>“NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2016 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month,” dictated the 44th US president. “I call upon the people of the United States to eliminate prejudice everywhere it exists, and to celebrate the great diversity of the American people.”
“NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America...
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WE were - back in the past - like Pharaos in Egypt. Deal with it while waiting 20 minutes after 4 o'clock post meridie for a spliffing, blazing joint meeting in your own royal oval office with your him or her or it or even a dog or a plant. whatever. blaze it, america. Hillary will make america blaze again, so ignore trolls and go your spliffing, blazing way ahead. It's almost 2017 Anno Domini, Niggers. Deal with it.
We'll see how thrilled Barack is when one of his daughters turns out to be a muff diver. That will be the true test of his celebration of diversity.
Gay's are less than 4% of the population, yet we have a month, 8.3% of the calendar year, as a gay month?
It makes sense for a black appreciation month, since blacks are around 11% of the national population, but it makes no sense to give such a small minority an entire month to appreciate them. And gays haven't really done anything all that important either.
>"by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution..."
I don't remember the part in the Constitution that allowed presidents to declare "XYZ Months"
I call upon the people of the United States to eliminate the sins which cry out to heaven for vengeance, namely sodomy and homosexual relations of every kind.
I call on those who commit such acts to repent lest they be cast into the pit of hell, with the devil and all the reprobate, where they suffer damnation and everlasting pain.
>It's real
Save us, Trump.
I at least wanted to go out with friends but if I walk around and see some faggot, Canadian, swede, or OP, I'm gonna go full Elliot Rodgers then rape the nearest dead woman skull
If this is real .... Well what I will say will get me visited by SS. Let's just say, DOTR.
OP's apparently too busy prepping his bull to provide a link, so I'll do it.
I used to think differently, maybe violence is necessary. This is fucking wrong.
soon it'll be the whole calendar year like it is in Canada.
>and the laws of the united states
>Think this is satire, like one of those sjw dystopia stories
>it's real
fucking kek
What current year do you think this is Sup Forums?
There is literally nothing wrong with being gay.
I don't really need a month though.
>And gays haven't really done anything all that important either.
Abe Lincoln, Alexander the Great, actor Ian McKellen, etc.
That really is the only way you can talk with those people don't blame the chap.
To be fair I don't really even notice black history month anymore, without googling it I don't even know what month it is.
Obama has done this 8 times since becoming president. Not sure why this is a surprise now.
June is LGBTQ month because Stonewall, Lawrence, DOMA and Hodges rulings are all in that month.
>there is nothing wrong with being gay
>The victims' families, the media, and members of the U.S. Congress were sharply critical of the U.S. Navy's findings. The U.S. Senate and U.S. House Armed Services Committees both held hearings to inquire into the Navy's investigation and later released reports disputing the U.S. Navy's conclusions. The Senate committee asked the GAO to review the U.S. Navy's investigation. To assist the GAO, Sandia National Laboratories provided a team of scientists to review the Navy's technical investigation.
>During its review, Sandia determined that a significant overram of the powder bags into the gun had occurred as it was being loaded and that the overram could have caused the explosion. A subsequent test by the Navy of the overram scenario confirmed that an overram could have caused an explosion in the gun breech. Sandia's technicians also found that the physical evidence did not support the U.S. Navy's theory that an electronic or chemical detonator had been used to initiate the explosion.
It was a cover up of incompetence.
Face it, you only hate him because he's black.
Trannies aren't gay, that's a whole different kettle of fish
>there is nothing wrong with being gay
Have you see Carnival there? The whole country is fucked
>Trannies aren't gay, that's a whole different kettle of fish
They are honorary gays, just like Japs are honorary Aryans.
>there is nothing wrong with being gay
>They are honorary gays
Well the gays aren't even gays now according to SJWs, we're too male or something for the SJW alphabet soup
>there is nothing wrong with being gay
How is that AIDS treating you?
Why do people get so mad over gay people at this point?
Just another form of degeneracy being forced into normality, like trannys and paedophilia.
>think this is just some shitposting faggot
>it's real
>Alexander the Great
>Abe Lincoln
In theory, homosexuality doesn't seem bad, but then reality sets in.
>literally fucking someone's shithole
>even if cleaned out, it still smells like shit
>cum is like a grosser form of snot
>hair in your mouth is not fun
>high prevalence of stds (aids is fucking common)
>no biological offspring for both parents (no shit)
Personally, not a huge fan.
>If there is even a REMOTE chance that a person or society of historical significance is gay, that means they are.
>That means there is totally nothing wrong with homosexuality!
You notice how niggers do the same thing with the whole "we wuz kangz" shit? It's truly the most pathetic side of identity politics.
>no shit
I don't know why that made me lol
I'm not a degenerate slut so I'm not getting it. The only people who gets AIDs in a western country from sex deserve it.
Hmm yes, growing up with your mind and body liking the same sex but society saying know and being unable to relate with friends who like girls is going to cause this kind of thing tbqh.
Alexander the great was probably bisexual actually.
Literally just told me friend of 15 years to fuck himself. Dude is a massive fucking sjw I can't be friends with people like this.
Not everyone likes anal dude, and yeah STDs are a real problem amongst those who do because they're transmitted more easily by men.
Lesbians have less STDs than straight men and women as a flipside.
>Hmm yes, growing up with your mind and body liking the same sex but society saying know and being unable to relate with friends who like girls is going to cause this kind of thing tbqh.
>it's all societies fault
Please just go back to Tumblr.
>Lesbians have less STDs than straight men and women as a flipside.
Yes, but is female homosexuality as prevalent as male homosexuality? Is it as relevant to this board?
>Not everyone likes anal dude
Nah I'm not blaming society, I get why society is as it is. Most people are straight, so society will obviously reflect that fact, that's fine.
It's more growing up as a teen and not having anyone to open up to is what I meant. I couldn't talk to my father about why I liked boys when I was 13, I couldn't talk to friends about guys I liked. Bottling things up and self denial really mess you up.
>Alexander the Great was PROBABLY bisexual
>pro gay
>pro muslim
>pro gun-control
How could one single man cuck a country so hard?
Well yeah, it's hard to be certain with historical figures, a lot of the time same-sex relationships were underground and not discussed (though other cultures allowed them at different times and in different ways, and no doubt it's been happening behind closed doors everywhere a long time). I'm not some nigger tier WE WUZ KANGZ idiot.
>pro gay
>pro muslim
>pro gun-control
Nothing wrong with any of this.
Tfw there aren't enough months to cover white achievement.
>Nothing wrong with any of this.
Majority of the country is white, christian, straight and own guns. So yes, the leader of a country not identifying at all politically with a majority of the citizens is great. In no way will this foster divisiveness.
>Majority of the country is white, christian, straight and own guns
I think they should all die out.
>>pro muslim
That's definitely bad though
Obama has killed more Muslims an than president ever.