How do i get banned from Sup Forums?

how do i get banned from Sup Forums?

post beastiality. apparently it's worse than showing someone else's body being chopped to shit by a machete






Confused by this what's the story people hungry





Show me what this whole Daisy's Destruction is about???

tell your age faggot

I once went to a Cabela's as a kid, and the man laughed at me for holding a 22 in this position. Forever after, I knew not to look in a scope like how I saw it to be in Call of zDuty.


Show what a despicable pedophile you are. ezban

tanisha? where you doing bitch?

post that picture Photoshop ed of Obama sucking hose cock liberal mods where banning for that, despite breaking no rules

Post number

Same as any other website, post an opinion that the autistic, cucked, liberal admins dont agree with

*COUGH* youtube *COUGH*

Videos like this literally every day...

i lost.

Fuckin' *Cough* read *cough* the *dies*


this is actually cool
