I think at a minimum one additional label is needed.

>Based on gametes:
In general across all species we refer to the one with smaller gametes as "male" and the one with larger gametes as "female". Some individuals (think seedless watermelons or mules) don't produce ANY gametes. These are neither male nor female, but void of nothingness in between.. I don't know if it's possible for an individual to produce both gametes. If this were possible, a hermaphrodite could impregnate themselves

>Based on genitalia
You can also use genitalia as a determiner in most mammals, since male mammals have a phallus. Some children are born with ambiguous genitalia. Like a vagina with a clit and ballsack. In this case, do we call them male or female? We can go back to the gamete argument to label them, or we can instead create an "ambiguous" label to refer to these individuals. Although ambiguous genitalia are usually resolved surgically at birth, and allowing for an "ambiguous" gender can be a slippery slope for things like micropenises or clitoromegaly

Not to say your labels are bad, and this trans bullshit has gone too far, but we need to accept that in our physical world there are a VERY small minority of people who for one reason or another don't fit the mold perfectly.

Biologically yeah, and if you say the same thing about gender you're uneducated and insecure for giving a shit.

You are not welcome here, filthy transwager scum

we already have a label for that, it's a genetic defect and everyone gazes at them with pity for being a mutated failure.

You have 23 chromosomes...

I just don't agree with people who fall into the definition of male and female, and suddenly decide they want to change gender. it's not natural, so they've obviously got some sort of mental health issue.

gender and sex are 2 different things, and you’re right! sex is decided by your genitals, but gender is what you think in your head. it’s literally all in your head. which means it’s made up bullshit that is based off your feelings. and what people feel doesn’t constitute for facts. so you’re fucking stupid.

and btw, where does this end? if our feelings are a basis for deciding what’s real, why can’t I just feel some trannies dick and say that because I FEEL your cock, I know Identify you as a male even though you’re in makeup and got surgeries on your fake tits like the pretender you are.

23 pairs actually bruv

Yes, let's force everybody to fit in our little hidebound box.


How do you check that in a bar?

I'm XYX. Is there a specific way to know that when you're buying me drinks?

23 pair, 46 chromosomes.

>what do you call someone with XXY or XY with an epigenetic defect

a fucking mutant. Next.

No you're not. You're a biological male trolling Sup Forums.

No shit were not talking about biological sex were talking about psychological sex ie. gays fuck outta here with that strawman

Are you accusing me of lying on the internet?

Say that to my face.

In a bar, after buying me a drink.


>psychological sex

when did gender become the thing in your head though?

I remember through the entirety of my school career in biology class sex and gender were interchangeable terms to describe a creature's reproductive role. Now all this "I'm a dude with tits and purple hair and I identify as an eggplant you shitlord' stuff got me wanting to club cunts for being weird and I'm told that I'm just narrow minded and ignorant.

If you FEEL that you were born in the wrong body and that you're really a woman, you probably have some sort of chemical or hormone imbalance in your brain, or in other words, a fucking disorder. Why is it okay to mutilate yourself and parade around demanding people embrace it as the new normal?

no, sex and gender are the same thing, they are synonyms. no amount of liberal bullshit is going to magically change the meaning of a word that predates their autism by over a millennia

Because gays exist

While I agree it's not NORMAL (I won't say not "natural" because we left the natural world 12,000 years ago when we developed agriculture) for a person to want to change genders, the desire doesn't necessary mean they suffer a mental health issue.

All humans are, at their core, essentially identical. We're self-serving and rational. And nothing more. We want to feed ourselves, clothe ourselves, seek physical pleasure, and seek mental and emotional comfort for ourselves. We apply basic cost-value analysis to all action to determine if they will move us towards these goals (will spending $5 on this hamburger make me feel happier and fuller enough to warrant the pain I feel financially?)

This rational and self-serving nature isn't without flaws, though.

Problem one is that when given bad information, we can use good logic to come to bad conclusions. Suppose I told you that hamburgers cause cancer. Now you're weighing not just the $5 cost, but the shortening of your life and the social stigma that comes with taking on a known vice for little benefit (you'd be shunned by others like a smoker or a playboy). It could be that hamburgers are totally safe, but you THINK they cause cancer and this changes your opinions.

Problem two is that environmental factors beyond our control can create artificial value where there normally shouldn't be value. People will spend more than they should on water if they're in the desert. In the same way, people are willing to forego their identity and gender if it means not having to pay for dates, not being demonized as cis white male scum, and getting better grades or getting into a better college. The more we put women on a pedestal, the more men will want to be women. The more we tell women that they're beaten down by society and men have it easy, the more women will want to be men. This desire to change genders is a NATURAL consequence of seeing value.

So you live in an imaginary world? That's cool. I'll just let the next stripper know that the $1 bill I'm sliding into her g string is really a $7 bill. When she says that doesn't exist, I'll let her know she's wrong. That's how I win, right? Maybe I'll throw the words numerophobia or chrematophobia at her to frighten her into submission.
Get fucked.

>being a tranny isn't a mental illness
>but to treat it i take hormones and consider surgery
>but I'm not mentally ill i just need to treat it for other reasons
>i just desire to surgically remove healthy, functioning parts of my body

Sex is physical gender is psychology it has changed your feeble brain is just scared of change

you self identify as a neo geo top down shooter ?

That is true for about 99.99% of all humans.


Please explain what that is

I identify as a sissy faggot who likes free drinks.

People can call me whatever they want, it's been ten years since anyone has called me male though.

What is the meaningful difference between gender and personality?


Also it's absolutely NATURAL for many animals to change gender if it's a rational decision that's necessary for the species' survival. This isn't limited to some weird worms and frogs with magical gender-swapping properties. Human males can lactate if there aren't enough women around to feed children.

It's worth noting, though, that in nature this change will only occur under DIRE circumstances, when the species is threatened and survival is on the line.

There's nothing wrong with the PEOPLE who want to change gender. The fact that they want to change at all means there's something wrong with their environment that has caused them to feel like their survival is threatened and changing gender is the only option. Trans people aren't a problem -- they're a symptom of a much worse issue.

Your logic: I really want to fuck this hot girl!

Idk suck my pagina

Actually women get a few Ys after having a boy

You're entitled to not read things, but if you spout opinions after refusing to read the opposition then you're choosing to be ignorant.

Theres like 5 people here spouting opinionz

>yeah i have a dick and balls that function normally and a variety of differences from biological women but I like to wear dresses and have everybody look at me and it's important i'm not offended!
So you're a faggot with a shitty personality?
>No it's my gender!

>implying that mental illness, cosmetic surgery, and hrt can't exist from OP's perspective.
If you think that girl is hot, buddy you might be gay.

Get the fuck out

The only meaningful difference is expectations.

>there's nothing wrong with the people who want to change gender
Huh? You obviously don't understand why they want to change gender in the first place. They feel as if they are in the "wrong body" or whatever. That seems like a fucking mental illness to me, bud.

Gender and sex are exactly the same. Gender is not defined in your head, you just have a different personality.

Once again it’s NOT GENDER it’s having a DIFFERENT PERSONALITY.

You can express your personality without mutating your body.

My car is identified by what I identify it as... not what it was manufactured as. My car was manufactured as a Saturn Ion, but I identify it as a Tesla Model 3. Therefor it is a Tesla Model 3.

Sex is defined as far as i know by the precense or lack of the Y chromesome. If it is there you'r male if not you'r female. Previously it was defined the otfer way around with the presence of two XX chromesones. The reason for the change i think was that the older determination system classified more obviously males as females.


are you hearing yourself dude? seriously what the fuck are you talking about
>males lactate to feed kids in DIRE circumstances
top kek

Chromosomes are actually a more recent way to measure sex, and not all animals designate sex with X and Y chromosomes like humans do.

Sex was originally defined based on the size of the animal's sex cells. Smaller cells (sperm) = male. Larger cells (egg) = female. This works for all animals, regardless of how their chromosomes work.

But peepee = penor??

What about XXY?

And XYY?

And what about androgen insensitivity?

Or ... I could go on.

Op is a fag



This woman was way out of bounds with that college safe space shit and she rightfully lost her job.

have woman with XY, but complete woman. The scientist don't know how

Not person you replied to, but if you have a mental illness and most other treatments fuck most patients up mentally why would you not let them go ahead and transition?

Preaching to the choir user.
No need to flog a dead horse.

So your saying that if I want to be a rock I can be a rock beacouse nothing defines my genders and there are so many of them that I could just be one more right?

>or... i could go on listing defects


>seems like a fucking mental illness to me

XXY is a game
XYX Causes: Two or more X chromosomes in >males
XYY a genetic condition in which a >male has an extra Y chromosome

sensing a pattern here

not disputing the lactating part. Im talking about men feeding kids through lactating. That sound like bollocks

What if YY

If it's that simple than what's the point in the Man/Women nomenclature? Why not just call each other by or xx?


Androgen insensitivity syndrome.

You make testosterone but your body can't see it because no receptors.

XY females.

Ehhh, that is a good point. Well, my main problem to be honest is the fact that they always boast or brag about being a freak. "ooh look at me, i don't conform to gender boundaries" fuck off then. At least get the "treatment" (if you can even call it that) and stfu about it.

discriminating against Y that there is XX but not YY

In the 1800's there was a documented case of a South American tribe where all of the women died off so the men were feeding the children.

yeah its pretty simple, nothing wrong with taking hormones if you want tho

>mfw YYZ

my fagness is defined by what i identify myself as... not when I started coming to Sup Forums. i first came to Sup Forums a year ago, but i identify myself as a oldfag. therefor i am a oldfag. fuck all you newfags


If you unironically want to fill the social roles of a rock, go to the waterfront by a river, relax, and sit there until you disintegrate and end up by the ocean. I won't stop ya. You would if I wanted to fill the social roles of a woman or simply not conform to either.

is that newton?

so they then fucked their daughters?

There are actually people with 50% XY cells and 50% YY cells, look it up, so what are they?

Or their neighbors daughters. The physician who discovered and studied them didn't stick around to see how it turned out.

>YLYL Thread

LOL Republicans trying to do science.
What about XXY, XXX, and a bunch of other combos out there?

>50% XY cells and 50% XX cells

What avout guevedoces, you uneducated faggot?

Whotf is Newton? It's an 80s photo of Geddy Lee from Rush.

>There are people with uncontrollable masses growing within them! Cancer is just another way to live!

Nigger disease.

>its actually latin american

God you are stupid

5-alpha reductase deficiency is a condition that affects male sexual development before birth and during puberty. People with this condition are genetically male

>genetically male

Call yourself whatever you want; you're still just a butch retarded bitch that digs pussy.

tumblr is that way bitch

Genetic defect.

man when i was a kid I was hoping we would be exploring space and shit. have replication technology or something.
here we are arguing over gender. i want off this ride