I just Fucked a peanut butter jar ama

I just Fucked a peanut butter jar ama

why did you fuck a peanut butter jar?

Why crunchy what the fuck

Did you really just fuck a peanut butter jar?

ur fucking nuts dude

Did you nut in the nuts?

Goddammit you got me

Did it feel good? Was it better than your hand? How was cleanup?

Im taking notes for future reference


Fuck me that's a knee slapper if I've eber seen one.

sounds like something my older brother would do

Tell that bitch to get back on the corner and make me some money.

Why not put peanut butter on your nuts and have your dog lick it?

My work...



How does the brain transfer sensory information into coherent, private percepts? What are the rules by which perception is organized? What are the features/objects that constitute our perceptual experience of internal and external events? How are the senses integrated? What is the relationship between subjective experience and the physical world?

Where do our memories get stored and how are they retrieved again? How can learning be improved? What is the difference between explicit and implicit memories? What molecule is responsible for synaptic tagging?

How important is the precise timing of action potentials for information processing in the neocortex? Is there a canonical computation performed by cortical columns? How is information in the brain processed by the collective dynamics of large neuronal circuits? What level of simplification is suitable for a description of information processing in the brain? What is the neural code?

Didja bust a nut?

>smashes nuts
>considers it nobel-worthy

