Wake up

>wake up
>boyfriend isn’t in bed
>wtf png.
>need to use restroom
>see this
Is he autistic guys?

Just a g doing g things you wouldn't understand

I don't know what this faggot shit is, but stop.

You wouldn’t understand the complexities of the male psyche you daft cunt. You’d be better off supporting him as he battles his inner demons, instead of questioning his every fucking move. You whore. Look at him, you probably think he’s having a good time, but me, another man, can see the pain on his face.

Underage ban

He’s drinking my coconut water and wearing my clothes that’s not fucking normal idk what the fuck to do

Op prove you’re a female. Time stamp cunt

It’s twelve at night user, NY


The word normal never was written by me. Why don’t you do the respectable thing and throw your self into a fire?

That's a guy? He's cute. I'd fuck him.

Hell Na it’s not a girl, it’s OP, look at the jaw line.

fags out

There’s nothing slightly effeminate about that, look at the hands

Who's got the bigger dick

Stop being retarded. OP makes these threads once a day pretending to be her boyfriend for some stupid as fuck reason.

Delet this

This isn't nearly as funny as yesterday's version pls leave

Stop being retarded. The mods generate content since user has dropped the ball.

That's a cute hypothesis, supported by absolutely fuck all

That's a cute hypothesis, supported by absolutely fuck all