Just driving around town with my Glock at my side because I live in a free state and I can...

Just driving around town with my Glock at my side because I live in a free state and I can. Post other things that trigger yuropoors and cuckfornians.

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Are you standing on the seat?

What makes you think that?

gettin' ready for a drive by shootin' nigger?

what state? cuckifornian here. all i have for self defense is my rusty trombone.

Busta detected

>reach for gun
>undo seatbelt
>nog pulls you out of car
>you die of embarrassment

I don't know if that's legal.

Here in Florida it's pretty lax, but the gun either needs to be on your person with a CCL or in a latched, locked, or zipped container.

Just out in the open like that with a handgun is usually illegal.

Louisiana, unfortunately. Lots of niggers, but the gun laws are bretty good.

I was talking to this guy who has a conceal carry permit and he was told you should never say who shot who when you call the cops. what do you guys think?

Whatever youre wearing looks like pants with no sign of a shirt. Overalls?

Speak only to a lawyer.

Shoot him through the door a 9mm round will easily punch through a modern car door and kill the asshole on the other side. I personally use .357 Mag and it saved me from being car jacked by niggers twice so far.

Kek. No, I'm wearing cargo shorts and a t-shirt.

How much did that bad boy cost? I wanna get a pistol some day

Enjoy getting shot when a cop decides to stop you.

Do you live in Africa?

>cargo shorts

How embarrassing

Its ok so long as its holstered and not chambered. As far as I am aware I live in Walton county and carry my .357 like that never had a problem with the officers who pull me over so long as I tell them I have a weapon and show my cc but I am also not a criminal or a nigger.

Grove Street Famlies!

lol literally babby's first gun

No I live in Florida which may as well be Africa these days.

It was my 11th, but thanks for the concern, faggot.

I don't think that's true. With a ccl you can carry it any which way you please. I'm in va

only if you're darker than a brown paper bag

$449 I think. Guns are cheap as fuck.

Laws varies from state to state In FL its a three step rule. There must be three steps between you and the weapon. For example undoing the button on a holster drawing and cambering a round. That would be considered three steps.

~$600 at most retailers nowadays, they hiked the price after Obama cried like a bitch and everyone bought them out

Why do Americans think this "triggers" us, we really don't give a shit.

What the hell do you drive?

This reminds how much I hate the retard gun policy in my country

This shit is just like The Incredibles; if you give a gun to everyone, nobody has superpowers

TFW i will never experience that much freedom

>I'm an edgelord and am driving around with a murder device for fun
Just in case you get pounced on by a rogue nigger right?

I think VA must be a zero step state. God bless

>This reminds how much I hate the retard gun policy in my country
Its to stop you guys from finding out how shitty the guns of your country are.

Owning and having a gun is some sort of achievement for them. I prefer my fists and elbows , real man to man stuff.

You sound like you are over compensating for something... Maybe your wee willy winkey?


We don't we are just laughing at you because your nation basically took your means of self defense and let in Muslims by the thousands. You basically invited death into your home and made him dinner without expecting to be killed.

>Mfw I can open carry a loaded gun with zero permission from the State of Delaware in public or in my vehicle.

Probably true, police can only buy guns from 2 manufacturers (Taurus and another one) and there are reports of massive failures on several lots

>guns make you think about cock
>I'm the degenerate
Project more, faggot.

>compensating for a small penis
>with a Glock

I'm not sure you understand how compensating works.

Goes with me everywhere I go. It's my buddy, my buddy, my buddy... my buddy and me.


I carry a revolver so I can basically skirt the law and call pulling the hammer back a step even though I don't have to pull it back. Most idiots I have had to draw down on shit themselves and lay down. Which is great for me saves a lot of paperwork which I would need to fill out if I killed their dumb asses.

Degeneracy isn't real
Anybody who likes guns has a smile penis
No, I don't have any proof.

The metrosexual anti-cargo shorts sentiment makes me want to buy another pair of cargo shorts.

I carry the same but in big boy .45 size. Xdm for the win

I go to my hometown in Louisiana every year, and this year I wish I brought a gun. With each year, the place gets more infested by niggers and gets poorer. I can't stop to get gas sometimes because they'll jack my car and nonstop eye me down. Dang, it used to be a nice city.

So long as its legal good for you son.


Them rationalizations.


Riding my motorcycle with no helmet.

You need to step it up, son.


*holds up spork*

pretty jelly desu senpai desu


I owned one taurus and sold it for $100 just to get rid of it. Never again. Granted my glock 42's kind of a POS too, so even Aryans can make a bad product.

>Uncle Mikes holster
c'mon man step it up

>more than a dozen enemies

Good point. If you live in Syria

That's almost as bad as NJ. Here in AZ, you can carry with one in the chamber and the safety off, open or concealed, with no permit.

On a burger wrapper I laughed so hard I peed a little.

Hope you updated your fork-carrying license before supper time, Bong.

Don't buy guns made of plastic for starters. I like a good hunk of steal. Worst case I run out of ammo and beat a fucker to death with my gun.

Seriously. What the fuck else are you supposed to wear if it's hot and you don't want to wear jeans. I'm a fucking adult, I can't carry around all my shit in shorts pockets. It will all fall out. Jean shorts are fucking queer. The next best thing is cargo shorts.

Why are helmets even mandatory?

If you crash, it's cheaper for society if you die than if you get paralyzed.

You just say "there's been a shooting", give your location, then hang up and call your lawyer. When the cops arrive, lay your gun on the deck and place your hands where the cops can see you're unarmed, then give only your name, show your ID/CCW permit, say that you were attacked and acted to stop an imminent threat to your life and that you will not answer any other questions without legal counsel present. If you're arrested, don't say anything else until your lawyer arrives to meet you at the jail.

I fucking hate traveling outside AZ.

Why is everyone such a cuck? Police never give a fuck here either.

Spoken like a true dumbass.

Because the slide is not forged steel on polymer guns

CCW license process is ass tho.
Worst in the country as far as the actual process goes but being denied is very rare unlike say NJ where their system isn't as bad it's just that they won't issue a permit unless you have deep connections.

Here you need to have 5 people refer you put an ad in the local paper with your full name and address informing people you're doing this and get permission from the CLEO of your county.

They only get away with this due to completely unrestricted open carry.

Beats me. Something to do with nanny states and insurance or something. The only thing mandatory in AZ for motorcycles is that the have a headlight and you have some sort of eye protection, even sunglasses.

>implying getting pistol whipped with a polymer gun isn't just as painful

You sound like a Fudd.

>Don't buy guns made of plastic
>MFW favorite gun is my plastic frame Jericho

Can't outdo the Jew, Fampi, and it's still heavy enough to beat down goys who need to be shut down.


I went to the police station got finger printed showed my military ID and paid $174 now I have my CC. Florida CC is good in almost all states as well.

>tfw live in based PA and can legally cc in DE with my FL non-resident permit
White man come home.

The reduction in weight is not worth the trade off for a polymer base that wears out and increases recoil. Though on a 9mm there is not much recoil to begin with I got one for my GF because I didn't know they made them for men. kek.

Its not try it.

Florida's permitting process sucks ass compared to a lot of other states.

>europoors dream of this fantasy like a sjw dreams of getting raped

Jesus you're dumb, most polymer pistols have steel inserts for the slide rails.

That may be true I never had a problem getting my permit but have heard of others who did.

>calling everyone in this thread a faggot

Usually people who call people faggots or beat them up are faggots themselves.

I bet you are one of those people that drive really close to cyclists in Lycra trying to 'scare' them when secretly you are checking out their ass, aren't you burger bro?

that doesn't rhyme at all

>The reduction in weight is not worth the trade off for a polymer base that wears out and increases recoil
My PX4 is lighter than any steel 9mm and recoils less than anything that isn't absurdly heavy.

>Usually people who call people faggots or beat them up are faggots themselves
Just like SJWs who call everyone racist and sexist

How much shit do you carry?? Buy better shorts

My bro had a Glock 19 and the base wore out on him before he hit 2500 rounds. Mainly I prefer the weight of a metal gun its just a preference all that matters in reality is reliability and if you can hit what you aim at. Also insults don't add to the validity of your arguments quite the contrary. I was only poking fun at all the Glock fan boys who always over react.

>2 people
>exaggerating this badly
Confirmed for a woman. Tits or GTFO.

Top kek that response, love the collection bro

This site is 18+

Do you even stay prepared bro?


>2 extra magazines
>combat application tourniquet
>water filtration
>expandable baton
>sat phone
Do you not carry those things? Christ, things are worse up there than I thought.

No it didn't. Stop talking about things you don't understand.

Glad you like it.

I know more about guns than you will learn in a lifetime kid but what ever I'm out I don't need to sit here and listen to abuse from someone on Sup Forums. Grow up and learn to have a seance of humor it will take you a long way.

>Buy a backpack
>Keep as much shit as you want in backpack
>Leave it in trunk for quick stops
>hump it around when you actually think you're going to need all of the shit you carry
>Free to wear whatever you want

It's not that hard homie. and you can decorate your backpack with all kinds of nifty flair to really let the world know you're proud of your hopeless autism like I do!