Why do we scrutinize Amber Heard, but fail to question Johnny Depp?
We Need To Stop Protecting Famous Men
Because nobody would know who the fuck she is if not for Johnny Depp.
Really makes you think huh?
kinda hope they both get terminal hemorrhoids desu she's a gold digging whore and he's an autistic anti trump liberal faggot who dresses like an emo 15 year old
>Why do we scrutinize Amber Heard
because the cops say she wasn't injured when she first filed complaints
>Why do we scrutinize evidence
>Huffington Post
99.9% of women agree his soon to be ex-wife is a bitch and would marry Johnny Depp on a stack of prenups. Many others would agree that she is going to ruin the divorce game which is basically a legitimate life plan for women because it's so profitable.
That's a good question. I suppose #I'mWithHer now.
> It's 2016, that whole "innocent until proven guilty" and requiring "evidence" before we convict you in the court of public opinion is just so passe.
HuffPo, not even once.
Agreed Huffpo, let's start with Rapin' Bill Clinton.
She fits the profile of a whorish social climber, thats why.
I mean how many times does this shit have to happen before women like her are laughed at.
Apparently prenup does fuck all in divorce.
Depp is the one being accused, that him being questioned. questioning her is just the other side. it would work the same with the genders reversed.
"Diversity" : "achieved"
I know, courts can basically throw them out because it's "unfair". Just fix divorce courts tobh.
>Huffington Post
>Huffington Women
About as credible as Salon or Tumblr.
Because she faked her injuries to get the money
Pretty much everyone is laughing at her, except for tumblr "pansexuals" and the most hardcore internet liberals
Who? and Who?
Only two sites defending her are HuffPaint and NeoFAG
Amazing Amy was a woman with vision. A woman who put effort and pride on her craft, Amber is lazy
or just not get married you fucking moron.
>Why do we scrutinize Amber Heard, but fail to question Johnny Depp?
Because Johnny Depp is Captain Jack Sparrow.
Amber Heard is just some tavern wench he's been fucking on the reg.
Even if Depp did hit her, why does that somehow make her entitled to half or more of his networth? I seriously don't get divorce law.
>be super successful millionaire
>get married and risk the wench running off with half your fortune
Russian oligarchs have figured it out: if the woman gets uppity you feed her to the pigs.
It used to make more sense, but not completely.
Like back in the day, your wife would stay home and cook,clean,take care of kids so that the husband could go and work more and make more money. 10 years later they file divorce, the wife has no prospects cuz she's never had a job , so they give her a stipend to live on.
It's compeltely fucked up now, where the wife doesn't even stay home or clean or cook or any of that shit, they pay some illegal to do it for 4 dollars and hour. Then they divorce at like 25.
It makes even less sense to use the same logic on extreme earners like movie stars.
Because harpies like pic think Depp is good looking. Amber is probably doing it for money though, divorce is a good way of making a living nowadays.
These 'harpies' care more about being feminist wanting to ruin Depp than care about how he looks.
They're torn man. I've been lurking a disgusting Facebook page just so I can know what their arguments are at any time. Within a few hours, they had 2 completely contradictory posts on the issue.
>Pic 1 here
>Pic 2/2
I think if a no-name male actor married a rich, established older female actress, then one year in, divorced, demanded $200 million for "time put in" and laughed about it on camera with his gay yoga instructor lover, all while claiming she was "abusive", we'd probably suspect him too.
Depp is HuWhite? I always thought he was a spic.
Because we already know Depp is a huge faggot. His slut was a literal who before this.
Because nobody on earth deserves 200 million dollars over a black eye. The whore can throw a cold steak on it and then cook it for me later.
>Not a blog written by jewish women to attack white men
Why do we demonize Johnny Depp based on one person's accusation, but fail to question the motives of Amber Heard?