Let's say every single religious text was destroyed, and every single scientific text was destroyed. No exceptions...

Let's say every single religious text was destroyed, and every single scientific text was destroyed. No exceptions, no excuses. Everything is gone.

In 500 years, the religious texts will be completely different, but the science books will say exactly the same thing they always have. because science is a constant truth, always questioned and perfected, and religion is a fiction open to random interpretation, depending on what country you were born in

Not even up for debate. Obviously true.

The only "constant" in science is that nothing is certain. You aren't a scientist. You're just a baby who wants to have some kind of "truth" to cling to. Question everything. Science was never meant to replace religious dogma by becoming dogma.

Well there are definitely some certainties in science. You can't question how a star works.

We would eventually come to the same conclusion in many books, but science doesn’t accept absolute truth. We get less wrong every time. Religion will always be wrong.

No, I'm not a scientist, but I'm certainly more willing to question what I'm told rather than blindly accept the word of someone I have no reason to believe, other than he was appointed to his (or her) position by others who accept fables at fact with no questioning whatsoiever

Kinda like Fox News viewers


>science doesn’t accept absolute truth. We get less wrong every time.

That's fuckin' beautiful

>but the science books will say exactly the same thing they always have

You are a nimrod if you think science remains the same. You must be one of those "settled science" guys. Science changes as the evidence changes.

You are a nimrod. Comparing science and religion is a false dichotomy. They are not the same thing and don't necessarily have the same purpose.

The things that we can count on to remain the same are not the things that you can even measure with science such as LOGIC.

I would suggest you get some of that -- LOGIC.

Nope, no certainties. There is a chance that star could blow up long before it's supposed to go supernova. There is undoubtedly all sorts of shit we don't know about that star and what's really going on with it. However, we can be fairly sure that it won't go kaboom based on what we have observed so far. This process of observation, coming up with guesses on how things works, and seeing if we were at least somewhat right, gives us a system that works for all intents and purposes. We hope. We just know there's always a chance that nature will do the crazy. Neglect that chance and not only do you turn science into a dogmatic religion, you wind up completely surprised when your prized project or theory blows up in your face.

Okay Neil Degrasse Tyson. Literally saw a video of him saying this exact thing last night.

>Neil Degrasse Tyson.
Might be good at science... but he should leave the philosophy to better minds.

this its like how the leaning tower of piza was supposed to fall over when it hit an angle of like 5.45 but it stayed up even til 5.5

He should stop being autistic as fuck every new years and leap year too. And stop mentioning anything about biology.

wouldn;t know, I have never seen anything with Neil Degrasse Tyson in it, except the Daily show with Jon Stewart

But we thing alike, that's reassuring

You are correct.

Cogito ergo sum
The ONLY certainty.
That and OP is a faggot

It was a 2:00 video clip of him on some talk show, and he said pretty much what you had almost verbatim.

>science is infallible hurdurr

tell that to labotomy patients, people who used leeches to “cure” ailments, the hundreds of thousands if not millions now dead from opiate addictions started by painkiller prescriptions, the list of atrocities in the name of science os endless.

religion is bullshit too but that doesn’t make science infallible.

don’t believe anything you hear and only half of what you see

>except the Daily show with Jon Stewart
Therein lies your problem.

You: "I spend my time looking at chicks with dicks on Sup Forums and watching Jon Stewart. NDT is a genius!"

Jon Stewart hasn't hosted TDS in year, and like I said, that's the only place I've ever seen Tyson speak. I'm a brit, we don't come across him that often

>Jon Stewart hasn't hosted TDS in year
Anyone with minimal skills can watch Stewart whenever they want for as long as they want.

>I'm a brit, we don't come across him that often
Consider yourself lucky.

Every single discovery is made by questioning how "certainties" work.
>the sun orbits around the earth
>the sun is made of fire
>stars are angels
>idfk insert random previous fact about stars
Everything we know about stars are from questioning how it works. Ofc you can question how a star works