I think one of the problems with modern society is the way it treats full citizenship, privileges, and rights as something you get handed just for being born. It should be something you earn. Only the highest IQ percentile of the population should be given full citizenship upon completion of a degree. For everyone else, citizenship should be given only upon completion of military service.
What is Sup Forums's IQ?
Why the high IQ percentile should be exempt from military service?
Only cannon fodders and no good generals?
Why did you superimpose a Schwarze Sonne over your IQ results?
Because they're more valuable in the sciences, not as cannon fodder. Though, who was the ancient who said something like "If philosophers are not warriors, then the nationa will be led by cowards, and the army led by idiots"?
>inb4 the huge majority ITT claim to be geniuses
Took it a few months ago, not going to do it again.
I just answered A everywhere for lulz and I still got 79 points. Huh.
Spotted the groid.
In before everyone on Sup Forums has a fucking 145+ IQ.
High IQ will not be used as front liners, and many new techs come directly from the army.
High IQ should be the first ones to be enlisted
Dumb soldiers vs smart soldiers.
Which side do you think has the advantage?
>an iq test that can be memorized
If we send every smart person to war our society will get dumber and dumber by the generation
The smartest will stay comfy in the HQ, planning strategies. Isn't obvious?
Then don't do war every generation.
140 senpai
oh no I guess I'm getting gassed
To keep faggots from screencapping and reposting my score.
still tho like other posters said, inb4 everyone Sup Forums are actually all genius's.
People on these imageboards are incredibly self-conscious. They'd never leave it to chance and probably cheated by looking at the answers as they took the test here: iqtestanswers.blogspot.com
So the faggots who got really high scores need to be gassed for cheating on their evaluations.
I clearly remember adding my results in last post. Wierd.
/autistic general/ here
I didn't cheat on mine here This is pretty close to what I got when I took one when I was a kid in school (135) so I assumed it's correct. Your score is average for a white person so there's no shame. If it was like 85 nigger tier then that would be something to be ashamed about.
I clicked randomly and got an 87.
fucking nignogs youtube.com
I don't think people cheated.
It's just that the IQ test is easy.
I got 139 on it about two months ago, I had four hours on sleep on my and was still hungover.
I can't be arsed to take the test again but I'd probably score somewhere around the same.
We underestimate how IDIOTIC ordinary people are. This place, as fucked up and full of losers as it is, is probably still higher on the IQ ladder than the average normie website.
I mean considering 100 is average by definition that's pretty bad
>*four hours of sleep on me
Are you suggesting you should be able to randomly answer questions on a test and get a C?
This is so fucking boring, I get 10 questions in and then I can't focus on the rest of them, answering 10 and rest random I got 94, don't know how people can get anything under a 100 if they legit complete it 2bh.
I've done it before
wow you must be really smart!!!!
what have you used your god-given talents for????
There's probably some sort of confirmation bias involved too. Probably half of the people scoring poorly won't post their results.
>what have you used your god-given talents for????
Studying accounting, shitposting from the bathroom in my office normie job, investing some money I inherited on real estate.
That's pretty much it so far.
Is this thing even accurate? I went through the first half seriously, then literally randomly clicked on the rest and got 98.
thos test is brtoken how can er have tej same score
The lowest score you can get on the test is 79 for some reason.
Read: On the iqtest.dk site, the lowest score you can get is “below 79″. The highest you can get is “above 145.”
Also I'm almost certain the latter questions worth are marked by how challenging they are.
the first question is worth anything compared to the last one, for example.
So if even if you get every single one up to 30 right you probably won't make anything over 110 IQ.
I had to rush through the last 5 myself because I had 2 and a half minutes left.
>It should be something you earn
how exactly does this work if your standing in society is based on IQ? the only kind of society you'd get is one where every individual is deterministic and defeatist in the worst possible way. basically like if everyone was on Sup Forums. it just sounds to me like you finished reading starship troopers and you think the ideas in it are actually profound
>i can't achieve my goals because i got tested 5 points below the average
>i can't get laid because i'm shorter than the average
all you'd do is breed more failure and hatred of the system. the government should be neutral to everyone, you can't automatically reward people for being intelligent and punish people that are dumb
I scored 123, 140 is quite high.
This guy has the right idea.
Even though if this utopia was created and in time perfection was more or less achieved by our current standards, there would only be a newer set of standards of perfection taking it's place. Suddenly the difference between 6'2 and 6'2 and a half is the same as 5'8 to 6'2 or some such.
It's really pointless and will never work because there will always be an 'underclass' to fight it because, afterall:
i just got 160 on it
Am I getting gassed, Sup Forums?
An IQ of 100 is a C. Try again.
>118 while drunk and high
This test doesn't mean much I mean the highest possible score is 140? There is no math or vocabulary involved so it is incomplete, I'm pretty sure if I spent a day studying the methodology of these patterns I could get 140.
Actual geniuses like Kubrick are speculated to be in the 200ish range so how can this test be worth anything if it only goes to 140, you need to get tested by multiple psychiatrists to even get a good idea of what your actual IQ is.
im a nigger so give break pl0x
Ayy 115s unite.
fucking niggers
I know. What do you think the disagreement is here?
So do you think I should have been able to get 100 by randomly clicking, and that would make it a better test?
>feels good
Ah I see the misunderstanding. I thought you were >implying 89 was a decent score that you got by randomly clicking.
thanks man
I have some pretty bad news for all of you:
>1. An IQ test not administered by a psychometric professional is invalid.
>2. IQ scales vary by test. An "IQ of 140" on Stanford-Binet V would be well within the genius threshold; on other exams it wouldn't be. Think of it in terms of comparing sports scores. A "1" is a normal soccer score, but is an abysmal basketball score.
>3. Which is beside the point on this bullshit test, as it is not recognized by any psychometric authority. Whatever you might think, it has never been tested to determine whether it in any way actually assesses intelligence.
tl;dr—You're all fucking idiots and you're too fucking stupid to realize you're all fucking idiots.
Heh, no, just that it's funny that it's still better than the average African-American IQ of 85.
Shit I'm normie tier iq well cya guys I guess it's time to hit reddit for the first time!
>Sup Forums posting unreliable online IQ tests as "proof".
Go get a real IQ test like the Stanford-Binet or WAIS.
For a guy who didn't finish the school I'm very happy with my result.
How accurate is this?
Nobody is taking these tests seriously you cuck
Then why take them at all?
I did okay.
Better than this background that looks like your mothers gaping holes after I spent a long night fucking the brains out of her.
Why the fuck are you here then?
here's mine fags. Italians are master race.
I'm too drunk to do this shit right now but I've gotten 112 on one test and 135 on another I don't know show accurate internet IQ tests are
I wouldn't take themn too seriously
wow 102. How did everyone else get such high scores? Are you college grads?
So I did half the test then got tired of it and click random answers half way through to get it over with and got 100.
the first half is easy. the second is what brings you over 110
Never had it officially tested besides being 99th percentile on the ASVAB. I was middle of the pack in nuclear training, though. My memory is absolute shit for verbatim repetition of the approved explanations, by my problem-solving and actual grasp of complex concepts is top-notch.
So if I didn't get bored of it I would have gotten like 101 easily
To pick on stupid faggots.
>like you
depends if you can handle the harder questions or not. Don't do the easy ones and then boast about how you got average.
>I'm a pseudo Intellectual who gets off by calling other people stupid on the internet
Great to know
There is a better website for doing that tho
You welcome :)
>Taking random iq test on Sup Forums it seriously
Am I retarded?
How do I open on my phone?
>online IQ test
I got 129 on a real IQ test. Online meme tests rate me at 150+.
>implying Raven's matrices isn't a "real" iq test
A eugenist technocratic meritocracy based on universal intelligence tests truly is our best possible system
Shame it will never work as long as ((tribalism)) exists
I got 107 while drunk... I felt confident on more than half of my answers.
Average IQ in the US is 99
>tfw drunk and got 106
Pretty disappointed in myself desu
I usually get much higer on these internet IQ tests
Who else #unrealizedpotential here?
When i was in highschool i took a test with a behavioral psychologist
180 IQ.
10 years later, haven't done anything with my life. Still trying to figure out the order principle.
These tests always say you have 140iq. You eed to get a real test done.
But I maintain only a complete cunt would actually pay to get tested.
>tfw 138 on a memeiqtest
>probably translates to 85 in real life
100 is average intelligence by definition.
Better than I expected.
Reminder that rapid mashing will boost your score much more than actually getting anything correct.
Are you retarded?
Sure looks like a good IQ test.
Who else /got what should be considered a really good score but was still inexplicably disappointed/ ?
MFW people here cheated and I spent 30 minutes on the last few questions and still probably failed them.
>really good