Beta cringe thread?

Beta cringe thread?


thats not beta, he asserted his dominance over her, ggwp

I've been following a cringe page on FB and they're ALL shit like OP's post. I'm pretty sure they're mostly just guys taking the piss now rather than serious weeaboos.

that's not beta, that's trolling


Cmon guy.


Not even mad.

Cucked by an alpha...kek

More of this.

sounds fake

These people can't be anything other than autistic. Why the hell would they persist on doing *this weird shit* after being told to fuck off?

More thug than Tupac will ever be.

Forgot pic

I really hope these are all fucking fake. Holy shit..

Wtf is this shit?


He just tagged a bunch of random girls. Lolllll


Boilogy, the study of boiling.


Is this an American thing? In England, people like this are usually either bullied to suicide or forced to join the army before shit gets to this level.




In Canada most of these mongoloids are accepted by society or typically just ignored when they do this type of shit. Don't know about the US.

> a bulge grows larger in pants to signify confidence

Would have lost hard if it were YLYL.

Austistic man is autistic.



have a free bean you FUCKER



>actually a birch

my sides

That's desperate, Dave is autistic.

Fucking bitches man.

can't we just shoot people like this?



Goodnight, Elliott


this is alpha as fuck

More of this.

It makes you a cuck though.

I see nothing wrong with this

What’s wrong with showing you have two sides to your personality? Dark, brooding, hatred for humanity, torturer of damned souls. And on the flip side, Kurt Angle






no, thats fucking beta, you normie


Holy shit, he looks like Gollum.

Nope, but 2/3 ain’t bad

Totally not a serial killer with twelve decomposing hookers in his basement.

somebody please post the first two

i actually read all of this. that's sad


that poor fucking woman


nevermind found them




This is painful

Well she failed hard at "I don't even know you exist"

Since she is replying to him, he must therefore exist. Female can't into logic

Good one

That was from a thread awhile back. Not cringe at all.


She basically listed everyone she knew.

Good going girl, nice target list you set up for him.

adam jensen before the future, what a loser.

A lot of the real FB screenshots are just so terrible, some people really don't deserve a forum to express their thoughts and opinions.

Some people dont deserve thoughts and opinions.

Oh holy fucking shit. How do people end up like this?

what's with all the god damn stage directions? is he writing a radio play?

IM LITERALLY shaking right now laughing

That guy knew of him so maybe he is the legend


savage, but it's the only way to deal with these freaks

fuck off newfag

This is something confusing about women...

Most of the time indeed they ghost you because of lack of interest, fair enough, they could have stated they weren't interested clearly but since most are too chicken-shit to do it, whatever...

HOWEVER, some women who I had assumed weren't interested ghosted me to later contact me and say "hey ltns, haven't from you in a while... whats going on?"

If I were to take ignoring me at face value I basically would immediately delete all my female contacts within a couple hours of contacting them. Sometimes rightly so, sometimes I'd miss out on something.



Dumb ass, he means it's fake


>*Slaps you with dick and runs away laughing*

fucking got me.

Good god this is hilarious


These 'nice guys' can turn nasty pretty quickly...

Op here

Picture related

If you ever need some perspective and reassurance that you're not as much of a twat as you could be, these threads are a god send. I am about to cringe myself into a singularity though.


This isn't real, it's a joke.
Calm down all.

Ease up, Christopher. They owe you nothing.

Sure, the guy is/was socially awkward, but her reaction was way over the top.

The line 'kitty got claws' is the biggest cringe in this thread.

It's the providence of young people to be stupid, it's required - you have to do stupid things in order learn and expand your understanding of the world.

Unfortunately, in these modern online 24/7 times it means there'll be a record of all the stupidity. In the olden (pre-internet) days people were just as stupid, only they weren't reminded of it, because nobody cared to remember - it was all about the accumulation of maturity and experience.
You became more knowledgable with time, and it was the current state that was important.
Every time we looked back, we would think "christ, that was embarassing" and then move onwards.

In these modern times every mistake and every stupid thing is caught in amber and displayed for prosterity, and the thorugh of anyone developing beyond his/her lowest moments is unthinkable. Like being reminded that once you wore diapers and couldn't even walk.

Having said that, it is a bit fun to read the catastrophic blunders of youth.


I’m feeling kinda shitty, I was scrolling the catalog and I saw “cringe thread” and I thought, “I bet I’ll feel better if i compare myself to these losers!”

Then I realized that’s probably what everyone in this thread is doing