Pol literally BLOWN THE FUCK OUT.
How can you even come back from this?
That's right, you can't. #HeForShe
Sup Forums BTFO
why are there no black people
I noticed there weren't any minorities before I noticed they're all women
Asians in the back
It's not sexist or racist because 2 of them identify as men & they all have Mexican maids.
The only thing I'm noticing is the inappropriate amount of personal electronics in what has to be the most oddly-designed kitchen I've ever seen.
>Room full of men only
MISOGONY, more girls in press
>Room full of women only
You go girls
> Diversity means a bunch of white women
That explains why it's a directionless shithole.
>asians grouped together
>blondes grouped together
these ''diversity'' spouting liberals consider asians to be white. Very few of them openly claim it now, but they all either consciously or subconsciously believe it.
Women using macs. Well that's not atypical at all.
that gial on the left is so ugly she doesnt count as woman let alone human
Can we just quit having these unproductive shit tier troll threads? About 10% of them are funny but that is not nearly worth the amount of space they take up and autism produce.
They appear to have achieved 100% gender diversity.
I mean shouldn't they be working instead of browsing facebook?
Wow this is incredibly sexist. They need more men to be more diverse.
Gentlemen we need a catchy sounding hashtag for twitter about this unfair situation that Huffington post has created.
>Huffington Post
Well memed
What's the matter, none of you are man enough?
This picture explains why every day their headline has something to do with Caitcock Jenner. The faggotry of this commie turd "news outlet" is now fully realized.
I've noticed that this was 2 fucking weeks ago Habib
I notice the reasons why huffpo is going down the shitter.
It's ~90% white, and 0% black. What a bunch of racists.
>diversity means %100 white women
As a liberal, I will admit that even we hate black people. Most of us talk about slavery and all that shit just to virtue signal.
Link to tweet?
Are you sure they're Asian and not just squinting?
Totally understandable that they're all women, really shows by what they produce.
I wonder how they can have so many employees, are nu-males donating to them in droves?
Everyone hates niggers, it's a matter of fact
They're only making women look bad.
I can't believe this, how do the editors need this many sandwich-makers for their board meeting?
>scrawny fucking beard-goon (covering his weak chin/jawline most likely) with no muscle mass, a TRENDY WRIST BAND, and meaningless douche tattoos that he picked from a catalogue is the epitome of manliness now
just end it all
they're all white
Yeah wtf, this dude clearly does zero lifting. Prime material for the inevitable rapening by nigger hordes, beard makes it easier to grab on to something while Ahmed is deflowering his boipucci. What a bunch of faggots.
you're right they could be white huh?
>covering his weak chin/jawline most likely
Literally every numale with a beard - they are all weak jawed betas
Look at his intimidating posture dude!
Aren't you MAN ENOUGH to face him you fgt?
The beard is kind of mesmerizing. I half expect it to jump off and cuck an unsuspecting bystander. This is how nu-males multiply.
None of them are very attractive
Thank you for the post.
A distinct lack of People Of Color.
*as a leafposter
fixed that for you
their isnt any editing going on
what do you mean OP? How is Pol BTFO?
also no niggers in that pic.
proprietary software
You liberals are, and always have been, the most racist of them all.
>womyn run businesses
Shit. Looks like I'm a #CruzMissile now...