>Sup Forums will defend the murder of this innocent black child
Sup Forums will defend the murder of this innocent black child
> or
Choose one, and only one.
Such racism, much edgy
> black
> graduating primary school
> innocent
You're not making this one easy to believe
The "murderer" saved many lives in the future as well as protecting the provate property of many tax paying citizens from being stolen
Yeah, killing a young boy who could grow up to be a leader, an inspiration, a loving kind person is justified because they might become a criminal like any child could
> statistics are rayciss
An overwhelming majority of black people see the insides of prisons. It's a fact that they are around 40 percent of the population, yet about seventy percent of the prison population.
I'm sorry your intellect can't handle the fact that numbers aren't racist.
>kind person
The odds are the kid is going to grow up as a typical jobless nig who smokes dope all day and robs people by night. He's going to be a burden to the state by living off welfare and it will continue when he goes to prison
Statistics show he would have been a multiple felon leeching off welfare.
>muh statistics
Statistics also show that men, specifically white men, commit 99.9% of mass shootings. Shall we kill little white boys too?
Zimmerman is up to no good
Source lol
"Why can't I attack someone and get away with it?!"
Spoken like a true defenseless Eurocuck.
No they don't.
Gang violence accounts for most mass shootings.
But hey, for giggles why don't you post a source?
> because your lying, and can't.
That's because blacks hang around in gangs and pick on singular victims, if a white man shoots back, it's going to be multiple/mass
Do the maths
Dude, that gorilla was a clear threat to that child. It's the parents' fault for not watching him, and it's the zoo's fault for not better securing the cage, but, at the end of the day, the ape just had to die.
...was a human being, like you. But because of the social construct that is race, you've been taught by society to view him as worth less than you are because of the color of his skin, which leads to the premature deaths of so many young African-American boys and men at the hands of white male police officers.
Who was smarter. Trayvon or Harambe?
Yeah, but they shot the gorilla, instead. Guy was a lousy shot.
None of them were smart enough to dodge a bullet.
>claim he was taught by society
>spout mainstream liberal bullshit
So, do they just not consider the weekly occurrences of hood rats opening fire on rival gang members and their extended families as mass shootings? Because that shit happens a Hell of a lot more than white boys with dad's hunting rifle.
Such SJW,so impressive with his knowledge and wit.
JK, HA HA HA HA, you fucking douchebag.
This disgusting comment says it all. You're all just a bunch of racist fucking KKK shitlord assholes.
Literally worse than the trolls from /r/The_Donald who we on Sanders for President have all too many encounters with.
See you later, morons.
Oh and by the way, I don't give a fuck. :)
No they know it's blacks. It's in this article, that blacks commit most mass shootings. I'll post more because OP could use an education.
>Writes long winded post
>Add le not giving a fuck will get them huehuehue.
Almost 70 dead in chiraq over the weekend.
I like this. It shows effort. I mean, it's not perfect, but there's a definite spark of something here. Your smiley face needs a nose :^) to be truly insulting. The Drumpf isn't really a mic drop comment, so you should've actually incorporated it into the insult. But comparing us to Reddit was a good move. Also, you overuse spacing and underuse punctuation. Add some commas and maybe have a classmate look over your work before you submit it next time.
A solid B, though. Nice job.
you have to go back
>not giving a fuck
>writes long post
you clearly give a fuck.
>believing Trayvon was innocent
>white men commit 99.9% of mass shootings
>he doesnt count gang violence as a mass shooting, probably because he thinks blacks dont count as people
CNN says it's proportionately even, but they use mother Jones numbers, that ignore weekend shoot outs in Chicago.
But the nigger wasn't a child when he died.
Damn there's some weak bait being thrown about today.
He looked nice when he was young
What went wrong, Sup Forums?
Can't flim-flam the zim-zam OP.
>It's a fact that they are around 40 percent of the population
try 10%. At most.
rip in peace shaquan jones
Get the fuck off this site, fucking cunt gaylord prick.
And don't ever come back
They are 13% of the US population, even in 2050 when whites are ≥50%, blacks will be only 15%, barely changing
>tfw we'll never know if these posts were sincere because they are too close to our parodies of them.
Thanks for pointing out it's worse than I thought.
Don't think he was smart enough to be sarcastic. We might see a creepy news article about how racist 4 chan is
What about white people being killed by the police??
You mean a chimp?
> counts only the cases where a couple of shooters go against the crowd as "mass shootings"
Niggers have no guts to go alone against the large amount of people. > Koreans might be in the crowd and make us boo-boo
>still responding to bait
sage and report
Global Rule #7
>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
Sup Forums.org/rules#global
>wake up
>realize niggers exist in this world
clearly you dont give a fuck... what a fucking cuck