>the look on his face
Oh shit I should of kept my liberal mouth shut and stopped antagonizing this man.
it's just a prank, brah
Love bikers. One cool thing about SoCal. Can go to dive bars and hang out with these guys. Some of them are murderers and drug dealers. But cool to have a beer with.
>when even your shirt realizes you fuck up
That lad looks substantially better than 99% of Bernie's voter base. I'm actually quite surprised they've got a normal-looking guy in their ranks.
Someone with chad aesthetics is a Bernie supporter?
Meth makes you stupid, that's for sure.
A-Aunt May?
Any biker chick could kick this cucks ass too
Trump supporters = Chad Thundercock
Bernie supporters = wispy nu-male
Old, autists, numales, LGBT fatties, trannies.
Bernie supporters just need a kick in the ass and a hug from Dad. Then they'd man the fuck up and get on the Trump train.
I hate bern fags
I hate physical intimidation far more,
not because the Law of the Jungle is bad,
but because if you resort to that you are a base animal and should have no expectation to not be treated like a rabid dog
Pussy must be good
Manlet detected
That sounds like something you read off the side of a tampon. After it was used.
If you're too scared to stand up against a big figure, your cause is just as weak, then.
pic related untermensch
>being intimidated by a faggot with a ponytail
Holy Shit! My fucking sides
>bikers are tuff meme
no they are mostly fatass posturing faggots that all think they are the 1%
>Bernie supporters
Thin, groomed, nice manly hair, probably an education and a nice job.
>Trump supporters
Fat long haired hippies, probably an alcoholic from the looks, spends days oiling a bike instead of getting a job
>finnish "people"
>literally mongolians
that is how feelings overcome facts.
Even a lion or elephant is consumed alive by a million fire ants
Which of the two do you think brings terror to the pussy hole? I bet the lady in your pic can tell from miles away.
Also, that's an outlier berndummy, and even he isn't quite there yet.
>And in that moment I realized, I've made a huge mistake
thanks for admitting I was right
any sympathy i had for berncuck is 100 percent gone now
fuck him. i hope he loses california by 50 percent and his degenerate supporters kill themselves after a trump landslide.
Hmm...this should be done at all Bernie's rallies.
biker dude isn't really any bigger than him though and if he didn't get a good KO punch would probably have a stroke
>That diaper wearing faggot has a gf but I don't
I think that was done in protest of Bernie, not in support of.
>I hate physical intimidation far more,
I love how you ignore the fact that it's ALWAYS Berniefags the ones going to Trump events to protest and intimidate Trumpfags, never the other way around.
Cleganebowl when?
top kek
Weak argument. He isn't going against the crowd, just him. If a person can't say what he has to say, due to fear of reprisal, then he is spineless and not committed to his craven argument.
*record scratch*
so I bet you are wondering just how i got myself into THIS situation.. well to answer that question we have to go back - way back *rewind to maternity table "it's a boy!"* woah woah woah not THAT far back
The main difference is that the biker probably knows how to handle himself in a fight. That numale was never punched in the face in his entire life.
He is a shill
and a faggot
that would make sense actually if they're calling out bernie supporters for being overgrown children.
I don't mind anybody kicking the shit out them.
I don't care.
I hate that people using violence thinking it equates to being correct or ethically justified
It's just dumb animal tribal shit, not Right through evidence as humans are capable of but through might and rarely their own but through numbers like ants
did he die?
can you blame him? wouldn't want to endanger that pretty face of his
I assume the Bernie supporter has fucked half of the campus while the Trump supporter fucks his fat and old wife.
>This is the state of western democracy these days
Berniefags are fucking scum, apparently they also burned down the stand of an unrelated person selling Trump t-shirts in the NM rally. Even Hilldogs are more civil than you fucking Bernanimals.
are you a retard or troll?
I'm theocratic
I don't vote.
I actually think it's a really smart idea.
He made cringelove to a girl that was so disgusted by the experience that she filed rape charges against him. He supports bernie as penance.
Fucking pussy. In real life, if you want to voice your cause, than you better fight for it. Do you think we won our War for Independence with just mere words. No. If you can't sway their opinion nor change theirs and they retaliate with physical force, will your logic protect you then? The weak will always submit to the strong.
Nice job
Fucking this, bikers are bros.
biker chicks are 10/10
bikers are low-level trash
Who gives a fuck?
I kick the shit out of at least one of them a year.
>diaper wearing faggot is a cuck
he might as well not even have a girlfriend
i'd take being single over being a cuck anyday
Hitman here, can confirm. Always have work for me and pay well, no bs. Chill to hang out with as well
How many times do you get your shit kicked in?
The rest of the year is him getting btfo'd by the entire gang.
Femboy here. Bikers have always been nice to me for some reason. They're alright.
I photoshopped it a bit to make him look more cuckish.
My dad once ran into a biker at a party who accused him of fucking his gf and stealing his coke. He denied it completely and eventually the biker sobered up and realized his mistake. A couple months later my dad was being chased home by some guys at a bar and the same biker recognized him and gave him a ride back home.
Astronaut here, Love bikers. One stopped and let me borrow his phone to call emergency services when my buggy broke down on Mars. Good for company over a beer, too.
RIght Wing Death Squater here. We are the bikers.
This is thunderautism.
but amazing photoshop dude
Someone needs to photoshop Leader's face onto this.
>RIght Wing Death Squater
Is that a biker club in Poland?
That is a rather ... controversial name.
My dad once ran into a muslim at a party who accused him of fucking his goat and stealing his quran. He denied it completely and eventually the muslim sobered up and realized his mistake. A couple months later my dad was being chased home by some guys at a bar and the same muslim recognized him and Allahu akbar'd my dad
They're just irl shitposting right?
Dang that Bernie bot is sexy
Love bikers. One time, when I was visiting the colloseum in my timemachine, a bunch of gladiators tried to fuck me up. Thankfully a biker, with a flaming skull for a head, rode in and kicked their asses.
I legit that was Trudo (i have no idea how to spell his stupid French name).
> some reason
I don't get it?
Giant fire-breathing tyrannosaurus rex here. Had to fend off the meteorite that was about to destroy the Earth. A couple of bikers saw that I needed help and helped tow the meteorite to Venus. Pretty chill to have a beer with.
Justin Trudeau here. Love bikers. One even fucked my wife while I walked down Highway 17 looking for a tow truck. Good guys to have a beer with too.
In Britain? What are your weapons? Line-cutting and rude insults?
Han ligner en hanrej.
Well he's the stereotypical beta vulture that's in just for the pussy
transference: the thread
Ya if you like herpes and clit piercings
N-N-N-Not an a-a-a...